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Tony Le Mesmer

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  1. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to angieram in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Works every time (even when queuing on the A38).
  2. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's a thread where people have laid  themselves bare, for the benefit of others who may be in the same situation.
    So no, it's not taboo, but how did you turn it around, if I may ask?
    The answer could be very helpful to others reading.
  3. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Highgate in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Absolutely right....and nearly impossible to understand.  We are all at the mercy of our brain chemistry to a large extent. That realisation alone has helped me somewhat, I don't feel guilty now for being a miserable **** sometimes. It can be out of my control. Not always though, other times, I could make more of an effort to be more helpful to people who are probably only struggling along like myself.
  4. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Smyth_18 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Wow not been on the forum in a while but this thread has hit me like a train.
    I'm struggling with anxiety at the moment really bad. Mainly because of work. I don't feel fulfilled at all in my role and i know i'm capable of so much. I've been trying really hard to get a new job without much luck. I really want to progress in my career and have a baby on the way who i want to provide for in the best way possible.
    A big problem of mine is that i struggle to let out how i feel. There just doesn't seem to be a connection between my brain and mouth sometimes but i can write my feelings with ease.
    The brain is so difficult to control!
  5. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Chester40 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Sadly it does Chester and that's the problem.
    If only it were Warhols fifteen minutes of fame with some of these talentless cretins but it isn't. They hang around for ages like a bad smell making god awful songs, bringing out offensively vacuous books and fragrances, appearing on every tv show going and basically just winding us up by being untalented and distressingly annoying too.
    There is a lass that is now a celebrity for doing nothing more than commenting on what she is watching on the telly. (gogglebox).
    There are surgeons operating on people as I type in order to save their lives or improve them in some way and getting paid peanuts compared to some loudmouth geordie girl who just talks about Poldark for a living.
  6. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to sage in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    IMO Happy tablets buy you time. They dull the senses so you are a steady 6 or 7 out of 10 every day instead of ricocheting from 2 to 9 and back again when you are struggling. However you do eventually have to resolves or work on resolving your issues an then come off them, at the right time.   
  7. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Ewetube in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Celebrities and their self-importance.
    I do not need a singer/ actor/ footballer/ writer/ model with their extravagant lifestyle telling me to give some of my meagre income to a particular charity. Why not live more modestly and do some good yourselves?
    I also don't require your assistance in deciding how to vote. You may be good at what you do but that does not make you qualified to advise me on anything.
  8. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Ewe Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Loud laughing, especially when done in an ott way that's so false. I was out having lunch the other day and there were 3 couples nearby guffawing constantly but what they were talking about wasn't even funny 
  9. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Insincerity generally.
    Following on from the fake women thing I suppose but I hate it when I feel like anyone is putting on an act.
    I hate BS. Especially the alpha-male type stuff that men do for effect.
    I hate making small-talk in social situations. Not because I can't do it but why would I want to talk to someone who I'm never going to see again and whose name I won't be able to remember 5 minutes from now.
    In a group situation, if I have something to contribute to a conversation, I will do so. Otherwise I'm happy to listen to others.
    People often think that I'm quiet. I'm not. I'd just rather have a proper conversation with someone. Exchange views and have a laugh, yes, but not just try to score points off each other the whole time.
  10. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from Ewe Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Haha made me laugh this. It's one of those things you don't really think about but it happens all the time and it's annoying!!
    I get them also in the supermarket with trolleys. Ambling along so I can't get past and when a gap appears they swerve into it last minute and I have to stop abruptly. Also people who stop in or hold conversations in doorways or at the end of supermarket aisles.
  11. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from ramit in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Haha made me laugh this. It's one of those things you don't really think about but it happens all the time and it's annoying!!
    I get them also in the supermarket with trolleys. Ambling along so I can't get past and when a gap appears they swerve into it last minute and I have to stop abruptly. Also people who stop in or hold conversations in doorways or at the end of supermarket aisles.
