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  1. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from nick_d in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  2. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Carnero in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  3. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from DCFC1388 in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Some clubs have survived COVID some .. Derby and Wigan haven’t . Same as most people have survived COVID so far 99.8%. Doesn’t mean that COVID wasn’t cause of death for the other 0.2%
  4. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from BucksRam in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  5. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from ossieram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  6. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Foreveram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  7. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  8. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Derby4Me in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  9. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  10. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from angieram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well yes. The big hoo haa going on about the Government not accepting the results of an independent commission, and wanting to change the rules.
    well the Efl didn’t accept the results of an independent valuation of PPS. No one else challenged it , not HMRC or anyone.  When they lost to an independent commission they changed the rules to stop stadia sales being allowed for.
    the EFL didnt accept the results of an independent audit, so complained to an INdependent commission who also agreed with our auditors. So they complained to another panel , one without any accountants on it to get the answer they wanted.
    but even then they couldn’t get what they wanted a points deduction. And couldn’t accept the results of that independent commission either, being disappointed with it.
    now they are Said to be shocked we are appealing to another independent panel. And want to change the rules on that too to stop clubs doing that.
    I mean really how sleazy can the EFL get before they get closed down?
  11. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from jono in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    GoC you talk far too much sense here. 
    That won't go down too well with those with a different agenda. 
    It is the adminsitrators who have made the appeal , not Mel Morris. And they are accountants who give every impression of knowing what they are doing.
    Not saying we are bound to succeed but there is on the face of it a a very decent case. Shame it won't help us stay up but never mind. 
  12. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from jono in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Gibson's claim was over sale of PPS which was found to be totally legit.  So Gibson certainly did not have him over a barrel.
    Morris desire to sell the club goes back to 2018-19 when Lampard was in charge, and  before any EFL action. Endless delay in what are you referring to? Selling the club? Not sure what point you are making. Obviosuly neither the EFL action nor COVID has helped in the sale of the club. Team's performances are not helping either.
  13. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Indy in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    GoC you talk far too much sense here. 
    That won't go down too well with those with a different agenda. 
    It is the adminsitrators who have made the appeal , not Mel Morris. And they are accountants who give every impression of knowing what they are doing.
    Not saying we are bound to succeed but there is on the face of it a a very decent case. Shame it won't help us stay up but never mind. 
  14. Clap
    PistoldPete reacted to Ghost of Clough in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    A lot of this comes down to how much of Mel's personal wealth your think he should put towards the club to keep it afloat.
    There's also a difference between blaming Mel for our poor P&S position and blaming him for administration. 
    After all, if the future projections don't show the club being self-sustainable if it wasn't for Covid, then the administrators wouldn't have appealed. The reason being, if the projections don't show that, then administration was inevitable and the appeal is quickly dismissed.
    There is also very little chance the administrators will give us away to a "crook or conman". Already we have 1 credible (albeit not relatively wealthy) bidder, with a few others watching eagerly. The admin team will pick the best candidate.
  15. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Tamworthram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Well the title of this thread suggests that Derby’s administrators are appealing the 12 point deduction. As the only grounds for appeal is force majeure it is reasonable to believe that the administrators think that COVID is to blame. 
    they will have better information than you or I and at this stage I see no reason whatsoever to disagree with the administrators decision to appeal .
  16. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Tamworthram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    No you don’t get it . 
  17. Haha
    PistoldPete got a reaction from hintonsboots in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    No you don’t get it . 
  18. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from I know nuffin in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    And being very large businesses would they be expected to have much larger financial reserves anyway? But in any case what that has to do with Derby having to close the stadium for 18 months I don’t know. How were Derby supposed to stop that happening? It’s a very silly argument.
    as far as the 12 point deduction is concerned it’s probably not relevant anyway we will be relegated anyway most likely. 
    but I just don’t accept the argument that Derby’s problems are all self inflicted .. especially if those arguments are coming from people who are Rams fans . 
  19. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from tinman in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    But we are running out of steam … always likely given the aged and threadbare squad.
  20. Cheers
    PistoldPete got a reaction from Indy in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    You have made that comment before and several people have answered that for you.
  21. Like
    PistoldPete got a reaction from LazloW in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    And being very large businesses would they be expected to have much larger financial reserves anyway? But in any case what that has to do with Derby having to close the stadium for 18 months I don’t know. How were Derby supposed to stop that happening? It’s a very silly argument.
    as far as the 12 point deduction is concerned it’s probably not relevant anyway we will be relegated anyway most likely. 
    but I just don’t accept the argument that Derby’s problems are all self inflicted .. especially if those arguments are coming from people who are Rams fans . 
  22. Cheers
    PistoldPete got a reaction from norwichram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    So if a poor black kid gets stopped by police three times , charged with loitering or whatever and each time the Court dismisses the charge .. you don’t think that may be saying something about the police rather than the kid?
  23. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from norwichram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    As David has pointed out the appeal will be heard by an independent panel. And actually it’s the opposite … given the disgraceful posturing by our regulator ( saying they are “shocked “ we are appealing , etc etc) …  and their various apologists like Maguire , if the independent panel decides to overturn the points deduction that will only prove beyond any doubt that the EFL are out to get us.
    Because that would be three times out of three they will have tried to deduct points from us … and failed. Surely they should get the message but no it only seems to make them even more determined to get us next time. 
  24. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from norwichram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    You highlight jozwiak signing .. yet we made a large transfer profit in that same summer. And we actually haven’t paid that much for him .. yet.
    and our losses were not £3m per month at any time , and certainly not just before COVID struck. 
    total losses at the height of spending were £43 million over three years …  ie £14 million pa and that was for the three years ending 2018. 
    that was along time ago. Since then spending has come down a lot from 2017/18 peak.
    you’re dodgy at accounts I would suggest .. are you Maguire in disguise? 
  25. Clap
    PistoldPete got a reaction from norwichram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Please don’t state your opinions as Facts. We are not the first club to go into admin since the pandemic struck and we won’t be the last. 
    if reckless spending caused us to go into admin they would have gone into admin in 2017/18 or 2018/18. We didn’t.
    we went into admin during the worst pandemic for 100 years and we were the club worst affected financially by that. .. because we had the largest crowds prior to COVID and didn’t get the COVID loans that other clubs got.
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