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Hector was the best

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    Hector was the best reacted to Kooklaram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Not a great start but possibly the kick up the backside everyone needs.
    Worrying thing for me is our main targets are all the wrong  side of 30 and we need younger legs in this team.
  2. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ambitious in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Not a performance completely devoid of quality, after all we had the most goal attempts in the league on the day, but unfortunately one that typifies a Paul Warne Derby County. Naive unforced errors at times where we seem intent on killing ourselves. We can’t seem to stop giving teams easy opportunities - you saw it against Sheff Utd and again today. It’s crazy to me that some still associate Warne with pragmatism. What I’ve seen of his Derby side, he’s the furthest thing from a pragmatic manager I have ever seen.
    Unfortunately, it also compounds our need for a striker. It’s a game of margins and it’s shown that we are a team lacking, critically, in the area of most value to a successful side. If Warne doesn’t sort it, I doubt he will lose his job, but will most certainly lose the fans.  
    I’m trying not to overreact, but if Warne doesn’t change the narrative then years down the line this experience will always be viewed in this light: A manager who liked to turn football games into basketball games. As good as this team can be, unfortunately anything can happen on the day as our game management is non-existent. 
    Player ratings for what they’re worth — 
    Wildsmith 5
    Nelson 5
    Bradley 5
    Cashin 5
    Ward 7
    Smith 5
    Hourihane 6
    Forsyth 7
    NML 7
    Bird 4
    Collins 4
    Wilson 7
    Elder 5
    Washington 5
    Thompson 6
  3. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Jourdan in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    That was desperately disappointing.
    The Warne doubters will be in full voice and I can’t really blame them. It wasn’t a performance or a result that will get people excited about the season ahead.
    I think the effort and application was there but the quality, cohesion, composure and decision making were all completely missing.
    The system didn’t look very effective. The back three were wide open and vulnerable to pace. The midfield three were too safe. It didn’t bring the best out of Collins and Mendez-Laing. The attacking threat was too one-dimensional and predictable, and we were relying too much on hopeful crosses into the box.
    Both goals were a disaster and completely self-inflicted, but Wigan sent a warning sign within the first minute when they opened us up and sent a cross rolling dangerously across the box and they also created some good openings in the first half before they eventually scored. We were too open and disjointed.
    Of course, the new players will need time and we still clearly need 3-4 players to freshen things up and put ourselves in the best possible position.
    On another day, it might have been a draw but a very worrying start but hopefully a huge learning exercise and wake up call.
  4. Haha
    Hector was the best reacted to strawhillram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    But they had a lovely holiday (training, bonding session) in Spain. 
  5. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to IlsonDerby in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    You cannot, repeat cannot, legislate for your marquee cb signing and 2nd place in last seasons POTY making those two mistakes. They let their team mates down today. 
    Going down 1-0 in a gritty game makes everything seem more forced and lumbered as they can sit and hit us on the break. They didn’t lay a glove on us in the second half until their second goal. 
    A really bad day at the office and the bench looked very light on game changing options. It’s clear Bird isn’t the 10 Warne thinks he can be but I’d rather have Bird and Smith in the middle. How does that happen now Hourihane is captain? A difficult one. 
  6. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Leeds Ram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    It's one game, and it's important not to overreact, but that was fu**ing abject at every level. We were one-dimensional, slow, unfit, and worst of all we didn't even execute our own plan well. We gifted Wigan two goals, but every time they broke through the midfield screen, they looked dangerous and could have scored 3 or more today. Nelson looked uncomfortable on the ball, he isn't a WCB in a million years, constantly passing back, making us lose the initiative, and Bradley doesn't have the legs to cover the ground needed in the role he played today. That's what led to the mistake for the first goal, a negative pass which put pressure on Bradley which then led to a Wyke rounding Wildsmith. 
    Wigan killed us in the transitions, and there were gaping holes in the middle of the park, which any half-decent team would thread through. Seen towards the end of the first half but also early in the first half, which was an end-to-end show. But it wasn't just in defence and transition where we were poor. The attack was absolutely woeful. The lack of positive forward passing combined with the slow tempo and static movement made the crosses so so easy to defend against. I can't remember more than 2 times we actually tested their goalkeeper seriously. 
    It isn't just the performance that lacked passion, creativity, or decisiveness, but the tactics that led us to our downfall, failing to create any clear-cut chances and, at times, leaving us wide open. The lack of urgency towards the end and the dearth of options from the bench make it clear we're in no state to be challenging for promotion if this is the tenor of things to come. Warne said he wouldn't just copy what he did at Rotherham, but this style of football reeks of low percentage chuck it in the box and see what happens nonsense i.e., precisely what he did at Rotherham. 
