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  1. Like
    S8TY reacted to Andicis in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You're aware we currently can't pay any of our bills? Mike Ashley leaves Newcastle in a financially stable position. 
  2. Like
    S8TY reacted to samwcave in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    You say this, but I think we would have a comfortable life under Ashley. He has a poor reputation for Newcastle, but in all fairness he established them as a lower premier league side. Would you not take that? I certainly would. 
  3. Cheers
    S8TY reacted to DerbyGeordie in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Still 9th. Doesn't matter when they were, and in the Sky-PL age we've challenged and been regulars in European competitions before him.
    It wasn't, Benitez galvanised the club, offered hope and is a top class manager. Look at what he's achieving with Everton having only spent £2m(?). Ashley had the chance to kick on, without spending big and willingly chose not to. 
    Perhaps, but when an owner skims off the top to the point where it's to the detriment of the club it's not good. It's only paper talk and I know you'll take almost anyone with the club almost on it's knees but I hope that it isn't Ashley. I don't know if there's anyone else in the running, I hope there is. Someone better.
    Anyway, I truly wish you, others on this board and the whole of DCFC nothing but the best, assuming I forget my login details, which I probably will. You should come through this, too much of a standing in the game to not. I hope. 
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to RoyMac5 in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Wow what utter baalocks from Keogh. 
  5. Like
    S8TY reacted to Archied in Rams vs Reading Matchday Thread   
    Are you watching mel Morris ,,,,,, THIS is the Derby way , fans ,players , manager who fill you with pride , a manager by the way who is staying and giving his all to Derby county even though you couldn’t even tell him you a supposed one of our own super fans was bailing out and we were going into admin and left it to sky sports ,
    god knows how this season ends and even if it’s the end for Derby county but we are standing and fighting , I’m one proud lifelong Derby fan
  6. COYR
    S8TY got a reaction from AbuDerbyDave in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    What exactly would convince you that Rooney is genuine ....maybe you’d be happier if he walked away?... would that please you.? No ....just give you something else to gripe about ......Rooney could just walk and I for one would be gutted ....and I was criticising him not long ago...but when we need stability as the foundations seem to have taken a serious knock...wouldn’t you say? He’s still here and says he’s going nowhere and I for one applaud him ...get of his back mr cynical and see that what he’s doing is credible .....as he said he could go on holidays etc but he cares about the players and staff here ...so give yourself a break from moaning and get behind him ...if you dare be positive 
  7. Like
    S8TY reacted to MuespachRam in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    By two takeaways from this drivel are…
    one and only King Billy…. Oh sweet William…
    bagpipes….!?? Bagpipes.!!? Really ?
  8. Like
    S8TY reacted to MuespachRam in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    Give yourself a day off. 
    the guy is speaking from his heart and making some pretty mature sensible and emotional points. 
  9. Like
    S8TY reacted to Ram1988 in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    Well said !!
  10. Like
    S8TY reacted to sunnyhill60 in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    What an unbelievable post!
    "simply doing his job" I doubt he signed up for or expected to be doing the job that he has now
    " He can’t really lose in this situation" Derby are still odds on to be relegated, that is losing, and some would put the blame on him
    " I prefer to see a response on the pitch" if you haven't seen a response on the pitch this season compared to the final months last season you're not looking
    "hand some bibs out, put a few cones down, answer a few questions" and part with some of his own money to keep the show on the road
  11. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    It’s not about whether I like him or not. I don’t know him. None of us do. Nor do we know what is said and done behind the scenes. We only know what we are told.
    If it was Cocu, Lampard, Rowett, or even the one and only King Billy, I would say exactly the same. They are just doing their jobs.
    I am totally behind the club. At 3 o clock on Saturday, the boys will have my full attention, much to my girlfriend’s disappointment.
    Yes, our survival is at stake. But choice words in a press conference won’t get us out of our predicament, winning football matches will.
    If Rooney is a leader, let’s see him lead us to victories against all odds, and then we can get the bagpipes out.
  12. Like
    S8TY reacted to uttoxram75 in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    So you don't like him! No probs,
    Lets all get behind him and the players, nothing else matters now if you love Derby. Our survival is at stake and Rooney is a leader I'd follow into battle.
  13. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Gringo in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    I doubt very much he is drawing a salary at the moment, but will be too modest to mention it, it must be very wearing for you to be so cynical with everything to do with Wayne
  14. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    It was a tongue in cheek comment after my previous comments on Rooney and PR.
    Acting dignified? Effort? Attempts to motivate players? Isn’t that the least you would expect from a manager in this position?
    What is with the fanfare? He’s simply doing his job and what he is contracted to do. And he’s getting paid handsomely for it. He can’t really lose in this situation, so of course he isn’t going to walk away. I can think of 50,000 reasons not to.
    No doubt he also knows the importance of getting the fans onside, so of course he will be aware of what to say to hit the right notes. Mel is public enemy 1, so it was an easy punch to throw.
    But words are just words. Personally, I prefer to see a response on the pitch, not soundbites. If we see more spirited performances and results like the one vs Stoke, that is something to get behind.
    But as it is, he is being given legendary status by some for making the brave choice to hand some bibs out, put a few cones down, answer a few questions, and pick up tens of thousands a week in the process.
  15. Haha
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    I don’t disagree.
    It is gutting to see what a mess Mel has left behind.
    But if a self-described fan of the club, who was once worshipped and considered ‘one of our own’, could be so reckless and act with such self-interest, surely you can see why some might be wary of anyone else in a significant position or with duty of care at the club.
    Indeed Rooney is saying all of the right things, but time will tell if he is true to his word.
  16. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    Rooney’s PR team are good, very good.
  17. Like
    S8TY reacted to uttoxram75 in Wayne Rooney press conference   
    So not Rooney himself, just his PR team?
    Come on fella, give the bloke a break. He's acted with tremendous dignity throughout all this while giving his all to keep the players motivated. 
  18. Like
    S8TY reacted to SaffyRam in Mel Morris fan club   
    This! This is the one thing over everything else which keeps making me really, really angry. There’s no excuse for it. That amount has built up over time, it hasn’t suddenly landed as a big surprise. You can forecast what your Vat and PAYE liability is going to be for months, even years ahead. Absolutely no excuse.
  19. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Fla Ram in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  20. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from sunnyhill60 in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  21. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from WilkoRam in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  22. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Hawaiian in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  23. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  24. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
  25. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from alexxxxx in Mel Morris fan club   
    There is one thing that to me is in excusable…NOT PAYING HMRC…..he’s supposed to be an astute businessman yet fails to pay the tax bill ….if he had cleared this and left then so be it…but to try and get a buyer to take on his debts to the HMRC is laughable …imagine any of us getting a job and the employer saying oh by the way the previous incumbent didn’t pay his taxes so you’ve got to pay them ….joke …no sympathy …taken us into admin and he’s not short of money ….good riddance and before anyone says he spent money he tried his best …we as fans trusted him as the club was under his control to run it properly …not run it into the ground!!!!! ?
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