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Jimbo Ram

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  1. Sad
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from GboroRam in Wayne Rooney   
    But as Roy Mac 5 says, he is doing his best and he's learning..........
  2. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Wayne Rooney   
    You telling me that Coventry Birmingham Preston Luton Barnsley (massively overachieving) Millwall have better squads than ours in terms of ability? We’re scrapping with Rotherham and we’re 3 points above Wycombe - they’ve done great - but they’re pub teams by comparison.
    Lawrence Waghorn Byrne Clarke Shinnie Roberts Marshall are all more than capable championship players, with exception of Waggy and Marshall I’d say the others could all play in a top 6 team. With the right players around them Knight Bird Buchanan and Sibley could also play in a top 6 team. Then there’s Jozwiak - a first team polish international going to the Euros! 
    A large chunk of this team was here last season and we finished 10th. We should not be anywhere near this. Top 6 - no chance, but mid-table definitely.
    They should be doing better with this team. However they are not, and even if we do stay up, if the off field stuff isn’t sorted and Rooney remains in charge then players out of contract and loans will leave, we will be struggling to bring players in and IMO we would be odds on for relegation next season.
  3. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Oldben in Wayne Rooney   
    We don't know if Alonso has told Rooney that regardless of the result today, he wants Rooney to stay on.
    That gives Rooney confidence and doesn't mean that pressure is all out for him to get a result.
    My thoughts are that if it was me and I was seeking to spend 50 million to buy Derby, I wouldn't hesitate to pay of Rooney regardless of say a few extra million and then buy the best team and manager that I could afford to lift the club out of the mess its in.
    I would not risk it all on a manager who in my opinion isn't good enough to manage the club at any level.
    Just because he's played for England and was an amazing striker doesn't mean he's equipped to get the best out of the team.
    I know I'm guilty of rehashing thoughts I've already shared.
    For me its not just about the players its about the tactics, players not being managed properly and played out of their best position.
    Rooney totally lacks management experience. In my opinion he was given the job as a means to help find a buyer for the club.
    If he was in any other job he would have been fired by now for his performances.
  4. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to LeedsCityRam in Wayne Rooney   
    But that's all we are - training wheels for this arrogant incompetent, simply for the privilege of getting a regular mention on Sky Sport News. Heady days. Meanwhile a tinpot outfit down the road is qualifying for the Champions League
    I want us to be recognised for two things only; quality of our support & quality of our football. The celebrity crap needs cutting out of this club on Monday - Rooney's sycophants can indulge their hero worship in OK magazine instead.
  5. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Nuwtfly in Wayne Rooney   
    Derby County Football Club are about to potentially be relegated to the third division for the first time since the eighties, but let’s talk more about Wayne’s playing career shall we?
    Sick of it. Just like it was with Lampard. 
  6. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Tyler Durden in Wayne Rooney   
    Titanic seems far more appropriate
  7. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Wayne Rooney   
    With this team he should be doing better than 37 points in 32 games and given the start we had more was going to be needed to avoid trouble. 
    Overall you have to say not good enough regardless of what happens tomorrow. 
  8. Haha
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Wayne Rooney   
    Relegation would be just a scratch eh Black Knight ?
  9. Haha
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in Wayne Rooney   
    Relegation would be just a scratch eh Black Knight ?
  10. Haha
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Tyler Durden in Wayne Rooney   
    Absolutely. Genuinely hope that he galvanises his players to a match winning performance.
    Then gets his sorry behind out of the club as soon as possible. 
  11. Haha
    Jimbo Ram reacted to IslandExile in Wayne Rooney   
    What Rooney says to the players tomorrow is critical...

  12. Haha
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Deej in Wayne Rooney   
    Relegation would be just a scratch eh Black Knight ?
  13. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Nuwtfly in Wayne Rooney   
    Oh I know! I didn’t think you were ? I was just veering off topic!
    We need a clean slate whatever division we end up in, in my opinion, but if we lose to Wednesday he has to go immediately. 
  14. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Nuwtfly in Wayne Rooney   
    Perhaps I'm being wildly unfair or ignorant to our current financial situation, but if we get relegated I would like to see Rooney and his coaches leave their jobs by the end of the weekend.
  15. Like
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from LittleEatonRam in Wayne Rooney   
    Perhaps some fans were willing to give Cocu a bit of time as under the circumstances he had done quite well in his first season. I was one of the last man standing in support of Cocu but could understand the reasons why a lot of fans wanted him gone and accepted it in the end. What I totally fail to understand is fans that wanted Cocu out but somehow still want Rooney in......can't for the life of me get my head around that total contradiction.....
  16. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from LittleEatonRam in Wayne Rooney   
    I agree Roy Mac has been consistent in his support for Wazza, but the whole point is that that is totally inconsistent and at odds with his stance on Cocu. He was one of the most vocal on here saying Cocu had to go. Why? Because results were bad, performances were poor, the football was unattractive and boring etc etc etc. Both Cocu and Wazza were dealt poor hands, nobody is denying that. Due to the delay in Lampard leaving on taking over Cocu had next to no time in terms of a pre season and no real time to bring in that many new players. We had lost the 3 quality loans and the squad was thin. His remit was to integrate a number of academy players which he did and got them performing well, particularly Jason Knight and Louis Sibley, generating some interest from bigger clubs. Despite these challenges, coming in to March in his first season, Cocu got us on the fringes of the play off places, 5 or 6 wins on the bounce. He too was hit by injuries and we faltered at the end. I can remember at one point in the WBA away defeat we had 8 or 9 academy players on the pitch during the game, but we still finish 10th. Then we have the very poor start to the new season and Cocu is sacked, something Roy Mac had been demanding for a very long time. We are bottom of the table so one would think that experience would be called for, maybe Steve Mac back to the end of the season, Paul Cook maybe. But no, Mel in his wisdom goes for a rookie manager, a novice with next to no coaching experience and no management experience whatsoever. Wazza is appointed. 
