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    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Crewton in What are you reading? 📚   
    Just finished A Perfect Spy be Le Carre. Got better and better after a slowish start, the different style took me a bit of getting used too.
    Got Klara and the Sun to read next after recomendations on here.
    Trying to not read another Le Carre straight away! Finally gonna read Tinker, Tailor etc after loving the tv show back in the day. Guy at work recomended the Klara Triolgy, which is a nice link to my next book.
  2. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Generational Characteristics   
    I can't remember too clearly, but I think it was more that he felt it was proof of what he wasn't (a Boomer) rather than what he was, which may have tallied with some of the characteristics of Generation X as described in the book. He wasn't a slacker as such I don't think, or unambitious, but for a long time he drifted from career to career. But he displayed all of the accepted characteristics of a psychopath from an early age (according to his sisters) and all through the years that I interacted with him. Hope that explains it a bit better - if I'd actually read the book, I might have understood the connection a bit more!
  3. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Generational Characteristics   
    I don't know much about him, I just remember this book being talked about at length by the wife's brother, as if it defined his life rather than the fact he was a psychopath (not the serial killer kind). It was the first time I'd heard 'Generation X' mentioned.
  4. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from cstand in Chiropractor?   
    I've never tried chiropractor but I'm crazy about osteopaths.
    I go to one about every 2 years and always sorts me out.
    I first went to one when I was about 17. Played a lot of cricket but bowling made my groin painful and couldn't pick my leg up to put pants on for a few days. Eventually, I pulled my groin and stopped bowling.
    Went to an Osteopath a while later and he showed me my ankle bones weren't aligned and my hip was not horizontal. I thought it meant I was screwed, but about 30 mins later I was all sorted and groin pain has gone.
    I now go about every 2 years, usually as feeling tightness on my hamstring or groin again. Osteopath usually finds a couple of sore vertebrae and 30 mins later, all good again.
    Session is usally about 30 mins of massage, so they can crack your back/neck in into place.
    Someone told me once that a chiropractor is similar without the massage to warm up, but it might have been a biased osteopath!
  5. Cheers
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Crewton in Generational Characteristics   
    It's interesting first book, but plenty better Coupland ones
  6. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Generational Characteristics   
    Too Idol 
  7. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Generational Characteristics   
    Isn't that just people born at different times will be a bit different, have different reference points etc?
    I will have many things in common with people born around late 70s (gen x) and early 80s (millenials)
    But less in common with people born in late 60s (same Gen X as me) or people born late 80s (still millenials).
  8. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Carl Sagan in Generational Characteristics   
    All the generations (whatever they are - I simply can't retain that pointless info so it would be great if someone posted a list) are a daft Americanism. We're boomers or Z or Millennials... So what? 
    The correct spelling of generalization is obviously with the z. As someone who was an Oxford University Press publisher for over a decade, I can assure you all of that. Look in the Oxford dictionary and you will see Z. Inspector Morse even solved a murder one time because a professor's apparent suicide note was obviously fake because it used S spellings and no educated person would do such a thing. 
    What happened was the founding fathers went off to the new world spelling everything with a Z, and America has stayed true to those British spellings. But some here tried to subvert the language to bring in these new-fangled S things.
    Meanwhile, generational characteristics... 
  9. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Leeds Ram in Generational Characteristics   
    I'm a millennial and work with kids/adults who are part of Gen Z. Gen Z'ers by and large seem to be more worried about more things than my generation were. Some of this is enforced upon them and necessary but other aspects are not. On the work side again it's a generalisation but I wouldn't say they are significantly worse than my generation. The lazy ones are generally lazier than the lazy ones from my generation but those who work hard probably also work harder. The big slab in the middle fits both quite neatly. I would say from my experience they seem more sure of themselves than they were of people my age at that time in our lives. But then again it could be me overcompensating and misremembering. 

    It's hard to judge the effects of social media combined with the isolation of covid. There are economic factors at play but they'll begin to level themselves out in 10 years i.e., when most Gen Z'ers are hitting their stride if I had to guess. The real economic catastrophe has hit my generation of millennials who are now hitting 30. Chances of promotions oftentimes frozen, entire industries collapsing around us and wages stalled in relation to inflation for a decade. Not to mention house prices just as we're supposed to be getting on the ladder. If I had to guess Gen Z will hit the sweet spot of economic recovery just in time for things to begin shifting in relation to new realities. 
  10. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from TimRam in Generational Characteristics   
    Yeah, I think it might have been in late 80s when I got a speccy. I think the 90s though was when lots of people started to get home computers though, and actually started needing them, rather than just for games.
  11. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from TimRam in Generational Characteristics   
    We talk at work a lot about this. Most of the people in charge of where I work are Generation X, and I would suppose this is true for many companies as this is people around 45 and over. Most boomer would have retired by now.
    However, there almost never a clickbait article that mentions Generation X. It's always about Gen Z and Millenials. And sometimes about Boomers. Even work related articles, the generation "in charge" is never referenced.
    There basically aren't many weak stereotypes about Gen X (maybe slackers) so much easier to talk about "rich, bigoted" boomers, and "self-obsessed millenial" Snowflakes, of which I would be if born 2 years later.
    Maybe it would just be easier to group people by the decades they were born in, then distinguish by technology.
    Eg, smartphones took of about 2010, internet about 2000, home computers around 1990, video players 80s, colour tv 70s etc.
