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Gerry Daly

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    Gerry Daly got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I think most reasonable people can see that in these exceptional circumstances something like this is needed. Its clear it will only be temporary. I think the people worrying about civil liberties of 'ethical concerns' just need to accept that we are not in the right place for idealism and some rough and ready make the best of a bad job measures are the best we can do  
  2. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from cstand in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I think most reasonable people can see that in these exceptional circumstances something like this is needed. Its clear it will only be temporary. I think the people worrying about civil liberties of 'ethical concerns' just need to accept that we are not in the right place for idealism and some rough and ready make the best of a bad job measures are the best we can do  
  3. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from jono in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I think they got the furlough scheme and support for jobs and the economy and mass testing right as well(not test and trace). So those two plus vaccinations are 3 big chunks. I think you need to wait for the outcome of a proper, academically rigorous and thorough public inquiry before drawing conclusions   
  4. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from I know nothing in What are you eating tonight   
    Needs a big dollop of horseradish sauce surely
  5. Like
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from cstand in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
  6. Clap
    Gerry Daly reacted to BIllyD in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    They have resumed though have they, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway have still to resume. It's also not the first time either is it, It was banned in over 55s for what reason ? It's now been banned in the under 55s for what reason ?
    You say fake data, but none has been released that shows anything that associated blood clots to the vaccine, even the EMA said this, so if ask you what data has been released that justifies the pausing of the programme ?
    My own view is that authorities in certain geographies may be looking for someone to blame for a poor rollout. When one of your main members drop out of your programme and are doing so well in their vaccination programme, suddenly people start looking in your direction and these events against one one of the vaccines and not the other make me think that is more based on politics than "data".
  7. Haha
    Gerry Daly reacted to Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    My wife works at a local university and she says that some students from Kent got abused  at the weekend by a baying mob of angry East Midlands-born students, all shouting "get lost you stupid posh-sounding gits with no proper football clubs, coming over here spreading yours stupid Kent variant..la-di-da back off to Canterbury" 
    *one for @i-Ram there ?
  8. Sad
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    From what I've read though its the Kent variant that's running rife in Europe with some South African. Also its thought that whilst the current vaccines are possibly less effective against the South African and Brazilian, they still provide some protection. I think that in UK we can be reasonably confident that a 4th wave based on new variants can be held at bay or largely mitigated until we get amended vaccines for booster shots in the Autumn. I'm not so confident about the EU zone though, it looks really dicey. Figures in France for example are going up alarmingly and the Germans are following not far behind  
  9. Clap
    Gerry Daly reacted to jono in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes Angie. There seems to be a premeditated desire to sow dissension and discord. It is my firm belief that whoever had been in charge would have faced the same pitfalls, scandals, cowboys, opportunists, snags, bumps and what not. Why on earth do the media have this slavering desire to find these negative stories rather than the ones that show the up side ? 
    It should be none political in a situation like this, yep maybe we should have locked down a fortnight earlier but on the other side we got the procurement right, the distribution right and while there were the awkward squad having demos and celebrations about this that or the other, a huge and overwhelming portion of us played the game and within sensible  limits tried to stick to the very necessary rules. Slowly but surely day on day the situation is improving. We all want and need it faster but I bet everyone of us with a practical mind on this forum, in the govt and in science knows we have do it in a deliberate fashion. The media on the other hand in many cases and on every side of the political spectrum has been vulgar, ignorant, destructive  and divisive. I really despise the programme editors and newspaper owners .. they sicken me. They aren’t perveyors of truth or information which should be stories in themselves. Too many are scandal rags of the lowest order.
    rant over ?? 
  10. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Norman in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
  11. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Yani P in Louie Sibley   
    The thing is Rooney and his coaches see him every day. They also know a lot more about football than any of us. If Sibley was good enough right now he would be in the side, simple as that. That's not writing him off though, I'm sure he will come good   
  12. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from The Scarlet Pimpernel in Louie Sibley   
    The thing is Rooney and his coaches see him every day. They also know a lot more about football than any of us. If Sibley was good enough right now he would be in the side, simple as that. That's not writing him off though, I'm sure he will come good   
  13. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Gaspode in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
  14. Like
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Louie Sibley   
    The thing is Rooney and his coaches see him every day. They also know a lot more about football than any of us. If Sibley was good enough right now he would be in the side, simple as that. That's not writing him off though, I'm sure he will come good   
  15. Like
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Eatonram in Louie Sibley   
    Well I think anyone who works professionally in a field knows a lot more about it than a lay person. I'm going to see my dentist in a bit and I'm glad she knows a lot more about it than I do! I know football is a bit different, people have watched loads of it, played the game at a lower level and so on but I still think the analogy holds
  16. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Rambalin in Louie Sibley   
    The thing is Rooney and his coaches see him every day. They also know a lot more about football than any of us. If Sibley was good enough right now he would be in the side, simple as that. That's not writing him off though, I'm sure he will come good   
  17. Like
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    My concern is that it could affect take up here. 
  18. Like
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from therealhantsram in Beni Baningime   
    One of the things Rooney is clearly looking to do is bring in height and power to the squad. Thats what you need at this level
  19. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Beni Baningime   
    One of the things Rooney is clearly looking to do is bring in height and power to the squad. Thats what you need at this level
  20. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Rampage in Beni Baningime   
    One of the things Rooney is clearly looking to do is bring in height and power to the squad. Thats what you need at this level
  21. Clap
    Gerry Daly got a reaction from Ellafella in Beni Baningime   
    One of the things Rooney is clearly looking to do is bring in height and power to the squad. Thats what you need at this level
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