  12. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Mostyn6 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I was actually griping about people wandering down corridors at work, me attempting to overtake and them swaying into my path, even when nothing coming opposite direction! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  13. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to JoetheRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    The following words/phrases:
    - "Millenials"
    - "White Privilege"
    - "On fleek"
    - "On point"
    People who don't realise politicians across the spectrum will do and say pretty much anything to take power and get their own way. They are klepto-maniacs, ego-maniacs, and in the case of Dear Old Donald, maniacs.
    Part time social meeeja political activism.
    "If x does this, I'm moving to y". Good for you, go ahead.
  14. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to LesterRam in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    send me some
    In a moment of weakness i tried eating a whole packet of pringles and I have been so ill, I went to the loo about 30 times yesterday.
  15. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from jono in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    Making your own Yorkshire Puds and getting them spot on. Fluffy, light and melt in the mouth and all done with gluten free flour which is notoriously a pain in the arse for baking with.
    I ain't master chef but I make the effort. Sometimes it's worth it.
  16. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to GboroRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    About 10 years ago I had a lad of about 14 years knock on the door, trick or treating - mid October. No costume or nothing.
    I said you're way too early and he said he knew but he was going on holiday so couldn't go on the right day.
    Safe to say I politely turned him away.
  17. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Ewe Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I told a very small child that it wasn't safe for him to be out late carol singing in the dark on his own. The next night his brother put a brick though my bedroom window. True story 
  18. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from ramit in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    there is also the other option of not using facebook altogether which somehow I prefer.........
  19. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from rynny in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    there is also the other option of not using facebook altogether which somehow I prefer.........
  20. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Ex-Pats moaning about Brexit.
    I have 2 relatives (wife's step-siblings) who never stop ranting about Brexit on Facebook & moaning about how awful it is.
    She has lived in Colorado, USA for over 15 years.
    He has been in Mongolia for 3 years but also lived in USA before that.
    He posted another one last night & was demanding that remainers stand up and do everything possible to stop the process. YOU HAVEN'T LIVED HERE FOR 20 YEARS AND HAVE NO INTENTION OF RETURNING. GO AWAY YOU MUPPET!
    It's only for the sake of family harmony that I haven't ripped either of them to pieces before now.
  21. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Trick-or-Treaters ....
    As of first thing 1st November I was three Crunchie bars and four Wagon Wheels lighter. Had both experiences -
    Timorous knock on the door at about 6.15pm. Small lad wearing enormous rubber werwolf mask. Very polite, said thanks as did his Dad standing at the end of my drive.
    Bang on door at 7.15pm. Four short and snarling crew-cuts. Amusing though, I was them once.
    If you don't like it go to the pub. Or lie on the floor with all the lights off. Or nail a mummified cat to your front door.
  22. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I used to think like this but it's not until you have kids that you realise that they get so much out of it. Dressing up and getting free sweets from people most of whom are generally very decent and giving.
    I think for younger kids it's really enjoyable and most folk aren't put out by them knocking on doors with their parents, it's when you get groups of older kids that I ignore. Purely because some of them can be rude and obnoxious and I don't want that on my doorstep thanks.
  23. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to ramit in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Use your signal indicator before turning
    When someone signals to enter your lane, here's a novelty, let em
    Don't have conversations in doorways, move along
    And since i mentioned doors, either leave or don't leave, don't half leave and hang up that phone already
    If you are incapable of tying your laces while chewing gum, do not use your phone while driving
    Look up from your smartphone before crossing the road, you crazy kid
    At first opportunity place a divider on the checkout conveyor belt for the next person
    Store manager,59.99? Really? Shall i return the insult and call you a blithering idiot? Okay, deal
    If someone is nice to you, be nice back, you moody biatch
    Do not travel on public transport if personal hygiene is not your thing, in fact don't leave the house, ever
    Do not, i repeat do not drill into a concrete wall in a multi apartment house on a Sunday morning
    If you borrow a book, it's your job to remember to return it and when you do, not in tatters thank you
    But i am trying to be more forgiving
  24. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    What what!!?
    This insult cannot be borne.
    Pistols or swords, sir.

    (This is me in me work clothes)
  25. Like
    Tony Le Mesmer reacted to McRamFan in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    US Presidential election 2016.
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