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  1. Clap
    BPV reacted to Justa in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I get what you are saying but I think the way we have played and his stubborn refusal to change formation may have something to do with it ?
  2. Like
    BPV reacted to IlsonDerby in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    This x 10. 
    If there was a genuine rebuild with the midterm in mind (Robinson, Rooney, Thompson getting plenty of minutes, lots more Wilson type signings etc) then I think fans would swallow mid table but when you’ve spent the budget on marquee experiences pros then it’s about the here and the now not about the next season. 
    Next season we are without Bird and probably Cashin if we don’t go up. If reports are to believed £5m and two excellent young players lost. 
  3. Like
    BPV reacted to IlsonDerby in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Despite the signings coming in saying promotion is the aim? Despite Warne saying similar and calling last season a failure? 
    I think any lower than play offs and Clowes may have difficult questions for the manager…
  4. Clap
    BPV reacted to nottingram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    A mid table finish would only be acceptable if a young squad was being built, with players being developed for sale or ability to play at a higher level.
    Someone has made a choice to build an experienced squad. That really means only top 6 minimum is good enough and even then you're in the same position again in a year if you don't win them, with players one year older, some to replace because they're out of contract / finished, no players to sell to do it etc etc.
  5. Clap
    BPV reacted to Barney1991 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Really does suggest how far we have fallen that we are happy to be safe in mid table in league 1. Never thought I’d see this. I’d be happy to see a team play good football and see players develop to make derby money in the future. Next season will yet again be another rebuild where no money will come in for players so we have to rely on clowes to pump money in which I can not see happening? 
  6. Clap
    BPV reacted to CBRammette in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    And most people with an IQ of above 10 would understand that a discussion forum is for various views to be expressed. So if you dont agree with people you just call them thick - how intellectual of you.
    I have no agenda against PW at all but mentioned Paul's interview yesterday as being weird in tone (not himself which is worrying for him as a person) and particularly the comments about Cash mainly as most people like me were presumably listening in the car full of people in traffic after the match, just heard the of course its Cash's last game bit and all went "what" and missed the rest. Hence presumably the need to clarify after on air. However, will be sure to inform my bosses at work tomorrow to ignore my higher education and prof qualifications as my IQ is in fact less than 10 and sack me now
  7. Clap
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    You don't get it do you. It show the kind of bloke he is. You don't think all these ill-thought through post match comments get around to the players? I'm a big fan of Cashin, he's the new Bucko or even Toddy!
    I've seen enough of his football 'ethics' to know he's not the kind of football manager I want here, but Clowes does so that's how it goes.
    As for his handling of our youngers players, how will Rooney and Tommo and even Sibley get chance to improve if they are never played or are played in positions that they aren't suited for? No wonder our youngsters have been linked with moves away. 
  8. Like
    BPV reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    My biggest gripe with Warne so far is that he’s hasn’t trusted the youngsters. I saw enough from Thompson in the cup game against Barnsley last season and in the various cameos he had to suggest we could’ve used him last season. Pleased he now looks like he’ll get the chance. As for Rooney, could’ve been a regular for me last season, been scratching my head for a while as to why he hasn’t been playing. Of all the youngsters at the club including Cashin and Bird, he has the highest ceiling in my opinion.
  9. Like
    BPV reacted to IslandExile in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Did you read my post? I said "I" throughout.
    You highlighted "the high expectation of the supporters". That's not speaking on your behalf, that's my perception of our fanbase... Our supporters do have high expectation IMHO.
    Sheesh, are you saying you don't?
  10. Clap
    BPV reacted to CBRammette in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    The whole interview is bit weird, not quite like himself, and that ended it in the same way. Hardly an overreaction
  11. Haha
    BPV reacted to G STAR RAM in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Please don't ever try and speak on my behalf.
    Make YOUR point for YOURSELF only.
  12. Like
    BPV reacted to angieram in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I'd say that applies to at least one if not both of our existing wingbacks.
    In fact I think Rooney is already the best defender of the three.
    Of course, I wouldn't be playing him at wingback, I'd play him at right back, threading those lovely balls up to NML. He did really well with that today.
  13. Haha
    BPV reacted to Rev in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    It'll be a pleasure to watch his development. 
    In 8 weeks time, when he finally gets another chance.
  14. Like
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Cashin is a young Derby player who is highly rated. Who many Derby fans really like and would want him to stay at the Club.
    Why is it necessary to make a casual joke about him leaving? I find that really difficult to understand.
  15. Like
    BPV reacted to RoyMac5 in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    How is that ever going to be funny Warne?
  16. Like
    BPV reacted to sage in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    Well that's bought him some time.
    Still 2 strange interviews, pre and post match.
