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  1. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    I think Hearn should have come out and said "these guys get punched in the head for a living and they wanted Saudi Arabia because it's worth fortunes. What would you do? Joshua's not forgotten his UK fanbase and we'll be back after this"
    But he's come out saying Saudi Arabia is a big player in the boxing game. That they have embraced boxing and have taken time to educate the fans. It's a global sport and he's spreading the good word. 
    It's Qatar with the World Cup. They haven't built towards these events. And you don't make yourself ready by just holding the biggest there is out there. 
  2. Like
    CWC1983 got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Car you currently drive?   
    Funny you say that. I did the same, I walked out on Derby Mercedes and went to Leicester Mercedes instead.
    The initial customer 'service' in Derby was terrible. 
  3. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Frank Lampard   
    Oh dear.
    How sad.
    Never mind.
  4. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Anna in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
  5. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Anon in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I don't care how many fashion magazines claim this is cool, you still look like an absolute weapon. Pack it in.
  6. Clap
    CWC1983 reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    I don't really understand how it happens when you're a mega star in boxing. If you're worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of pounds then surely you have a nutritionist and chef etc. 
    If you go buy some supplements over a counter that are new then how do you not get them checked out? 
    Dillian must have changed something about his prep? Why not get everything checked out before you introduce it to a world level professional boxer. 
    Like Canelo with his "contaminated meat". I don't understand how during camp he's doing stuff different from before without getting it checked out. 
    I guess that there's levels of stuff you're allowed and these guys are coming in with too much in their system? 
    Boxing is still really amateur compared to other sports. The corruption and cheating is something you'd only expect to see in a movie. At least in football there's no massive sway in what FIFA rankings do. You can still compete at the highest levels if you're good. In most other sports if you're good enough then you can rise to the top. In boxing you have to have value as well as ability. You can't really quietly go about your business if you haven't got a great amateur background. If you sign with a weak promoter who doesn't have a good relationship with governing bodies then you're on the back foot. 
    It's like the Wild West. The governing bodies all work independently. They have different rules and their rankings do effect the trajectory of careers. Tv companies influence governing bodies. Promoters influence governing bodies. TV companies buy promoters and the boxers have to dance to whatever tune comes down the line. If you think FIFA and UEFA are in a position they can abuse for profit imagine the boxing network.
    Brown envelopes are the way to buy your way in. 
    This is the world Dillian Whyte and Co live in. They are so desperate to win because of the corruption. Everyone trying to get ahead. All in one of the most deadly sports. 
    2 boxers died last week. Was there Vada testing in their fights? Doubt it because the fighters and promoters have to pay for it. The governing bodies don't. You pay them for ranking! TV companies don't. They just want a champion in their channel. They don't care if he's more drugged than Pete Doherty so long as he's winning viewers. 
    So promoters and fighters pay for their own testing. Promoters who need to sell a fighter and a fighter who has to sell himself. Not happening at lower levels is it. 
    I'm assuming Whyte and Hearn pay for tests to make sure they don't lose value by getting beat by some doped up clown like Jarrell Miller. 
    So at the very least why on Earth aren't Whyte, Hearn, Canelo, Ortiz, Miller making sure they are meeting the requirements? 
    The sport is deadly and the way it's organised encourages everyone to bend the rules and that's how they get people killed. These fighters are trying to gain any slight advantage by bending the rules. It's hard to feel sorry for them when they get caught
  7. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Having shared my health issues on the defunct podcast, I figured I would give an update to the regular listeners, if anyone else is interested read on. Will be a long post, definitely not looking for any kind of sympathy, if anything I am an absolute idiot for trying to wait it out.
    If anyone follows my Instagram or Twitter will probably be aware I had a bit of a rough day yesterday, just wasn't up for coming on the forum despite the humour which was on display about the situation. 
    For those that didn't listen to the podcast, around 3 years ago in the August whilst taking a multivitamin I swallowed my partial denture for a tooth I broke and had to have removed. This partial denture covered the room of my mouth, it's not a small thing to swallow.
    Since that went down the hatch I have had nothing stomach issues ever since, quite bad, but chose to tough it out.
    I went to A&E where I had X-Rays, nothing, it was only after they questioned me more on the denture and when they realised it had no metal it was a complete waste of time. Was sent home with funny looks and told to return if I had any chest pains. Never had any and a few weeks passed, nothing else as far as I'm aware I had crippling pain in my stomach so went into A&E, X-Ray'd me again and the verdict was I was full of poo. Literally.
