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Posts posted by MadAmster

  1. 4 hours ago, Gerry Daly said:

    If we were really serious about this we would get some quick business done.  

    Doesn't really matter how serious we are, if  a player is going to cost more than we have budgeted for in the business plan the EFL agreed to OR they are not available OR their club won't let them leave/come to us OR the player doesn't want to join Derby then we aren't going to get them. No point in getting numbers in for numbers sake, especially when we have young uns like Robinson, Fapetu, Weston, Brown and others who would gladly step up to the first team if given the chance. Any player we sign, IMO, has to be one who will improve the squad/team.

  2. 11 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Absolutely awful competition, not worth even entering imo. Even if we got to wembley i wouldn't have bothered going to such a mickey mouse event.

    Glad we deliberately lost so we can concentrate on the league.

    You don't "enter" it as such. If you're in L1 or L2 then you are in it, whether you want to be or not. One of the rules of the Trophy states EFL members SHALL compete... it's compulsory.

  3. 23 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Some saying Fozzie has a calf injury , bringing Sonny B into contention for a place .I sat in the north end of the East stand last night and couldn’t believe how deep Bradley and Cashin sat when we were on the attack. They clearly worry about any speedy forwards. That leaves massive area’s in midfield for Bird and Hourihane to cover . But they don’t have the legs to do it .Burton would have had a spy at the game .

    Outside chance that that was why they played deep. Lull BA into a false sense of security... or Bradley just isn't that quick anymore.

  4. TV

    Vickers 5.5  Got away with several mistakes 1st half. Better 2nd

    Nelson 6.5 The odd mistake but mainly solid

    Wilson  5.5 Invisible opening 20. Nowhere near his usual standards

    John-Jules  5 Pretty ineffective. Needs to learn to stay on his feet rather than go down at the slightest touch

    Bradley 5.5 Few errors opening minutes and OK after that

    Barkhuizen 6 nothing bad but nothing above average either

    Collins 6 based on his 2nd half. Invisible 1st half except for his falling wardrobe imitations. Gives too many fouls away as well

    Thompson 5 Twice poor first touch in the box saw scoring chances lost and his general play wasn't up to standard

    Mendez-Laing 7 best of a bad bunch by a mile

    Sibley 5 not at the races

    Bird 7 improved the MF, all to no avail

    Elder 6 Not good, not bad. I'm still not sure which question he's the answer to. Much better going forward than in defence and he's a defender

    Cashin 6 huffed and puffed but, like his teammates, couldn't make a difference

    Fornah 5 not the player he was in his first 3 appearances this season

    Hourihane 7 improved the MF, all to no avail

    Ward 6 Not good, not bad. I'm still not sure which question he's the answer to. Much better going forward than in defence and he's a defender.


    The team 5 too many misplaced passes. Too many times the first touch was poor. Too many times we were nowhere near the 2nd ball. Too many times their  man in possession had 2 or more teammates open and unmarked to receive a pass. Too many times their players could romp through midfield unchallenged. Too many poor tackles.

    It seems that, at the moment, both Sibley and Thommo are better 30 minute subs than they are starters.


  5. 15 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

    As you know ICF/DLF were not around then, Tho the Mile End Boys were...WHU, We had a beating in the Greyhound Pub at the back of Wembley Stadium 50 of us on the coach against many more.

    Just before the game had finished we could see WHU fans leaving the ground, All Derby stayed behind to cheer Roy Mac and the lads with the Shield, By that time we got to leave the ground half of London was outside there waiting for us, It didn't look good, But we had a fella in Kev O'Reilly as hard as they come, Stood on the steps and screaming at us to move forward, We had 2 choices...do as he said and get a beating or go back in the ground and get a beating when back in town, We chose the 1st option, It wasn't very good as our numbers were still coming out of the ground but soon enough the numbers were getting on equal terms...then numbers in our favour, As you said it was the Derbyshire Miners that helped take the day...and night in Old London Town.

    A very hot day with dust clouds all over the place, The police just couldn't cope, You say it lasted a few seconds not where we were concerned, It was payback for the Greyhound incident, Scaffolding poles and planks were at hand, Bottles from inside the ground were used by both sides...probably the worst violence I've seen or been involved in as a 19 year old

    Years later talking to some "ICF" lads who were there, They admitted it was our day, Bill Gardner who was their top lad admitted through gritted teeth that "Derby had WHU on their toes".    

