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  1. Haha
    Colm reacted to JfR in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Everyone welcome the newest Derby County manager: Ted Lasso

  2. Like
    Colm reacted to Reggie Greenwood in EFL appeal   
    Who cares about what other fans think ?? I never have in 50 odd years supporting the Rams .
  3. Like
    Colm reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in EFL appeal   
    There is a worrying trend in modern society to convict by media before being proven guilty. The media have whipped up almost a baying mob it seems.
  4. Like
    Colm reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in EFL appeal   
    It annoys me Kieran Maguire gets so much air time from Derby media sources.
    He was the one who complained to the EFL about our accounting practices. Why? What was it to him?
    We are in this mess partly, if not largely, down to him.
  5. Clap
    Colm reacted to Steve Buckley’s Dog in EFL appeal   
    Looking at other team’s forums and the heart warming responses on Twitter and the like makes you realise how people blindly lap up anything printed in the Daily Mail. No wonder we are stuck with Boris Johnson for the next 200 years. I had a read to check the number of modal verbs used in that badly written article and subsequently found another article that said our survival was ‘one of the most dismal sights of the weekend’.
    I love the unbiased tone of that article. I am going to presume that Mel Morris has become friends with Jeremy Corbyn. I think it is the most likely explanation for this love affair they have developed with us, whilst conveniently ignoring all other transgressions, as pointed out elsewhere.
    Personally I draw comfort from knowing that no matter how much that awful rag hates us, it will never be as much as I despise it and it’s bigoted, badly written divisive poo.
  6. Clap
    Colm reacted to jono in EFL appeal   
    It’s pointless arguing the toss over legal and financial matters .We simply don’t have the full story from either point of view but it is - to me at least - evidence that the EFL is a toxic organisation that allows itself to be swayed by loud voices rather than logical analysis. It does not serve its members, there are too many partisan camps. It doesn’t garner respect. It is contemptible.
    They resoundingly lost the original argument but pursued, vindictively, (at who’s behest ? ) some sort of vengeance or face saving, based on a technicality, to justify their ineptitude and save face. Yuk ! 
  7. Clap
    Colm reacted to G STAR RAM in EFL appeal   
    Yeah really strange.
    Advising someone just to take a fine and move on (despite us being found guilty of nothing) is what I would call strange.
  8. Like
    Colm reacted to Ramslad1992 in EFL appeal   
    Everyone saying take the punishment and move on... basically saying let the Bully hit you and don’t fight back...
    fight them for everything i say.
  9. Clap
    Colm reacted to G STAR RAM in EFL appeal   
    Seriously where is all this talk of a points deduction come from?
    Isnt the only thing being levelled at the club that they did not use the correct wording to explain the accounting policy used for amortisation?
  10. Clap
    Colm reacted to Nuwtfly in EFL appeal   
    Can understand why some are saying we should take an (estimated) 6 point deduction on the chin, just so that we can move on and be done with all this nonsense...
    ...but is that the same 6 point deduction that eventually saw Sheffield Wednesday get relegated? I'm not sure I'd trust this management team to keep us up if we started on 0 points, let alone -6!
  11. Clap
    Colm reacted to nottingram in EFL appeal   
    It’s funny, one reply to him saying PL teams operate a similar policy and he replies one minute later saying they don’t.
    Numerous other replies asking him how he has arrived at his figures given transfers are largely undisclosed and asking for a bit more detail met with radio silence.
    Football finance expert my ********.
  12. Clap
    Colm reacted to May Contain Nuts in EFL appeal   
    People want to see us punished for trying to 'manipulate' the system, even though we failed, ignoring that the state the club is in as a result of all of this is punishment enough.
    Bizarrely though those very same people don't seem to hold any sense of disdain towards those who have successfully manipulated the system and got away with it and massively benefiting from their deeds.
    Idiots and Bamfords.
  13. Clap
    Colm reacted to Jimbo Ram in EFL appeal   
    But we were found not guilty weren’t we...
  14. Clap
    Colm reacted to Mckram in EFL appeal   
    How was Mel irresponsible? They wrote to the EFL telling them what they were doing and the EFL signed it off then changed their minds.
    It’s the EFL that are irresponsible and aren’t fit for purpose.
    I understand fans frustrations at Mel but calling him irresponsible for the EFL backtracking is ridiculous. 
  15. Clap
    Colm reacted to Mckram in EFL appeal   
    I refuse to believe the words of a newspaper journalist who’s ‘job’ is to sell stories no matter how little truth in them.
