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Posts posted by Rampage

  1. On 17/04/2021 at 14:58, Chris_Martin said:

    the spine and backbone seemed fine when we were top of the league form table few weeks ago.

    Bottom of league over last ten games or as good as. Not quite sure where the four game do or die push is coming from. We needed that at Blackburn. Rotherham will end up with more points than what we have now so we need more points. Their manager says he needs three wins which would give them 48 points. We would therefore need 6 points from four games to beat that. If we do not beat PNE if is looking unlikely. In paper in order of difficulty it is Swansea, Brum, PNE then Wendies. I suspect that we will get no more than 4 points. Rovrum would maybe beat us on GD with 8 points from 6 games. We should be fine with two more wins regardless. So PNE and nail biter against Wendies who will then be relegated already. In a perfect world, Rovrum also down by last game.

  2. 15 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    Shout out for Kelle...

    Played well. Caught extremely well.

    In very difficult conditions.

    The boy done good ?

    Best game for the Rams. I simply expected him to catch everything and save everything. His kicking was better. He inspired confidence in the toughest looking bunch of hombres we have ever had at the back.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    That’s all well and good mate but will he be given the funds to attract what or rather who he thinks we may need and where will those funds be coming from ?

    I hope he doesn’t tire of false promises and uncertainty and we are in a position provide him with stability to carry out his vision for us because right now, I think we’ve got a gem of a manager and it will be downhill managerial-wise if he moved on, I rate him so highly.

    Wayne is going to prove his point with or without money. He is already proving his point.

  4. 11 hours ago, oomarkwright said:

    It's always going to be tough even getting into the top 10 when you have 9 teams in the league either with immediate Premier league players and parachute payments or recent players and payments. 

    6-10th next season is maybe more realistic. 

    We also have to hope Roo doesn't do a Lamps and get poached by a lower prem club. Too early for manure yet. 

    We may finish 10th this season or even higher. I cannot think of a team that thinks we are an easy three points now. We are still improving. Wayne has the players that he wants. What could go wrong. Wayne always thinks that we can get the three points. The players are starting to play like they agree with him. He is the best tactician that we have had for a long while. Other managers wanted players, Wayne knows how to win games.

  5. On 04/02/2021 at 17:12, Uptherams said:

    Conflating what I'm saying. A player is either match fit or they aren't. If he isn't match fit then he shouldn't be included in the match day squad and the priority is to get him match fit. He isn't unfit. If that gets used as an excuse at any point, it'll be hugely ironic on the managers part, as he was done 60 minutes into every game. 

    Football training on the pitch, is almost entirely based on nothing more than football. Not fitness. There's practically no scientific basis for the football training drills. Almost all football managers and coaches don't know if a player is training at the maximumal recoverable threshold. And that's the biggest point, it's a threshold and can vary significantly based on the individual. 

    Players are being constantly monitored. But getting the point across to a football coach that X player needs to stop doing so much in the football training is like talking to a brick wall. Even with the data and scientific research presented to them. They are just viewed as lazy or ironically unfit. As the cause of being unfit will be overtraining. 

    My point is and was generic. 

    Pretty difficult to argue with anything that Wayne is doing at present. Remarkable turnaround in results. Attitude and performance if players. Five new players still to be evaluated but Wayne brought those players in for a reason

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