    Drink plenty of water and I would be fine, wasn't concerned by the denture at all. 
    Then nothing, nothing but more pain. Every day. Anxiety set it, toilet trips had become horrendous adventures. I tried various diets, gluten free, low fodmap which I'm still on to this day despite it not really helping. I have taken a bit of stick for not going to games for the last season, season and half, but when some days it's a challenge to even get off the toilet, travelling 2 and half hours to Pride Park and bouncing in the South Stand with Lampard would not have been good. 
    Actually tried to make a U23 game one night, guessed with less fans toilets wouldn't be the same issue. Had to turn back half way there due to traffic, got stuck in a pile up over a crash and wouldn't have made kick off. 
    Season ticket still renewed for this season, determined to get back on my feet and back in the SS, takes away the whole should I buy a match ticket or not. Call me weird but also this club has supported the forum a lot, £400 on a season ticket supports them back. Every penny counts in this FFP world.
    Anyhow, in the 3 years I have gone from a unhealthy (due to alcohol and KFC) 18st 5lb stone to 10st 10lb, XL to S, 38" waist to 31". I was always thin until I hit 21, then everything I ate stuck to me like glue because of the alcohol.
    I went to a GP in the January but due to the anxiety they didn't think I would be up for the MRI, had to sort the anxiety first, which he believed was giving me the pains, but wasn't willing to give me anything for it. I wasn't up for being a zombie and was told he can see I'm mentally strong enough to get over this with coping mechanisms which I already reeled off a list to him. I've read a lot on anxiety and I mean a lot. I'm an unprofessional expert. Kinda.
    So that's where it really got left. Truth to be told the anxiety hasn't improved, pains have got worse. And then yesterday. Well it started on Wednesday night where I visited the toilet every hour from 5pm, through the night, barely slept. Eat 3 Vindaloo's back to back and that might trigger the same reaction. Now baring in mind my diet is down to pretty much potato, chicken, fish something wasn't right.
    Yesterday around 10.30 emptying what seemed to be a never ending supply of rear sewage I had a sharp pain in my stomach, how I'm guessing you would feel had you been stabbed. My stomach went numb an pretty much took my legs away from me. Crawled back to the sofa, with an odd numb, throbbing pain.
    Home alone, as I was when swallowing the denture I freaked out a little, thought this was the day I had been waiting for convinced this denture would rupture something. Crawled to the front door to unlock it as the plan was to ring an ambulance, the pain was that severe when trying to walk just brought me back to my knees.
    11.18am and 4 minutes on the phone to 999 they suggested I either walk to the hospital or go to my local GP before advising me to ring 111 before disconnecting. I wasn't life threatening to them.
    111 was a 20 minute call, trying to replay a story to someone on the phone wasn't easy in so much pain but the 2nd operator in agreed to send an ambulance but I'm not priority and would be with me within 2 hours.
    Phoned the missus, no answer. She works an hour away.
    Used my second life line and phoned a friend who dragged me into his car, on arriving at the hospital the queue for A&E reception was out the main doors. This would have been an hour wait just to get to reception so we went back to mine to wait out for the ambulance. 
    Ambulance arrived just after 4pm, 5hrs later, by now the pain had dulled a little but the paramedics were concerned and hauled me in the back and wheeled me off to hospital, bypassing all the walk ins I was put on a IV straight away and looked at super quick.
    I will skip the next further 5 hours of what he and she said, but after a finger up the rear and 5 hours of tests my blood showed inflammation of the bowl.
    The surgeon I think she said she was, debated over a CT scan last night, keeping me in or letting me go and come back in the morning. It was to check for signs of Colitis or Diverticulitis which they believe it is.
    I questioned if the denture would show on this, what denture? I then had to explain from the start again how the pains all started from this, quickly scuttled away to speak with the registrar after informing me they will probably scan me tonight and keep me in.
    10 minutes later, I'm told it's highly unlikely, almost impossible that the denture is still inside me after this long. They have seen much large items pass through the system and out the other end. Not convinced I keep pushing her on this, and told you would be surprised what the human body can do. Missus gave me the I told you so look. As they do.
    Also because of the material a CT scan would not show it up. On the advice from this unseen registrar the denture was not any concern, that's long gone, Colitis or Diverticulitis is the main concern and to have this confirmed they need to run a Colonoscopy. 
