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Woodley Ram

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  1. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    I have one big ask here. Please stay off the pitch, please don’t protest, it’s not the time.
    Support the team, that is the most important thing we can do at the moment 
  2. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    I have one big ask here. Please stay off the pitch, please don’t protest, it’s not the time.
    Support the team, that is the most important thing we can do at the moment 
  3. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Indyram in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    I have one big ask here. Please stay off the pitch, please don’t protest, it’s not the time.
    Support the team, that is the most important thing we can do at the moment 
  4. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from europia in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    I have one big ask here. Please stay off the pitch, please don’t protest, it’s not the time.
    Support the team, that is the most important thing we can do at the moment 
  5. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Miggins in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    I have one big ask here. Please stay off the pitch, please don’t protest, it’s not the time.
    Support the team, that is the most important thing we can do at the moment 
  6. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    I think we have to be careful with the power of social media at the moment.
    lots coming out, but unless it’s from an official source then it’s rumour and conjecture. 
    journalists are paid to sell print, I doubt if any have the full picture and fill the blanks in with gossip.
    I personally think we will have a new owner but the most important thing at the moment is to support the team
  7. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from eccles the ram in Rams v Preston Matchday Thread   
    I have one big ask here. Please stay off the pitch, please don’t protest, it’s not the time.
    Support the team, that is the most important thing we can do at the moment 
  8. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    I think we have to be careful with the power of social media at the moment.
    lots coming out, but unless it’s from an official source then it’s rumour and conjecture. 
    journalists are paid to sell print, I doubt if any have the full picture and fill the blanks in with gossip.
    I personally think we will have a new owner but the most important thing at the moment is to support the team
  9. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ramrob in The Administration Thread   
    I think we have to be careful with the power of social media at the moment.
    lots coming out, but unless it’s from an official source then it’s rumour and conjecture. 
    journalists are paid to sell print, I doubt if any have the full picture and fill the blanks in with gossip.
    I personally think we will have a new owner but the most important thing at the moment is to support the team
  10. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Alty_Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Glad they are doing ok, they had a decent team that was absolutely shredded. Another **** of an owner
  11. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Indyram in The Administration Thread   
    Glad they are doing ok, they had a decent team that was absolutely shredded. Another **** of an owner
  12. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from r_wilcockson in The Administration Thread   
    Glad they are doing ok, they had a decent team that was absolutely shredded. Another **** of an owner
  13. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    You know, Andy from the pub, knows Dave and is best mates with that guy from around the corner, whats his name, yea he went out with his sister.......no idea 
  14. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in The Administration Thread   
    I don’t have an issue with facts, but their is a lot of tosh on there. I know all sites including this one have people that need to think about what they write.
    i do see similarities between some of the BCFC and Middlesbrough fans and their blind adherence to what they are being told and the tosh that Mel fed us.
    we need to publish our accounts, but the thing that was a constant theme on both the Middlesbrough and BCFC sites was the use of forecasted revenue for players they might sell in the future based on historical figures. Something we have never spoken about on here. 
    it’s a bit like the delays, some people still think  that we appealed when it was the EFL. I for one am not bothered if BCFC get a points deduction or not, if they do it’s down to their operating model that is based on buying cheap and selling big (something that they did well). Our operating model seems to be the worst of everyone’s.
    Pop just needs to calm down on the rhetoric (and some 0f the others), he is clearly an influencer. He needs to stop turning not ITK comments in to fact. 
    non of us know what the accounts look like as they haven’t been published, or what and who people have bid for the club or what’s going to happen. 
    he also need to calm down about Stoke and concentrate on his own team.
  15. Clap
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    There are a lot of ‘experts’ on their site who have opinions on all clubs not just Derby. For Derby they feel that.
    - we blame everyone and not ourself…….no we blame Mel
    - we supported him when he was being a ****…….. yes we were misled , we did ask the question but he told some   porkies 
    - we have got away with murder with the EFL…..really..we got the points we deserved ( although Reading were treated a little nicer), what more do you want
    - we should not play Belick as we have not paid for him….tosh, we could not sell him he was injured and why do you think that.
    - the stadium sale was illegal…no, it was higher than I thought it was worth but have a look at other things going on.
    - It is ok for BCFC and others to take possible future income from transfers as part 0f a covid reduction…….and you have an issue with amortisation, do you really think that’s fair? 
    - BCFC will never go over FFP, umm you might even with the overly kind covid allowance 
    like this site their are good and bad on the BCFC site but they need to focus on themselves rather than other clubs 
  16. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to GenBr in Mel Or Bust?   
    Who said anything about insolvency law?
    The EFLs rules on this were quite clear before Mel decided to put us into administration. We're not allowed to extend contracts or buy new players because it is currently unclear where the money will come from to pay for any of that. The EFL is trying to protect other clubs as well as ourselves.
    12 points for administration is automatic as per EFL rules and the 9 points was for breaching ffp, which again is part of their rules. There has to be a punishment for entering administration otherwise teams will just take advantage of it and if FFP isnt going to be enforced there is no point doing it (and before you say anything no i dont think ffp is a good system, but that is irrelevant)
    I have no idea why you are trying to protect Melvyn, but everything that has happened is entirely his fault. We wouldnt even be in administration if it wasnt for his actions.
  17. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Big week next week, apparently we will not know who is the PB until later 0n in the week as Steve Gibson is taking a long weekend too sort out his allotment. 
    there is no truth in the rumour that Gibson asked George Clooney for his autograph and George said sure it will cost £60m based on my wired calculation of cost v time v carpetbagger sanctions 
  18. Like
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    I have heard on the grapevine that we will announce the new owner as part of our centenary celebrations in 2084, apparently they are going to make a big show of it……the other thing I heard is that Q might own us due to the size of bill matching the asking price
  19. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    I have heard on the grapevine that we will announce the new owner as part of our centenary celebrations in 2084, apparently they are going to make a big show of it……the other thing I heard is that Q might own us due to the size of bill matching the asking price
  20. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I have heard on the grapevine that we will announce the new owner as part of our centenary celebrations in 2084, apparently they are going to make a big show of it……the other thing I heard is that Q might own us due to the size of bill matching the asking price
  21. Haha
    Woodley Ram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    It's like when the cafes offer a full English breakfast and you get Hash Browns. Fecking racists, if you are going to call it a full English I want only English produce.
    And don't get me started on French mustard, made in pissin Burnley.
  22. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    I have heard on the grapevine that we will announce the new owner as part of our centenary celebrations in 2084, apparently they are going to make a big show of it……the other thing I heard is that Q might own us due to the size of bill matching the asking price
  23. Clap
    Woodley Ram reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    Bi Centenary surely
  24. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from Ram1988 in The Administration Thread   
    I have heard on the grapevine that we will announce the new owner as part of our centenary celebrations in 2084, apparently they are going to make a big show of it……the other thing I heard is that Q might own us due to the size of bill matching the asking price
  25. Haha
    Woodley Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I have heard on the grapevine that we will announce the new owner as part of our centenary celebrations in 2084, apparently they are going to make a big show of it……the other thing I heard is that Q might own us due to the size of bill matching the asking price
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