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Posts posted by Rampage

  1. On 26/09/2020 at 19:06, Carl Sagan said:


    Byrne     Te Wierik     Clarke     Forsyth

    Bielik    Rooney

    Ibe      Lawrence     Jozwiak


    Very tough picking the bench. I started but gave up. This team if everyone is on their best form. I realize no one from the academy makes my first 11. Bogle and Lowe would if they were still here.


    Byrne, Davies, Clarke, Obita / LB,

    Rooney, Bird,

    Ibe, Lawrence, Jozwiak, 


    Subs - Roos, Wisdom, Forsyth, Knight, Shinnie, Waghorn, Duncan

  2. 14 hours ago, jimbo jones said:


    Byrne Te Wierik Clarke Buchanon

    Bird Bielik Sibley

    Jozwiak Waghorn Ibe


    Rooney, Knight, Holmes, Lawrence, Marriott, Whittaker, Duncan giving plenty of options on the bench....plus hopefully a new striker.

    The squad looks good but the right blend seems elusive. Got to play the ones in best form 

  3. £10 for three preseason games on RamsTV. Got Sky so saw Hudders live. Watched it again directly after it finished as recorded on Sky. Watched first half on Sky recorded again. Watched all videos on RamsTV. I know. Hudders game was on my birthday so all is good. Still recovering from Rooney signing. Pity that he cannot start right away. dcfcfans Forum is outstanding. Mega exciting. van der Rampage.

  4. 1 hour ago, Boycie said:

    Mel, you’ve over done it this time.

    £10 for three preseason games, all the interviews, all U23 goals from last season. Wassall long interview about academy is a must watch. No coincidence  or luck involved that we have the players in the academy that we have. A lot of the.players have been here nine years!!

  5. 10 hours ago, Rampage said:

    Bristol city

    I am a man ahead of my time. My de Lorean car is parked outside. Time travel has its drawbacks. Do you want to know what the score was, if so get your own Dr Lorean. I am just off to the Derby County promotion parade in the year .... Get your own car, sucker. Eat dust.?

  6. On 04/07/2019 at 14:45, SaintRam said:

    No - but there huge weakness is their CBs - who have been complete cack, I'd go as far to say in the bottom 3 pairings in the league, for years. And somehow have never been improved upon. More so they keep giving Smalling/Jones new contracts, astoundingly.

    If they managed to get Maguire, it'd be a huge hole filled for them, even if they overspent.


    I think Chelsea, losing Hazard, need to aim for 4th as their big goal this year, and not be too upset with top 6. Even if Lampard does well, he's got a huge job trying to replace Hazard's quality with their youngsters, no matter how good they are.
    Domestic cups are on the cards though. Again, assuming he does well.

    Man City and Liverpool are extremely likely to win the English trophies for at least a couple of years. Only way not to get them is to play their squad players.

  7. On 08/04/2018 at 20:01, loweman2 said:

    I was really lucky to get an invite along today to the yard from John O’Hare to meet up with some of the 70s legends who were meeting up to celebrate Roy Macs 70th birthday and the annual Easter visit of Alan Hinton.

    i thought I would take the opportunity to take my son along to meet some of the older players who when he is grown up will hopefully be given the status that that Steve Bloomer gets now, at least he will have a few photos to show that he really did meet the men who made us famous and for a brief moment in time perhaps the greatest football team in the world ?

    when I got there I was a little embarrassed to find that I was the only member of the general public in attendance and felt a little bit out of place, the classic gatecrasher at the party, fortunately I know a number of them already and was instantly welcomed, I made sure that we sat just out side of the main group to allow them to chat to each other

    Every one of them made time to come over and have a sit with us, I had of course taken some stuff to get signed as it was to good an opportunity to miss, after checking that they were ok with it they signed stuff and sat and talked and had photos with my son, he loved it and entered into some great conversation with them all, he was asking them about the odd haircuts that they had on the photos ( he is only eight) he told John Ohare that he should now be called john nohare which I’m not sure if john picked up on or not, he spoke to Alan about his white boots and got me showing Alan photos of his green boots, to a man they sat and chatted away talking about anything and everything, the numbers continue to dwindle, I felt like the man in the middle sharing stories of my recent meets with Colin Boulton, Colin Todd, Frank Wignall, john McGovern, and Peter Daniel, those in attendance (some with their good ladies) were John Ohare, Alan Hinton, Alan Durban, Roy McFarland, Roger Davies, Rod Thomas, Jim Walker and Henry newton, once again it struck me that the club should make more of a fuss of these guys whilst they are with us, let’s not wait twenty year before we finally get round to making up a song for them that we sing and the younger generation doesn’t have a clue what the names Todd, McFarland, Nish, Hector, Hennessy, Boulton, Newton, Gemmill, Davies, McFarland, O’Hare, McGovern, Hinton etc mean to Derby as a city.




    loweman2..... what a guy! So pleased for you. COYR ?

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