    IIRC, when some of the first out tried to get back in, the stewards tried to shut the gates. KO told them, in no uncertain terms, what would happen to them if they didn't stop shutting the gates. Stewards left the gates alone...

  6. 2 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    just noticing a pattern in this window and the way it gets covered.

    ... and the previous God knows how many windows. All the usual clickbait sites have us interested in a plethora of players. Whether it's a position we need new players for seems irrelevant. Whether we have an embargo on transfer fees is of no import despite the palyer's club wanting 7 figures... Their latest wheeze is suggesting players we MIGHT be interested in or listing players we won't be able to keep hold of.

    Even worse, some numpties then go and post the link to the non-story on all the various pages/forums etc on "social" media. The same people posting the same link to the same non-story in 27 different places online. I have a theory that they are part and parcel of whatever clickbait site it is they keep posting up. Even suggested a couple of time in comments... nobody has yet denied it.

  7. Early 70s, L**ds away. Me, my mate and our GFs. The only 4 Derby fans in the end opposite the Gelderd. 10 minutes or so before the end we heard a shout from behind us away to our left. 30 to 40 "laddos" screaming let's get the barstewards or words to that effect. We start to head to the bottom right and the exit. I was shouting "coming through" or words to that effect. 2 blokes wouldn't move and the adrenaline saw me remove them from our path. Outside, we began the run back to the station with the brave Yorkshire ****s a good 50 yards back. We let the girls get ahead of us so, if we were going to get caught, we could have a couple before the eventual good kicking, giving the girls more time to make the station in safety. They never caught us. Slowed to a walk as the 4 of us approached the station. Loads of L**ds looking for "fun". We sent the girls on ahead and they got through. We had to endure a short skirmish to get past the "laddos". Took less than we gave and avoided any painful blows.

    The Roger Davies Cup replay at Spurs. Managed to avoid the running fights getting back to Seven Sisters for the tube to the train. Got on the Ramaway. Some of Spurs finest then jumped the barriers and got on the train. A fight ensued but the Cheeky Cockney Chappies didn't stay on the train long as they weren't winning the scuffle.

    ICF at Wembley, 1975. First few Derby out of the stadium were women and kids mainly and they took a hit. Then a contingent of South Derbyshire mineworkers were next out together with a fair few of what would have been DLF lads had the term been coined back then. The fight lasted a few seconds and the 'ammers decided the odds weren't right and did a runner.

    Had the odd fight at football but never started one.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    I have read every post from @Foreveram this season, be that informative, complete twaddle, or breakfast related, so yes, I would like to be there, and I'm damn sure I should get some form of preferential priority when it comes to dishing out the tickets.

    Ye gads, I've earned it!  


    No me owd, you're just a glutton for punishment 🙂

  9. 3 minutes ago, DJAY said:

    Invited Club I took as the U21 teams (Wolves, Forest etc) that have been invited into the competition

    I always thought all clubs were invited to take part. Just had a look at the rules and one of them says "All EFL Clubs (as defined in these Rules) shall take part in the Competition". I was wrong.

  10. 3 hours ago, Foreveram said:

    We can start with a full first xI, in fact the rules state that we should play our strongest possible team.

    We are three games from Wembley not two, apart from that, as you were 😉

    Taken from the Rules of the competition...

    ‘Full Available Strength’ means the EFL Club must include at least four Qualifying Players in the ten outfield Players named in the starting eleven on the Team Sheet.

    Qualifying Player means any Player who:

    had started the immediately preceding First Team Fixture (as defined below);

    subsequently starts the immediately following First Team Fixture;

    is in the list of ten Players at the Club with the highest number of starting appearances in First Team Fixtures in the same Season;

    has made forty or more starting appearances in First Team Fixtures or international equivalents (and not limited to the same Club or Season); or

    is on standard loan from a Premier League Club or any EFL Club operating a Category One Academy.

    First Team Fixture means the League Competition, Premier League, EFL Cup or FA Challenge Cup (but shall, in the context of Rules 7.4.3 and 7.4.4 only, also include this Competition).

    Any EFL Club failing to meet the requirement to play Full Available Strength will be required to pay a fine of up to £5,000.

