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DCFC Kicks

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Posts posted by DCFC Kicks

  1. 46 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    He's just a tool in the process, We're making a fist of staying in this division, The EFL WANT us relegated, They're using Boro/Wycombe as a pick axe handle to beat us into submission, Without their vexatious claims the EFL would have very very little wiggle room for our beating relegation.

    But what the EFL are doing won't just relegate us, it will kill the entire club. How do they think it's possible in any way to sort out a £51m claim while we're in administration? They're must be someone at the EFL who has something personally against Derby, I can't think of any other reason why they'd do this.   

  2. 32 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    The EFL, and their interpretation of the rule book, are backing themselves into a corner on this, or being backed into a corner by Gibson in particular

    Why though? What does this one man have over the EFL that they'd rather bend to his will than stop an entire club from collapsing? 

  3. 41 minutes ago, TheHomunculusLives said:

    I do think that if we can make the system work, a 3 - 5 -2 formation with Bielik as part of the three with Jags and Davies, a hard working, quick passing, energetic midfield of Bird, Thompson and Knight, Byrne and Buchanan as wing backs and Lawrence playing off Plange, might be a good starting XV.

    Something like this?


    The front 2 look a bit isolated though. Is 2 attackers enough?

    Jozwiak could possibly play in RWB like he does for Poland.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Well, you said "based on form" when you explained your selection of Sibley, so I commented on that. But even if you based it on 'maximum capability' (how do you assess that btw?) the only evidence so far of Sibley's capability is a dozen appearances at the end of the 2019/20 season, which showed great promise which so far hasn't been built on, has it?

    And that wide right position in the forward 3 isn't a 'wing' position - the full-backs are supposed to provide the width. Even if it was, Sibley is no more of a winger than night is, IMO. They can both play on the right, but you have to allow them to shift position with the other two for maximum effectiveness. 

    I was basing my team on the topic question which is 'if all fit and in-from', which I interpreted as being 'at their best'. In my opinion Sibley's best games for us have been better than Eboseles's best, even if Sibley hasn't built on them yet. I agree I maybe should have put Plange up front instead of Lawrence.

    I know the right forward position we play in a 4-2-3-1 isn't a wing position, but I wanted to fit Bielik, Bird and Thompson in. If I put Knight in theirs not enough attacking players, and I don't think Knight is naturally an attacking player.

  5. 2 hours ago, Crewton said:

    I don't think you can say that Sibley has any "form" at all in respect of the first team at the moment, certainly not enough to displace Knight or even Ebosele. And why would we play Lawrence as the lone striker when we've just taken 10 points from the last 4 games? 

    I still think if everyone was playing at their maximum capability Sibley would be the best, and Knight isn't a winger.

  6. 3 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    You need to take the word "literally" out of that, otherwise your statement is literally void of fact.

    Nobody knows whether it is or isn't, as this particular case has never been tried in a legal setting... literally!

    You're literally void of fact! literally.

    It was literally taken to an employment tribunal which relates to "disputes in employment law". Notice the word "law".

  7. 4 hours ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Accept a lower wage while I was out of action because of my own lack of care for my own physical condition. Be thankful that my employer didn't take a far harsher route in dealing with me.

    Work hard to to regain the trust of the people who'd employed be for many years despite me making high profile mistakes which cost my employer tens of millions.

    Recognise that while I was unfortunate to only 1 of 5 injured in a completely unavoidable incident, it's tough luck, life isn't fair.

    Same as most of us, unless we're entitled dheads with an inflated sense of self worth.

    That's just an easy thing to say. 99% of footballers would do what Keogh did, and I bet 99% of the people on here would do what Keogh did if they were footballers and not Derby fans. Yes Keogh should have been punished but it's literally against the law to punish him as severely as Mel tried to. Boos should be directed at Mel if anywhere. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Boo him for not wearing a seatbelt - a criminal offence? But anyway it led to him being unable to play for the club paying his wages.

    Boo him for not wearing a seatbelt, that's fine. But I don't understand why anyone would boo him for being unfairly sacked. I think it's obvious he didn't deserve to be sacked and Mel probably knew this as well. It was a desperate attempt to reduce costs which backfired. Plus we would have got half a season of Keogh playing as he came back from injury early, if Mel hadn't sacked him. People have an idealistic view of footballers "representing" clubs, but in reality it's no different from any other employer/employee situation, and Keogh had a contract which Mel broke.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    It's very obvious isn't it? Keogh sued our already financially troubled club for a large amount of money. Why on earth would any Derby fan not boo him for that? 

    What would you do in his position? Why would you blame him for being wrongly sacked? The financial troubles aren't Keogh's fault. If you're booing him for the Joiners incident then fine, but he was found wrongly sacked at a tribunal. The club (Mel) should be booed for that.

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