    Pre match, he claimed to have no idea of the size of the Cashin bids. I find that amazing,
    Post match, joked about Cashin saying goodbye then clearly stated we aren't a top 3 team. I agree with the latter but how have we got to this point.  
  17. Clap
    BPV reacted to IslandExile in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
    I want Warne gone, not because his jokes are poor, not because he's sarcastic, not because he thinks wearing a bobble hat will win everyone over.....
    I want him gone because of his tactics, because of his insistence on reverting to 3-5-2 when it clearly doesn't work with our players, because of his team selection and substitutions and because of his priorities for strengthening the squad.
    I do actually think he's quite a nice bloke but I'm afraid his management does not suit our club, with our traditions of football and the high expectation of the supporters. Sorry.
  18. Like
    BPV reacted to CapeTownRams in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    After all the emphasis on PW and his fitness regimes etc I find it weird that our players- more so than any of the opposition ones faced thus far - seem so knackered and out on their feet for the last 20 mins or so. 
    I don’t see us pressing anywhere near as much as last season as a team ( one or two individuals do) and yet we seem more unfit than other teams. Strange….
  19. Like
    BPV reacted to Wolfie20 in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    I think that's why we're crying out for a midfield player who is capable of controlling the tempo of our game. We are far too frenetic when in possession so it's no wonder, in nearly every game, we have players, particularly those upfront and wide, who are running out of gas around the 70 minute mark.
  20. Clap
    BPV reacted to Sparkle in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    That’s rather a damming statement considering their resources- not saying you are wrong either
  21. Like
    BPV reacted to Tombo in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    Still wasn't very good was it?
    If Fleetwood had equalised in the final moments of the game, you wouldn't have thought it was undeserved
    We won but we didn't do enough to say we deserved the win.
    Rooney and Thompson were really good, and were rewarded by being subbed off. Don't think a single substitution today did us any favours. Each one seems to set us further and further back.
    Seriously nervy win. I hope it's just needing the monkey off our back at home and we can improve from here
  22. Clap
    BPV reacted to DavesaRam in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    The response to Thompson and Rooney when they were subbed off spoke volumes. As far as I’m concerned they were the difference today, rather than going 4 at the back, or putting NML on the wing. I could never work out why, last season, when we needed someone who could hold the ball, use it well and move us forwards whenever possible we sent Thommo out on loan. I’m glad he’s back. But what on earth was Warne doing playing Thommo where he can be at his best?
    Hourihane came in fir mention if his ambling round waiting for the free-kicks and corners, which provoked a fiery response from RD, but it is a fair observation. But his stupendous tackle set us up for our goal so that’s ok by me!
    Today was much netter than Tyesday night, although with hindsight I wonder whether that was the players telling Warne to stop with his one-dimensional tactics, and even though we only won 1 - 0 against a team we should see off easily, it was the result we needed. The rest can follow. However there were two very, very good calls  for penalties, both for fouls on Waggy which were blind-eyed. Us that 4 or 5 penalties thus season already? We had a clear run on goal which was pulled back when the advantage should have been played. And for the second match in a row Derby ended up with a stack of yellow cards, virtually all of them for absolutely nothing, such as NML, who barely touched the Fleetwood man. While Fleetwood should have 4 or 5 more than they did. Pundits and fans alike keep asking for greater consistency. Sadly they are already consistent, and as far as D FC are concerned it is all one way.
    So on to Bolton via Peterborough. At least by then all the players Paul has lined up to bring in “by the end of the week” will give us a squad nearly as big as a Nottingham Forest subs bench. Or the same squad as before. 🙄
    Nevertheless, COME ON YOU RAMS!
  23. Clap
    BPV reacted to Bris Vegas in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    Bolton and Posh will both finish in or around the top six this season.
    Cambridge and Stevenage will not.
    It’s simple. We failed to reach the top six last season because our form against the better sides isn’t good enough.
    League One is a league divided in two. We know this. By beating the small teams, all we are doing is matching the results of our rivals.
    To get promoted, we have to beat our rivals. It’s simple really.
  24. Clap
    BPV reacted to Rich3478 in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    He just seems to constantly be talking about how difficult it is to sign players. Has this phrase “through the door” which seems to get rolled out often and then doesn’t materialise.
    weird interview, I enjoyed today mostly. Warne seemed to almost be looking for problems. Agree with him though that this isn’t a top three team. But it’s one he’s had for two windows and fifty games now. I understand is not as simple as that, restrictions etc.
  25. Clap
    BPV reacted to Rich3478 in Derby vs Fleetwood - Match Thread   
    Yeah, felt most of the fans seemed happy and a bit relieved to get a win. Played ok but not amazing.
    he seemed to be negative on things, didn’t seem to want to credit the system change. 
    he also makes signing a player sound the most complicated process ever, every other club manages it! And a few jokes of sorts thrown in for no real reason.
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