    I don't think I've seen an opening day performance this bad since Paul Jewell's 08-09 opener against Doncaster. Warne needs to improve and fast if he wants to stay in this job. 
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Rich3478 in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    It’s not one game is it, people also looking at end of last season.
    were given a host of reasons as to why we failed to make the play offs. Not sure how many of them have been addressed.
    Really hoping it comes good, obviously need a striker in asap. A decent unbeaten run would help no end in getting some patience. 
  8. Sad
    Hector was the best reacted to strawhillram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    shiny  new season already stained. expectations reset to normal
    another season of rebuilding
  9. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Matchday Fred in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Ultimately Warne is responsible. If the players will not break a ball for him, either they go or he goes. The pathetic errors need to stop. Bleep tests 8am tomorrow morning. Hourihane is a disgrace - made captain by can’t run won’t run. Not setting the pace or the tone. Shadow of the leader and all that. Warne needs to quit with the gimmicks and get it sorted.
  10. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Tyler Durden in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Two comedy gold goals.
    Why did Bradley collapse on the ground after he totally misjudged his backpass as if to feign that the reason was he injured himself when kicking the ball back to Wildsmith?
  11. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Charliegeorge1962 in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    I was hoping for us to be better than an average league 1 side.
    With Derek Hales sorry I mean Collins still getting a game this will not happen.
    Shocking display!
  12. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to oldtimeram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Well that was not good.  The defence was ropey to say the least and we have no real attacking threat.
    We are not going to get out of this league playing like we did today
    Ward looked like the only player capable of putting in a decent cross but Warne took him off?
    Can't work that one out
    We desperately need a striker now 
  13. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Anag Ram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    That was very disappointing.
    Scariest thing is that we seem to have bought two central defenders who can’t play football. They were both awful. Can’t believe it was Cashin who got subbed.
    Do people really believe Collins is going to score goals?
    Might as well have Thompson up there for the impact he has. He might make a midfield player but he won’t be a goal scorer as long as his rectum is anatomically correct.
    More pace needed throughout the team.
    Bird started well and faded and I thought Smith was steady but the rest shouldn’t have the nerve to claim their wages.
    Finally, can anyone explain why we’ve nominated as captain a man that stops running after an hour?
    Wigan thoroughly deserved their win because they looked like they meant it.
  14. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to BuckoBeast in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Sorry that was terrible 
  15. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
  16. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ram1988 in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Struggle to see where the goals will come from.
  17. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to vonwright in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    I completely understand people who point out it's not easy to sign players, sometimes targets go elsewhere, blah blah. But the clear fact is we massively prioritised the defence and wing back positions in our recruitment this summer and we've neglected the midfield and attack. If we've now run out of money and targets then that is on the management and ownership. Our midfield and attack have needed attention for a long time
  18. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Big Trav in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    I’ll say one thing, if we play like that every game this season. We go down. Midfield way too slow and lethargic, Hourihane was walking 70 mins, should’ve been hauled off. Little to no creativity. Felt like we were scared to make a forward pass at times. Ver very concerning first game. Hopefully Warne walks into clowes office tomorrow and tells him to get his players in
  19. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Rambam in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    It’s pretty inexcusable to not bring in a replacement for McGoldrick. Obviously there are not enough goals in this team. 30,000 turning up in this league is unbelievable support. Where is their reward? 
  20. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to vonwright in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    We still need some energy and creativity in midfield, and a consistent goal threat up front. That was true last season and hasn't changed just because we've signed a load of defenders and wing backs. Losing Knight and McGoldrick hasn't exactly helped. This isn't the end of the world and there were a lot of positives, but hopefully it's also a wake up call to Clowes as well as Warne
  21. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Walkley Ram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Never seen us dominate a game so much, yet look so unlikely to get anything out of it.
    Get that striker in Warne.
  22. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to nemoram in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Thats what happens when you sign good people instead of good players
  23. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Srg in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Why was Ward subbed? Best player on the pitch. Curtis Nelson looks good. Bradley looks awful. Collins still awful. Smith, Bird, Hourihane all poor. Still had to give them two goals to lose the game. Need pace. 
  24. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    I'd be less annoyed if us throwing points away with individual errors hadn't been an extremely regular occurrence for about five years at this point.
  25. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to LincsRam in v Wigan (H) Match Thread   
    Agree 100% on that especially the part of Collins for saying he is a poacher its amazing how he hasn't got on the end of about 5 balls this game, I so want the guy to succeed and score 20-25 goals for us this season, I think Fozzy has a better chance
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