    For many the alarm bells are ringing. What transpires? Wazza, despite an initial bounce (perhaps it was a coincidence that the period of the bounce coincides with Bielik's return, perhaps that's the cynic in me and Cocu had no Bielik), gradually we see results and performances deteriorate, there seems no leadership on or off the pitch, Wazza doesn't seem to have a Plan B like other Managers (eg Bowyer), he seems tactically inept, he puts a reserve side out away at Cardiff, fails to use substitutes effectively, openly criticises players. So where does Wazza's leadership leave us? One win in 14 games, six losses on the bounce, on the brink of relegation. So my simple question to Roy Mac is surely the same logic for you being very vocal on here in calling for Cocu to go now applies to Wazza, if not more so? His record is actually worse than Cocu's. I ask you Roy Mac, have results improved, have performances improved, can you see a style of play developing, are we good to watch, has he successfully brought on the youngsters? Why when using the same criteria did you repeatedly call for Cocu to go but now are one of the last man standing in wanting Wazza to stay? Just answer me and we can move on...
  17. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Carnero in Wayne Rooney   
    We did win 6 out of 8 early on in his tenure, but since the injury to Bielik we've gone into an absolute tailspin!
  18. Haha
    Jimbo Ram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    For what it's worth, I think Rooney and the coaching staff are trying.
  19. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Wayne Rooney   
    Sorry.. Missed a "don't" in the final paragraph. 
    I don't think we'll improve with Wazza. 
  20. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Pearl Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    I concur but I would say very trying. ?
    Nah, seriously, best of luck to them on Saturday. ? 
  21. Like
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in Wayne Rooney   
    Perhaps some fans were willing to give Cocu a bit of time as under the circumstances he had done quite well in his first season. I was one of the last man standing in support of Cocu but could understand the reasons why a lot of fans wanted him gone and accepted it in the end. What I totally fail to understand is fans that wanted Cocu out but somehow still want Rooney in......can't for the life of me get my head around that total contradiction.....
  22. Clap
    Jimbo Ram got a reaction from Ramarena in Wayne Rooney   
    I agree Roy Mac has been consistent in his support for Wazza, but the whole point is that that is totally inconsistent and at odds with his stance on Cocu. He was one of the most vocal on here saying Cocu had to go. Why? Because results were bad, performances were poor, the football was unattractive and boring etc etc etc. Both Cocu and Wazza were dealt poor hands, nobody is denying that. Due to the delay in Lampard leaving on taking over Cocu had next to no time in terms of a pre season and no real time to bring in that many new players. We had lost the 3 quality loans and the squad was thin. His remit was to integrate a number of academy players which he did and got them performing well, particularly Jason Knight and Louis Sibley, generating some interest from bigger clubs. Despite these challenges, coming in to March in his first season, Cocu got us on the fringes of the play off places, 5 or 6 wins on the bounce. He too was hit by injuries and we faltered at the end. I can remember at one point in the WBA away defeat we had 8 or 9 academy players on the pitch during the game, but we still finish 10th. Then we have the very poor start to the new season and Cocu is sacked, something Roy Mac had been demanding for a very long time. We are bottom of the table so one would think that experience would be called for, maybe Steve Mac back to the end of the season, Paul Cook maybe. But no, Mel in his wisdom goes for a rookie manager, a novice with next to no coaching experience and no management experience whatsoever. Wazza is appointed. 
    For many the alarm bells are ringing. What transpires? Wazza, despite an initial bounce (perhaps it was a coincidence that the period of the bounce coincides with Bielik's return, perhaps that's the cynic in me and Cocu had no Bielik), gradually we see results and performances deteriorate, there seems no leadership on or off the pitch, Wazza doesn't seem to have a Plan B like other Managers (eg Bowyer), he seems tactically inept, he puts a reserve side out away at Cardiff, fails to use substitutes effectively, openly criticises players. So where does Wazza's leadership leave us? One win in 14 games, six losses on the bounce, on the brink of relegation. So my simple question to Roy Mac is surely the same logic for you being very vocal on here in calling for Cocu to go now applies to Wazza, if not more so? His record is actually worse than Cocu's. I ask you Roy Mac, have results improved, have performances improved, can you see a style of play developing, are we good to watch, has he successfully brought on the youngsters? Why when using the same criteria did you repeatedly call for Cocu to go but now are one of the last man standing in wanting Wazza to stay? Just answer me and we can move on...
  23. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Rev in Wayne Rooney   
    Agree with every word. 
    I'd eat humble pie all day every day if Rooney is a long term success at Derby.
  24. Clap
    Jimbo Ram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Wayne Rooney   
    This in abundance.
    Right now I very much want him gone whatever happens. But, if he's here next season, I'll be hoping for him to succeed. I want every match to be the start of a never ending golden age.
  25. Cheers
    Jimbo Ram reacted to Kingpin in Wayne Rooney   
    Contract terminated as soon as the final whistle sounds. Let’s hope. ?
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