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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. A few years ago they tried changing it to a dude tweeking his nipple (presumably for disgusting yorkshire reasons) but the backlash was so fierce that decided "no, back to the blue and yellow cockroach it is then."
  2. Or Derby Expects that every man shall do his duty. by not running on the pitch 😉
  3. T'was the night before Ramsmas and all was quiet in the house, Not a grumble was mumbled, not even from @Millenniumram But then on the forum there arose such a drama, To run on the pitch and behave like a farmer, Or stay in the stands politely applauding, Cashin's finess and Mendiz' maraurding, The bobble hat's triumph, the right side of the hoardings.
  4. Meanwhile in Airdrie, it's a thrill ride of a nil nil....
  5. Live football from the top of the championship on the BBC sport website. OK, Scottish championship Airdie v dundee utd............... https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/live/cmm3zpm5l73t
  6. I'm sure the twitter admin is cable tied to a chair in a disused Wearhouse somewhere in Nottingham with several broken fingers after changing the password. "I can't Mr Creosote, I love forest too much to let you....."
  7. I'm not madly in love with the idea myself, but I have a notion that's exactly the kind of striker Paul warne will be trying to find.
  8. Seems to be the gist of it. Betting's a mugs game anyway. You're better off getting you mug from Paul Warne after scoring a goal for him. Apparently they all have the names of different companies on them with a web address that usually says sales@-----.com.
  9. The rate the signings thread seems to think most of the signings have been good or OK, the main issue has been injuries, which were a calculated risk for several of them.
  10. That would be delightful. Guess the whole toxicity and power struggle nonsense he can live without at this stage of his career. That and I've no doubt Ferrari are going to pony up many many many lira for his services. Red bull going through a difficult cycle wouldn't be the worst thing. MotoGP at Jerez this weekend as well.
  11. Not proven beyond a reasonable doubt isn't necessarily didn't do it. Indeed, in Scots law there is a verdict of "not proven" (although that itself comes with it's own set of problems).
  12. My mum has a story about him when my grandad went to get the season tickets the season they got promoted to division 1, my grandad was "discussing" the unacceptably of the tickets being offered to him and Brian Clough walks past. The upshot was they had good seats that season. I also had a uni lecturer who claimed to have been a drinking buddy of his when he was managing Derby. A uni lecturer with a reputation for boozing and unreliability it has to be said. But I don't think we should paper over the damage the alcoholism did to him, his family and those around him. Addiction can be so destructive.
  13. Ratings above. I've been generous to a couple who've had injuries to deal with.
  14. DeeToTheAaaToTheVeeToTheEyeToTheDeeMuthafahukers ?
  15. Yeah, I mean all Al Capone ever did was evade a few taxes......
  16. Carlisle are a professional club and they are professional players and coaches, if anything they'll be extra motivated to at least make a mark, for pride, defiance, etc. We should be able to overcome that, but I fully expect a last "show them you can play" effort that just wouldn't be there if they had their last game with nothing on it.
  17. Serves me right for skimming the thread and not reading it properly.
  18. There's no mystery. They've.....gone to live on a farm now. Can we go see them? No.
  19. Why should a team that's spent the whole season proving they're not up to playing in the division above get a chance for a reprieve in a one off match? It's also just got the absolute worst vibes for hope, ambition, joy. Just hate the idea. So PL will probably implement it. My preference would be: 3rd play 4th at home - winner is finalist. Loser plays winner of 5/6 at home. 5th play 6th at home - winner plays loser of 3v4 away. Winner of that match goes to the final. I like it because each place up you finish gives an advantage. 3rd has 2 shots at making the final, both at home. 4th has 2 shots at it, second of those at home. 5th has to win 2 games to get to the final, but the first is at home. 6th has to win 2 away games to make the final. Final because it's a good money spinner. The games to get there are not two legs. It's still balls because we all know top 3 should go up by right, but the entertainment value of the play offs is a good thing overall.
  20. "Managing upwards" is stressfull in any job when it's needed as I'm sure many of us have had to deal with at times, but this sounds like a really not fun task for the media person to have to deal with. "but Mr Creosote this is probably libellous and will utterly ruin the clubs reputation in the eyes of the league and many fans...no don't eat me...don't burn my family...give it the second half to even out...please...."
  21. Name Variations to consider: Dafydd (Welsh) Daihbi (Irish) Daividh (Scottish) Daoud (Arabic) Dauf (Arabic) Davide (French) Davidde (Italian) Davito (Spanish) Dave (but essex) Dave (but brum)
  22. Derby 3 - 0 Carlisle Collins. "Obviously, we're delighted, myself, the coaching staff, the squad, to a man, have been outstandingly responsive to the power of the bobble hat. All hail the bobble hat, for it is the bobble hat we all have to thank for this day."
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