    The issue here isn’t whether or not it’s acceptable to amortise players like we have. The issue is the EFL signed off that it was fine for us to use this method and then backtracked saying they’d made a ‘mistake’.
    It’s like buying a TV and having an agreement saying you can pay for it over 12 months and then being told actually sorry we made a mistake you needed to pay upfront so now we’re going to have you done for theft. That’s how ridiculous this is.
    Derby have no issue in changing their policy, but their argument is that they shouldn’t be fined/deducted points if they do so because they have written proof from the EFL allowing them to use that policy.
    Also the EFL are not dragging this out, it’s an independent panel who make the decision and the announcement will go to both parties. So if the EFL are delaying any announcement then so are Derby. 
  16. Clap
    Colm reacted to LeedsCityRam in EFL appeal   
    Marching on Together. They love talking about Derby ?
    Your posting record so far is;
    A thread saying we arent a big club in this division & hence aren't too big to go down. And that Watford and QPR are 'bigger' clubs than us
    We shouldn't celebrate surviving yesterday as thats tinpot
    We have broken FFP rules & should expect to get a points deduction 
    You reek of an oppo fan. Got anything nice to say about Derby County?
  17. COYR
    Colm reacted to RoyMac5 in EFL appeal   
    Lol. Even -120 points won't see us off! We are the Derby, the Mighty, Mighty Derby.
  18. Clap
    Colm reacted to LeedsCityRam in EFL appeal   
    He is a WUM. He was called out on his nonsense on the 'Too Big to go down' thread...reckoned QPR are bigger than us ?
    Time to disappear back to your home forum @EdinRam ?
  19. Clap
    Colm reacted to BramcoteRam84 in EFL appeal   
    Well I celebrated. And I don’t care if the players celebrated. As horrendous a situation as it is and no matter how much of an epic failure this has been days like yesterday is why we love football and they do not come around very often. If you can’t enjoy that then what’s the point? ??‍♂️
    It’s embarrassing to think any “fan” of our club is embarrassed about us celebrating to stay up.
  20. Like
    Colm reacted to Comrade 86 in EFL appeal   
    Well I was jumping around like a ducking loon yesterday and if fans or players celebrating us staying up is such a massive embarrassment for you, then I'm delighted by your discomfort.  
  21. Like
    Colm reacted to MrPlinkett in EFL appeal   
    I know some say the EFL don't have an agenda but I think they do. It would not surprise me one bit for the result of the appeal to be dragged on for a few more months, they may know they won't win but leaking snippets of information that suggests points deductions in the hope it will continue to derail us between now and when the season starts.
    Points deductions or not, what cannot be disputed in my opinion is that 18 months after the original charges were made that it is still ongoing. The EFL claim their primary goal is to protect the league and the clubs within it, yet by being utterly and totally incompetent they do just the opposite.
    Its disgusting and appalling that this has not yet been resolved. The EFL should charge themselves with breaching FFP rules..with FFP standing for Fit For Purpose in this instance. They are a disgrace of an organisation.
  22. Clap
    Colm reacted to Eaststander7 in EFL appeal   
    It was an outpouring of relief by both players and fans alike. Did you see all the fans outside the ground? You embarrassed by them as well? 

    With the past 12 months and no fans allowed in the ground maybe it was an opportunity for the players to give the fans a thank you and a bit of reconnection.
    People moan when there’s no communication/interaction from the club and people moan when there is....sometimes you just can’t win 
  23. Haha
    Colm reacted to Rev in EFL appeal   
    This thread's the forum equivalent of Dave. 
    Slightly amusing at first, then the constant repetition and lack of originality chips away any warm feelings you once had until you can't wait to punch it in the face, repeatedly.
    Mind, it's not as bad as the TV channel of the same name.
  24. Clap
    Colm reacted to Leeds Ram in El DerbyCo   
    Read the conway article and what an absolute joke if that's what passes for journalism these days. 
  25. Clap
    Colm reacted to Carl Sagan in El DerbyCo   
    Deporting immigrants who break the law is a standard approach in many countries.
    Angela Merkel recently voted against same-sex marriage in the German Parliament, where the ruling party are her Christian Democrats and therefore religiously influenced conservatives. 
    In my experience it's standard for anyone on the left to label anyone who disagrees with them "far right". It's the nature of the polarized societies we live in, driven in large part by social media algorithms. 
    I'll judge him as I find him.
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