  12. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Tamworthram in Generational Characteristics   
    Genuine question: How is it useful? Other than for marketing purposes which, means it’s nothing new it’s just that we’ve attached a label to different generations. Any business half decent at marketing (since marketing was invented) would have identified their target audience and designed their product/service (along with the associated branding, promotion and advertising) to appeal to that group.
  13. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Comrade 86 in Generational Characteristics   
    Really not a fan of what strike me as incredibly lazy generalisations (note spelling @DarkFruitsRam7 you utter philistine!). Even less so the characterisation of younger generations as soft, needy and worse still, lazy. In fact I f****** hate it with a passion.
    Folk are very quick to forget their own generation's indiscretions and even quicker to adopt hackneyed tropes that are for the most part, as inaccurate as they are asinine. The days of couples surviving, much less burgeoning on a single income are long gone and will never return, likewise the ability to join the property ladder for only 2-3 times single income. The most accusatory seem to have absolutely no idea what kids are facing today in a world that seems to perpetually teeter on the edge of oblivion.
    As for the labels themselves (yes, that's all they are), I feel like Gen Z can be deal less jaundiced in their appraisals of younger generations, perhaps because they are better able to acknowledge their mistakes, of which there have been many and also perhaps, because it's their kids that are so often targeted by others. To me, it's just another utterly pointless divide that we've created for ourselves in a world that is all the while crying out for greater sense and sensibility.
  14. Haha
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from cstand in Roof on PP   
    Probably better if you can't hear a Take That "gig" (aka karaoke)
  15. Haha
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Derby4Me in Lionel Pickering   
    I'd never heard of the Lionel Pickering Entrance and looking at the pic, it doesn't really scream out his name. Maybe that can be renamed the Nick Pickering entrance and Lionel can have something a bit better.
  16. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Lionel Pickering   
    If it was the Nick Pickering Entrance it would mysteriously disappear for most of the time a game was on.
  17. Haha
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Crewton in Lionel Pickering   
    I'd never heard of the Lionel Pickering Entrance and looking at the pic, it doesn't really scream out his name. Maybe that can be renamed the Nick Pickering entrance and Lionel can have something a bit better.
  18. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Chester40 in Lionel Pickering   
    Well there you go then...that more than befits the multimillion investment of his entire fortune to revive the club.
  19. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to StarterForTen in Lionel Pickering   
    I feel that is somewhat disingenuous.  Lionel had the rug pulled from underneath him by the club’s bankers who got twitchy about the £15m mortgage they held on Pride Park Stadium.  I worked for LVP at that time and while he was a little susceptible to whispers in his ear at the Yew Tree, he did try to do the right things.
    And you have to remember he wasn’t as wealthy as Clowes is. Even in an era for era comparison he would not be able to run DCFC these days.  Very successful with his media businesses - and well off no doubt - his pockets weren’t that deep.
    i do think he is well deserving of permanent tribute. 
  20. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to G STAR RAM in Lionel Pickering   
    I think the fact that he took us to the brink of ruin which led to the 3 Amigos taking over us, probably led to his legacy being slightly tainted.
    Did much more good than bad for us though, so it was a shame how it ended.
  21. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to BaaLocks in Chiropractor?   
    Chiropractors and osteopaths are pretty much lke Catholics and Protestants - they believe in the same thing but have different ways of getting there. Osteopaths generally use more rotation, and sweeping movements, whereas chiropractors are a bit more "crack your bones". I've done both, they both work and I will say that five minutes after your session you won't believe how you lived with being that stiff (no funnies please) before.
  22. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Generational Characteristics   
    There can be quite significant differences between the opportunities and experiences of people at different ends of such brackets - an obvious one would be that women born before 1955 were able to retire at 60 and take the state pension, while women born after 1955 suddenly found themselves having to work longer and wait 5 years for the state pension. There are many other examples which show that applying generalisations to brackets of people is unreliable.
  23. Clap
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from jono in Louie Sibley   
    Good shout, not heard it too much before, people often say he should be a 10.
    This is maybe why he's done well at LWB, as he's always facing goal and running from deep.
  24. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Crewton in Generational Characteristics   
    We talk at work a lot about this. Most of the people in charge of where I work are Generation X, and I would suppose this is true for many companies as this is people around 45 and over. Most boomer would have retired by now.
    However, there almost never a clickbait article that mentions Generation X. It's always about Gen Z and Millenials. And sometimes about Boomers. Even work related articles, the generation "in charge" is never referenced.
    There basically aren't many weak stereotypes about Gen X (maybe slackers) so much easier to talk about "rich, bigoted" boomers, and "self-obsessed millenial" Snowflakes, of which I would be if born 2 years later.
    Maybe it would just be easier to group people by the decades they were born in, then distinguish by technology.
    Eg, smartphones took of about 2010, internet about 2000, home computers around 1990, video players 80s, colour tv 70s etc.
  25. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to 1of4 in Generational Characteristics   
    Watching the news about the election; no this isn't going to be a political thread: they talked about policies that will impact on this or that generation, be it X,Y,Z, millennials, ect.
    Never been sure what years each generation starts and finishes.  So did what most of us now do, when looking for information. I Googled it.
    The site where I found this information, gave a brief description of each generation and their characteristics.
    Apparently the first generation to be given a name were the Lost Generation, those born between 1883 to 1900.
    Me, I'm from the Boomer Gen and according to the site. Unlike my parents who had come through the war and hardships. I apparently, along with other Boomers are great consumers and spendthrifts. A characterization that for me, is wrong.
    This got me thinking, do most of each generation, actually fall into these characterizations. Or are these generalisations like horoscopes, pure bumkum.  
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