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Posts posted by ColonelBlimp

  1. 6 hours ago, BoroWill said:

    Seeing him now being portrayed as the villain by many who also drank Mel's kool-aid is pretty irksome too I'd imagine, he told you that you were cheating, he told you that Mel was a liar, and now he has been proven correct he still gets abuse.

    Just for clarity, specifically, cheating about what, lying about what? Correct about what precisely?

  2. 8 hours ago, Android said:

    Hi people I’ve lived down south all my life near Portsmouth I’ve supported Derby for 50 odd years and no other team admittedly more armchair fan I will never change my alliegence 

    It's one thing to always support a single team but I think it's perfectly OK to watch your local team as well if you do not live anywhere near your club.

    Indeed, I'm from Ilford and lived in Waterlooville and Luton before I chose my team in 1976

    When I lived near Southampton (Bursledon) in the late 70's - mid 80's  I was at Junior/Senior school and I watched a lot of games at The Dell.

    When I moved to Bognor (17 - 22) and Worthing (23- 51) I spent some time watching Brighton at the Goldstone Ground.

    Now I live in Derby so all good ?


    I have never changed my allegiance or felt any desire to, unlike my brother who went from West Ham > Bolton and then Man City. To be fair to him, he did end up with City in his early teens so he has seen the League 1 days.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    I believe you're referring to this post by the best poster on the forum ?


    In that case, are you able to correct any minor errors there are so we can get this tweeted out?  Needs to be a picture not text doesn't it?  to get round Twitter's character limit?

  4. 1 hour ago, falconram said:

    Selling players to reduce debt Is fine as long as the going rate or near as is paid, the offer for Sibley was quite frankly abysmal, the offer wouldn't cover a weeks salaries. The EFL tried to make Birmingham sell Che Evans for a poultry amount   the whole lot stinks, the EFL won't be happy until they wave us goodbye. 

    Chicken feed it was if I recall.

  5. Very very low I would think, what do the bookies say? Ever met a poor one?

    I would say we have an excellent chance of catching Barnsley and Peterborough but the rest? Very low probability, 5-10% max.

    I like that Rooney is attempting to rotate players in and out so they don't get tired but I also can't see us keeping the form up through January/February.  Is our February collapse still a thing? 

  6. I might just join you there, never had a tattoo, never understood the deal with them.

    In fact, I've always been of the opinion that people get/like tattoos these days purely because it's fashionable, a bit sheep-like.

    But if I was to get one, it would have to be small and discreet and mean something dear to me and possibly commemorate something so this would be perfect. I think the missus would do it as well.

    Maybe we should all get the same one?

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