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My Statement regarding Proposed South Stand move 2013/2014


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It's gunna depend on who decides to move to the South Stand, if you get families and old people wanting to go over there to just be part of the atmosphere and end up sitting it's not going to work.

I think if you can fill the first 10 rows with people who are gunna stand up for 90 minutes, thus encouraging the whole area to stand then the atmosphere will improve. If it just turns into everyone sitting down, with a few rows at the back standing, like our away support basically, then it's going to be the same as what it is.

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What a load of ******, Glick passes on his PR spin onto Clough

What a load of ******, Glick passes on his PR spin onto Clough

Sorry but TG was not sat around a table when I was talking to Clough. So your post you could say is a load of ******!

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I have a group of 3 friends in my area who play for local football team and all support Derby. We try to get to games as often as possible but as fans who don't have ST's due to commitments and travel issues, when I do get to go to PP its almost impossible for us to get tickets in the corner where we want to be.

A lot of games this season I have ended up in the more southern end of the East Stand with a load of grumpy ******** moaning about every decision the ref makes (one group of people going mental at the ref over a decision for a throw-in).

I'd love to be able to get a ticket for an odd home game,come and sit in the South Stand. This is the sort of problem a move there would solve. It may not increase the atmosphere, but any fans on the fringe of the corner, stuck in the east stand, could get in the action.

Im not sure if many of you SE corner ST holders have seen what you look like, but it looks really cramped up there. Your singing doesnt carry as much as it could do if everyone were was in the south stand.

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Hello I'm a new member to the forum.

I sit in the Toyota stand and regularly find the away fans to sound louder than the home support, especially against the teams who bring a big away following i.e Leeds, Leicester, Forest. If the fans switched to the seats behind the back of the goal then I think it would enhance the atmosphere around the ground because the home support would sound louder to the rest of the ground and would spurr on the lads on the pitch.

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My two pence...

The atmosphere at Pride Park, for all but 4 games last season was catastrophically dire. Even teams with away support worse than our own would come to us and totally outsing us - sometimes even with only 200 or so singing, and when the likes of Stoke came to town, we just got totally shown up noise wise. That is just not good enough from the home support. You are there to watch your local team, whom you should, whenever possible give vocal support to. Not everyone wants to stand up for 90 minutes going mental, but i'm amazed how people can't even muster a "Derby...Derby...Derby" when we've got a corner in the last 5 minutes, with the score at 0-0 and a chant is started off. How can you not get involved? How do you not get caught up in the moment and the atmosphere of it all? Even when I can't be arsed with it, i'll join in with those chants. People seem afraid of showing passion nowadays.

I'm a little torn on this issue if i'm honest. I back the move 100% because something needs to change at Pride Park to shake things up a bit, and why the away fans get prime position behind the goal is beyond me - they should be shoved away in a corner, out of the way. However, I think the lack of atmosphere is down to more than the position of the singers, although it is a factor for sure. Football in 2012 is dead. Vocal fans aren't wanted, 2 adults, 2 kids, 4 replica shirts, 4 burgers and 4 bottles of Coke are the order of the day, a Starbucks (a f**king Starbucks for God's sake) before the game has replaced the pre-match pint at the boozer next door to the ground, jester hats and face paint have replaced Doc. Martins and a scarf around the wrist. The whole experience has been sanitised beyond recognition from the wonderful scenes witnessed on the terraces up and down the country in the 70's and 80's by Sky TV, corporate hospitality and all seater stadia. The extortionate ticket prices have pushed the inner city lads out, to be replaced by Mike, 45, from Surrey.

The golden age of football has passed and it's not until Murdoch and the mercenary bandits who masquerade as players are removed, and the chaps in the corridors of power listen to the lifeblood of the game, us, the fans, and start acting in our interests rather than those of their wallets that we'll see proper support and enjoyment of the game for lads like me again.

I've digressed.


A whole end stood, singing, scarves and flags waving has to be the aim. It's perfectly acheiveable if the right people are involved and would go some way to making Pride Park a fun place to be on a Saturday afternoon for those who don't want to sit on their hands discussing the merits of 4-3-3 with 2 out and out wingers against a 4-3-2-1 employing 2 Trequartista's and a Sweeper or some other such wannabe Football Manager bullsh*t over a flask lid of hot Ribena.

So "YES" to the move from me, i'm hesitant to believe that this will turn Pride Park into the Stadio San Paolo overnight, but it maybe, just maybe is a start.

Peace out motherflippers.

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Spot on post Joe.

I am that person that is trying to make a difference. Not everyone will agree with me but I am only doing what I am doing for the love of Derby County, something we all share.

You are doing it? You're selfish you are.
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It won't just be the SE corner that is affected by a move. there has to be a certain percentage of tickets available for cup games away fans. At the moment no season ticket holders get moved because the SS can be handed over en mass.

If the away fans are put in the corner then there will have to be chunks of the east stand shifted for every cup game.

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It won't just be the SE corner that is affected by a move. there has to be a certain percentage of tickets available for cup games away fans. At the moment no season ticket holders get moved because the SS can be handed over en mass.

If the away fans are put in the corner then there will have to be chunks of the east stand shifted for every cup game.

This is what people at the club are paid to look at. Max 15% being given and not more. We dont want another Stoke game where we just totally lost any home advantage going. The money gained from ticket sales would have been less than a game in the next round of the cup. Embarrassing that was.

My proposal would be for the East Stand segregation not to be moved but the South Stand area. This area would not be season ticket holders but matchday sales only. DCFC has state of the art ticket system. Can easily be done.

Seeing as we are talking segregation us DCFC fans seem to think that empty blocks must be between fans. Its not like that at other clubs and Derby should be no different. When right next to away fans such as Leeds, West Ham, Stoke etc nothing happened.

During the sick chants towards Doughty v Forest no one tried to clamber over the stewards did they? In such a tense exchange of songs that were personal no fans reacted badly which proves my point.

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Why not stick the away fans in the SW corner? Then it eliminates the issues with having 2 sets of segregation, and the police can better marshall the fans away from the ground.

Cup games and 15% allocation.

2 sets of segregation is really not a problem. Dont be fooled by Derby wanting empty blocks. A line of stewards and some small netting is sufficiant.

The CCTV in the stadium can read text messages!! Who in there nelly is going to cause bother!

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Has anyone been to the Walkers?

And has anyone been to the Walkers when we haven't been absolutely drowned out by having home fans either side of us with us scrunched up in the corner?

I would also like to add that I love my seat to bits. My family has had these seats since 1997. But I'm not selfish/mardy enough to say "my seat is good so I don't want this to happen". If Nick and 1,499 other people on the internet feel so strong about this then there's got to be something in this.

And I'd rather have a good atmosphere than a nice view. If you want a nice view and no noise, watch the games on TV and press mute. Don't buy a season ticket and ruin it for those of us who don't want football to be like that.

If there was an obvious place to sing I probably would move there but the S/E corner is crap. No one sings anyway, the view is horrendous, and the only songs they sing is ones declaring our hatred for Forest or "we're Derby County, we'll sing on our own" WHICH IS THE WORST THING EVER. PERIOD.

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Exactly Duracell.

Derby County could by rights just do the move anyway. However, they are being decent and speaking to fans affected.

I mean its not like PPS doesnt have many more great views is it! Try going Norwich, Ipswich or Leeds this season.

Like I have said I urge all fans to really think about this and the benefits it could offer the club, not just your own.

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