    I pushed for a MRI scan still believing this all can't be a coincidence with the timing but was told they wouldn't do one just for my peace of mind, I argued the case of the bloke that swallowed a plastic fork and was in him for 10 years which I read online, I was told to stay off the internet, no chance.
    So that's basically where I am. Trawling through Colitis information last night, all sounds like me, even have the mouth ulcers and dodgy joints to go with it. Sounds plausible and despite being a life long condition after this long I have no fear over a diagnosis as medication is available, if I can return to a "normal" life whilst managing the symptoms it's better than the alternative of nothing found, MRI now....oh look the denture, under the knife you go and selling my story to The Sun for £100.
    As I say, the reason I'm posting this isn't sympathy, definitely don't want any, my own fault for doing a Nigel Pearson for 3 years, I should have been hammering down the GP door every week. 
    That's your update and as for the podcast, maybe one day if they figure this out, don't want to commit to anything when I feel so crap.
  8. Like
    CWC1983 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Beer Thread   
    Favourite is clockwork tangerine. On tap up the road, not so much down here. Stumbled accross it in Oxford last week randomly. 
    Tried Brewdog local rivals last month, Fierce beer, and they were an 'acquired' taste. Their cask 'smoked' lager tasted like someone had left a regal king size butt  in the glass.....
  9. Like
    CWC1983 got a reaction from Zag zig in Watchable telly   
    Was just about to mention Glastonbury. Although not my usual genre, Stomzy was excellent last night, and the Killers are one of the few bands Id pay £ to see. 
  10. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Highgate in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Best post in the history of the universe !
  11. Like
    CWC1983 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Beer Thread   
    Going for the Brewdog triple at the moment. 
    Punk, Elvis and Dead Pony. 
  12. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    I guess because he fought Wlad that we just assumed AJ would cope with getting hurt better against a lesser opponent but this raises big question marks against his recovery, stamina. 
    He just looks like a pile of bricks when he's hurt and he seems to take entire rounds for him to even get movement back. He was close to being stopped by Wlad. I mean a couple of the knockdowns last night were just piss poor survival. 
    Wilder has been rocked numerous times but he survives. AJ turns into a block of wood and starts hooking. He's terrible at trying to initiate a clinch. 
    He'll come back from this. It's been hard for him being under so much pressure. He takes it well but I think he'll operate better with something to chase again. 
    All that muscle looks great but he only has stamina when he's controlling the pace. Wlad was always going to test him but I don't think anyone would predict Ruiz Jnr to ask questions. Sure he stood a punchers chance as does everyone at those weights. But to beat AJ up? Wow. 
    Fury with class as expected. He's a WUM but he's not a knob head. Wilder is a complete tool. 
    I thought AJ answered any questions over his durability with his win over Povetkin. That last night was really terrible survival. 
  13. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to BaaLocks in Boxing Thread   
    Totally agree with this, very sad story Kirkland - ended up a bum on the streets with serious mental health issues but a wonderful fighter in his time. He was like Naz and Herol Graham rolled into one.
    If anyone hasn't read it, Steve Bunce's History of British Boxing has a good section on him, it's a great read for all those who remember the days of Harry Carpenter, Reg Gutteridge and Saturday nights watching boxing on terrestrial.
  14. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Inverurie Ram in Aberdeenshire Rams   
    Dear Graham Shinnie,
    All the very best to you and your family and the brilliant times ahead with the little one on it's way. As you'll be at home watching the game on Monday with your loved ones, if there's a spare ticket your looking to pass on, we have an Aberdeenshire Ram that will gladly take it off your hands. @2tups
    Dear Max Lowe,
    We all love you and you know what I'm going to ask you. Yes you got it my friend, that last golden ticket for the Aberdeenshire Rams, you know you want too and so does @2tups
    Our own Charlie Bucket @2tups the nicest guy you could ever meet would be so grateful.
    Love, Life & Unity.
  15. Clap
    CWC1983 got a reaction from 2tups in Aberdeenshire Rams   
    I was at the game. Screwed as soon it went to 10 v 11, and to be fair we never laid a glove on them. First sending off seemed harsh,  but cant argue with the 2nd. Major surgery required in the summer but hopefully we get some Ryan Fraser money if he moves on. 
    On the plus side, Ive had a decent pub crawl in Glasgow followed by a lovely curry in Chakoo Bombay cafe. 
  16. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Not a full time nob mate. You're getting your arse kicked by poor mental health. All we can do is survive it when it comes around.
