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  1. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Chester40 in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Your punctuation really is poor here ?.
     '!' or '?' would have made a world of difference even .
  2. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to PistoldPete in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    He doesn’t know if he is a secured creditor? Well is there a legal charge registered against any of Derby’s assets? No? How could you not know this being a lawyer? 
    Wycombe claim is as  an unsecured creditor , as unsecured as it gets floating in the sky like all the other pies. 
  3. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Classic dissembling   The US lawyer pretending it’s nothing to do with him, that he doesn’t understand it but that it’s all being driven by his lawyers. Scumbag 
  4. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from r_wilcockson in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    More chance of platting snot, its designed to be obstructive.  They won't get a bean!
  5. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from Crewton in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    More chance of platting snot, its designed to be obstructive.  They won't get a bean!
  6. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Elwood P Dowd in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    My understanding is that Wycombe have simply sent the club a bill and, as you rightly point out, there is no contractual reason why the Administrators should even consider payment.
    Perhaps Wycombe should send their bill to the EFL.
  7. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Crewton in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Yes, exactly. It happens whenever a company goes into Administration - people with legitimate claims throw the kitchen sink into it, people with tenuous or unproven claims stick one in anyway. When the Administrators publish the Statement of Affairs, I'll be amazed if Wycombe's claim is even listed, because there is nothing in existence that would support the legitimacy of their claim : no contract, no performance or consideration that might suggest a contract existed, no court order setting out liability - nothing.
    Unless they're able to get some official preliminary award as to liability against DCFC, I can't see their claim making it onto the SoA, though it may be listed as a future risk in the narrative. 
  8. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Eatonram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Really?? Pay them anything and you are as good as admitting culpability and they will ask for more. They have no possible case against us.
  9. Sad
    RAM1966 reacted to Tamworthram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    I agree it's probably hot air but I'm struggling to see their motivation. I can't really believe that their chairman is vindictive enough to want to scupper a takeover and see a football club cease to exist.
  10. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Boycie in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    They’ve just sent the big striker around with an invoice, that’s all.
  11. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Rampage in Mel Morris fan club   
    It has been very taxing to read at times.
  12. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    Don’t think this is right. I’d understood administration was triggered by MM saying, that’s your lot.  I think the admins are now funding the club from cash and new loans 
  13. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Andicis in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    All that list does is prove that having a billionaire in the Championship is less important than being run well. Clubs with the richer owners don't tend to spend more or do any better. 
  14. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to MaltRam in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    OK. Trying to be cool.
    Not going to get carried away yet.
    Breathe, be calm, it's only Nicko, and it's probably nothing.
  15. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
  16. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to PistoldPete in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    Full independent enquiry chaired by Lord Gibson of Smogsborough to follow.
  17. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    You prove my point nicely, I wonder how many who've criticised my concerns would be so nonchalant about it if it was there NI contributions that had not been paid!
  18. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Tamworthram in Mel Morris fan club   
    Even when your employer gets it right it’s worth checking your NI contribution record. 
    I’ve been a contractor in the financial services industry for the last 10 years or so. For two years, whilst my wife was recovering from breast cancer, I didn’t bother to find a new contract but instead relied on my previous employers pension that I was receiving. However, my NI records with HMRC say I have a 12 month gap in contributions. Ironically, the only evidence I could send them to prove I wasn’t working was my self assessment tax return for that year which, of course, they already had.
  19. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to PistoldPete in Mel Morris fan club   
    I think as others have said their State pensions will be oK. though they say you need payslips but you would hope HMRC would know what was deducted now with RTI, even if it hasnt been paid . Not sure to be honest, thanks for flagging this.  Their jobs are at risk of course which is a bigger worry.
  20. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Agreed, but, what about the mere mortals that work as marketing, ticket office, cleaners and in the accounts departments that are not on pop star wages?
  21. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in Mel Morris fan club   
    Didn’t he put £250m into the club ?! 
  22. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to BondJovi in Mel Morris fan club   
    We were probably in line to do even more cutting had Rowett stayed. Letting Lampard roll the dice again was a gamble too far and just made the next season a more serious cutback.
  23. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to StarterForTen in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    There was a suggestion a few months back that Rooney was picking up the tab for overnight stays at £3,500 a pop. If that's the 'rate' it would take 350 years to build up a £30m debt.
  24. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
    Oh, oh, oh, I do hope Sam Rush is involved. It would be great to have a couple more years of Sam is great, Sam you are the man, Sam gets his man, etc. type of quotes. I really have missed his fan club posting on here.
    Come on Sam. Parking space at PP available.

  25. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Dimmu in Who would you like as new DCFC owner?   
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