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Posts posted by ColonelBlimp

  1. 18 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    I posted on here a few years ago when they were struggling that the McLarens always have a decent chassis and would be competitive with a decent engine - taken a while, but really delighted with the result today.

    As for Mardy Max - I don't care what's gone on before, his actions could have killed another driver today and he couldn't even be bothered to check if Hamilton was o.k. as he sulked back to the pits - what a scummy human being.....

    Except, a few years ago, they had a Honda engine and everyone thought the chassis was great and it was just the engine.  

    Turns out they were wrong and even admitted as such, hence the 'moving on' of staff, upgrades to calibration tools etc etc. 

    The last couple of years they've had a good chassis, before that, very average.

    As for killing another driver, that's a massive overreaction given they have the Halo.  Besides, when Verstappen walked off, Lewis was still trying to reverse out so clearly there was nothing wrong with him.

    Also, agree with the 30/70 blame conclusion from @JoetheRam and @RadioactiveWaste

  2. 16 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yes that would do it, throw in the hatred of Dirty L**ds and it's a sure fire winner!

    And the manager can be interchangeable.


    Stop Crying Frank Lampard

    Stop Crying Wayne Rooney  etc etc. Obviously it has to be sung in a semi-ironic way

  3. 30 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Rustington/Littlehampton buddy. I went to Trumpton this morning. Very busy at the fire station. Think the Mayor was due to visit.


    Nice, Rustington is posh.

    Popping back down on 29th, see some ex work colleagues, check if the a27 has improved and if they've done anything with the warehouse by Durrington Tesco yet.

  4. 14 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Even if Derby was Worthing I am not sure I could be arsed to drive the 8 miles to watch them. Proper half fan me.

    8 miles? mmm, gonna guess at either Trumpton or Southwick?

    Worthing always a had a pre-season game against a Brighton 11, went a couple of times in my 20 years there.

  5. 12 minutes ago, seths-cap said:

    Sorry if this sounds completely miserable. I’ve being thinking about where football will be in 10 years time? The ever growing gap between the premier league and the rest of us, at what point will the bubble burst and teams just start disappearing, being unable to afford to compete or even operate? 

    Rather then drag out some long winded depressing paragraph I’ll simply ask you this, should Derby cease to exist and there be two leagues left in English football, your nearest local club being someone like Leicester ruddy city, do you give up on football?



    Always hated Fester.


    Will go non-league and watch Mickleover.

  6. On 15/08/2021 at 11:47, i-Ram said:

    I refer you to a section of the bland minutes prepared after the Supporters Group Charter Meeting:

    Mel Morris intended to sell the club 2 years ago, and has had to continue to subsidise the club ever since then – though he never intended to. This cannot continue in perpetuity.

    It would be fair to say the rational reason you are looking for is that Morris is two years into drip financing the club, something he clearly never wanted to do, and he also made it clear that he will offer no guarantees to continue doing so.

    And wasted those 2 years on a couple of obvious chancers. No Sympathy.

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