    Think you have to try and remember what's important to the real you and recognise you're on your arse and make sure you do your best to keep it all together for when you manage to climb off the canvas. 
    I don't think there's really a fix is there? Just different ways of surviving. 
    Dead easy to get in a sandwich between self pity and self loathing. 
    I think of depression as more of an actual living thing. I know I'm a decent bloke. But at times I am a massive knob for weeks and months. But I know I'm not a knob. I'm not spiteful or jealous or arrogant or egotistical. I know my faults and I'm ok with them. I'm happy and confident in being a decent average Joe. No more and no less. But when depression gets hold of me I become a spiteful person who needs to be loved one minute and hates everyone the next. 
    It's just a position we get put in. If you can recognise it then I believe you will always come through it to your old self. 
    The difficult thing is not letting yourself become possessed and then ruining your life. It's not easy. 
    But like all of life tests. You find positives and work the best with what you have. 
    I wouldn't suggest you stop being a knob and start fixing up. That's fantasy in my experience. I'd say just survive. Don't give yourself a bollocking for being a knob. I believe it's depression that wants you to constantly question yourself. You should just focus on the next thing you're about to do. Constantly look to the immediate future. Like @GboroRam said... small tiny changes can help. I think it's just because you're not dwelling. As soon as you start thinking about your next forward step then you're onto a winner. 
    This advice might be poo. But this thread should be about people throwing in their random madness. I survive and there's a good few inspirational people in this thread. 
    I hope you find something that works for you. If you don't then you've fecked it mate. But you will. 
    All the best to all those struggling. Some posts I can't relate to because every experience is different. Be nice if there was 1 easy coping guide we could all follow innit?
  17. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Hey @reveldevil, how are you mate. 
    Been crazy busy with work but hope you and everyone else struggling are fighting fit
  18. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    Thought I'd try and revive the thread for the upcoming DeGale v Eubank fight.
    It should be a great fight. One has been on top but is on the way down and one has taken a couple of needed humblings but is still a raw talent. They should be kind of meeting in the middle. 
    Seen people moaning that it's not PPV worthy but I'd disagree. It's not elite level but one of these guys is about to rule himself out of any big fights from anything between 2 years and ever.  It will finish DeGale and hammer Jnr back down to below world level.
    DeGale is fecked. His nose ruined, his teeth rebuilt, his eyes are sunk, he slurs his words. But if he's even half the warrior and champion he was a few years ago then he wins this by 2 or 3 rounds imo. 
  19. Cheers
    CWC1983 got a reaction from TuffLuff in Beer Thread   
  20. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to sonofmidnight in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Just wanted to say anxiety and depression very common after flu particularly if you are prone to mental health issues. Don't worry about having time off work or letting the little one watch TV. Put your needs first for a bit. As a family you are part of a team and everyone is important including you. Have you tried magnesium supplements. They do help and can be taken with prescription medication too. Vitamin B supplements are good too. Hope you feel better soon - anxiety is horrible.
  21. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Wolfie in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Looks to me like you're coping remarkably well with everything you've got to contend with this week.
    You're a loyal worker and responsible parent, clearly. Stop beating yourself up for a minute and give yourself a pat on the back instead. Billy isn't going to be scarred by Cbeebies/whatever for a few days til you get back on your feet, fella.
  22. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Stive Pesley in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I think with respect to those that started the thread and have used it for positive means, it's not really the place to start debating that. I'm not even very comfortable with the turn it has taken in the last couple of pages.
    Not saying anyone's views are invalid, but I don't feel it's the place to be saying contentious stuff IMO
  23. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to mozza in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Keep safe everyone,  and Happy New Year to all ?
  24. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to 2tups in Aberdeenshire Rams   
    Last trip to Pittodrie was a nowt nowt with Perth. Chrissy..come on down. Make that up. ?????????
  25. Like
    CWC1983 reacted to Inverurie Ram in Aberdeenshire Rams   
    Enjoy yourself @CWC1983. Used to be a nice Belgium pub in Leicester, I forget the name.
    I'm currently enjoying a bottle of 6 Degrees Peloton and dreaming about the Rams giving Aberdeen a proper walloping in 2 years time at Pittodrie in Europe!
    Bobby Davidson on loan to Aberdeen and they win the league and all the rest!
    @2tups probably out and about in the Aberdeenshire rain and win tonight having a Tia Maria and Lucozade instead of that Brew Dog Stuff.
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