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Posts posted by JoetheRam

  1. 1 hour ago, BaaLocks said:

    If I may, you don't have to do any of that. You choose to do it cuz it brings you (at least some of) the things in life you desire. Just in the same way many business travelers could choose to be a bit less self obsessed about it all. So you spent three minutes stood behind some old woman who hasn't worked out the most optimal way of filling up an x-ray tray or walking through a security scanner. Whoop de doo die doo, talk about the trauma of first world problems. What exactly are you going to do with those 180 seconds once you got through security anyway? Sip your lounge coffee just that little bit slower? Wow, now that's got to be worth getting stressed over.

    Exactly. Only gonna get to your destination at the same time.

  2. Silence of the Lambs


    Was told this was a classic and with 5 Oscars to it's name and an 8.6 on IMDB I was looking forward to it.

    Jodie Foster and of course Tony Hopkins are great in it, particularly Foster, but the plot is stupid and we're being asked to suspend reality beyond belief when Lecter, supposedly the most notorious, most dangerous convict out there is only guarded by 2 guys, who for no reason, other than to advance the plot, deliver his dinner to him by going into the cell he is being held in. They deserve to be killed for that stupidity.  

    We're also given no real reason to root for the girl stuck down the well, other than the guy holding her there is a majorly twisted dude. Like, will she go on to cure cancer? No, well then I don't care if she lives or dies. So ultimately I don't care if Jodie Foster finds the sicko holding her, so I don't care if she follows what Hopkins says to track this guy down, which makes the film pointless after about the 45 minute mark.

    We're also given no indication as to why a trainee FBI agent is repeatedly pulled out of training and assigned such a potentially dangerous case. Shouldn't they have their top guys on this bar steward, not a twenty-something rookie?

    Plus the ending is weak. I think it's meant to be a bit scary when she's in his house and we don't know where he is, but she had the chance to shoot him first and then let him escape so again, would be her fault for getting killed. Then ultimately it's a 90's Hollywood movie, there's no way they'd kill the star of the film so you don't really get any sense of danger from it.

    Some good chat at the start of the film though and the music adds something, plus "Having an old friend for dinner" is a great sign off.


  3. Quadrophenia

    "What do you mean gonna be? I AM one of the faces".

    "Take it or leave it my son. TAKE IT or leave it".

    "Pill head".

    "Do you want some lacquer on that?"

    "That ain't rubbish pal, that's Gene Vincent".

    Unbelievably quotable and also the end is the start.

    Zoot suit, white jacket with side vents 5 inches long/The Who

    Iconic film and surely one of the most fun to have taken part in the filming of.


  4. I am also not really a "film guy", but I do like Reservoir Dogs.

    I think it's mostly the dialogue, which when you're 16-21 makes it a very quotable film. Add in a cool opening title sequence and a pretty original way of telling the story of a heist film and you're halfway there.

    Also, when the guy gets his ear cut off is pretty shocking (more so at the time) and factor in that this was Tarantino's debut film which was made for peanuts and I think that's probably why critics rate it so highly - they love that kind of thing.

    Personally, I think it shows it's low budget and lack of polish a bit, compared with other stuff Tarantino's done, but there's no denying how cool the chat is.

  5. My Generation

    My Cocaine narrates 1960's England's cultural revolution.

    Very enjoyable but is more a summation of the feeling and mood than a complete, unabridged history of what happened, which given the time span is probably a wise move given it's only an hour and half long, but can't help but think it would have made a great five-parter.

    Killer soundtrack (obviously), combined with the ubiquitous, but nonetheless enjoyable, montage footage of mods, hippies, longhairs, rockers, anti-war protestors, students etc fighting the police/one another.

    Branko Strupar/1966andallthat

  6. People who pip their horn when pulling up to someone's house when picking them up. 

    a)  Get out and knock on their door.

    b) They should be looking out for you already so a) should not be necessary.

    c) If you are lazy and they aren't the type to be ready, give them a phone call, text or whatsapp message.

    Whatever you do, stop beeping your horn at 6am to let them know you are outside. Inconsiderate twits.

  7. 2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    Just taken my team out for a pub lunch (I'm a nice boss) & encountered a few of my food pet hates....

    "Deconstructed" Food - Come up with a new dessert?. Nah, I'll just put the fruit over here and the crumble over there & charge a fortune for it.

    "Foam" - Stupid & looks like spit.

    Food served on wooden boards - Impractical and unhygienic

    Brioche Buns for burgers - WTF is wrong with bread?

    Generally, food fads. Especially stupid ones like these.

    Agree with all except the Brioche. 

  8. That guy who used to be on the alleged comedy Royle Family. Not Tomlinson, the younger guy. Had a Paul Jewell haircut.

    He does the voice over for Gogglebox and his voice on the trailer for it goes right through me. I'm sure he's not as stupid as he sounds, but he sounds like he'd need to be continuously told to remember to breathe, else he'd pass out.

  9. 58 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

    People, well, early 20’s men who remove their front number plates for cosmetic reasons and rest them (flat) on their dashboard. See it daily, 3 today, don’t know if it’s reached the East Midlands yet or if it ever will but it annoys the bejasus out of me. ???

    Further to this: 'Personalised' number plates.

    What better way is there to identify a driver as someone who has too much money and too little imagination to spend it on something worthwhile?

    These are the same people who are into premium, but ultimately bland soulless crap like going on holiday to Dubai, Range Rovers and De Longhi coffee machines .


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