    For the Invited Clubs, a registered player is one who would be registered and eligible to participate in a Premier League and/or, subject to Rules 7.9 and 7.10, Premier League 2 match commencing at the same time and on the same date as the Match in accordance with the provisions of the relevant Premier League rules.

    Each Invited Club must ensure that in each Match:

    at least six of the starting eleven players named on the Team Sheet are players who were aged under 21 as at the 30th June in the year in which the Season concerned commenced; and

    no more than two players who:

    are aged 21 or over; and

    have made 40 or more appearances in a First Team Fixture (either

    in the starting elven or as a playing substitute)

    in each case as at the 30th June in the year in which the Season concerned, shall be named on the Team Sheet.

    Ergo... you CAN'T to play the strongest team as you have to include a whole host of U21s in the squad and we WILL have some youngsters starting

    How many of the starting XI were U21 at Fleetwood. Nowhere near the 6 required. In the starting XI we will likely see JJ, Brown and Fapetu. Robinson will start or be on the bench. Weston and at least 1 more young un will make the "18".

  11. TV

    31Vickers: 6 A more than reliable keeper who doesn't have me worried at all. JW rested with a knock. Sensible. I keep reading he had a shocker against Posh. Some even claim PW said so in his post game interview. Saw the game and the interview on RamsTV. JW not at fault for any of the goals and PW didn't slate him

    35Nelson: 7 Solid as ever

    5Bradley: 6 Couple of early doors slips but fine after that

    6Cashin: 7 Few poor passes and some defensive errors he doesn't usually make nut some good tackles/interceptions as well

    2Wilson: 6.5 Good at beating players with his twinkle toes control but the crosses were less than average

    8Bird 🦅 8.5 Tackles, passes, interceptions. Great assist for the first NML goal. Another, equally good 2 minutes later which NML put just wide. What a run prior to the assist for the 3rd. 

    4Hourihane: 7 Less than average against Posh. Much better this game

    22Fornah; 6 No mistakes but nothing outstanding either

    3Forsyth: 6.5 good enough half but was on a yellow...

    20Elder: 6 Almost but not quite, yet.

    19John-Jules: 5.5 Has skill and control but he goes down easier than a whore's knickers. Stay on yer feet lad.

    7Barkhuizen: 7 One of his better games

    11Méndez-Laing: 8 Was everything he hadn't been against the Posh. No idea why but I'll be happy to see this NML for the rest of the season

    9Collins: 7.5 Cracking header for the 2nd, a pain all day for their defence. More than useful when back defending

    16Thompson: 6.5 Put himself about as Thommo does


  12. We went  back 3 at the weekend as we didn't have a fit "back 4" RB available with Nyambe away at AFCON. Neither Ward nor Wilson is a proper right back, IMO. That meant we had to go back 3. If Smith was fit he'd have been at RB at the weekend. He's still not training with the squad so he's nowhere near ready to play. I think we will see a back 3 for the rest of this month until Nyambe is back. He will be straight back in as we look far more solid with a back 4 than a 3. 

  13. 9 hours ago, Magicman said:


    Bartlett Bradley Cox 

    Ward Fepatu Robinson Thompson 

    Weston Brown Wheeldon 

    Great idea but I think we'll see a fair few bench sitters starting alongside young uns like Fapetu and Brown. I think we may well see Brown alongside JJ.

  14. On 07/01/2024 at 00:54, uttoxram75 said:

    Bloody kids.

    I'm 63 and will be at Wembley with me Uttoxeter Rams flag acting like a kid on the Popside. I'll meet you for a pint old fella!

    70 next month and I'll be there with me Benelux Rams flag and looking towards the kid's pen to see if I can spot yer Utcheter flag 🙂

    I say go for it. As someone else posted, it is, hopefully, our last ever chance of winning it so we might as well go for it. We can't start a full first XI because of the rules of the competition. I'm expecting most of the bench from the weekend to start along with Fapetu. Bench a mix of 1st XI and U21's, one of which should be Weston. The kids should be OK as the 21s next game is Friday and the 18s on Saturday so not too close to the Bradford game.

    Bradford are currently 14th in L2 so we should win and then we're just 2 games from Wembley and that would see at least 4 of us over for a weekend out or should I say out,out? 

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