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DCFC Accounts....


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Is this a new signing?

Or have we really converted from a football club to an economics club? The excitement a balance sheet is creating is actually frightening.

To be fair there were 10 posts before yours.

Even Dr Who managed 7 posts, so read into that what you will.

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Is this a new signing?

Or have we really converted from a football club to an economics club? The excitement a balance sheet is creating is actually frightening.

Probably more interesting than some stat that points to what minute we have scored in over the past few years, now that is frightening :-)

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My guess is a big trading loss c-£10m but an equity injection of £8m will have largley covered it.

Be a bit worried if you got the first bit right,Cornwall,especially if you got the second bit wrong (£5.6m was signalled in the directors' report-doesn't mean this was the final figure,but that quoted the previous year coincided with the final figure)

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Be a bit worried if you got the first bit right,Cornwall,especially if you got the second bit wrong (£5.6m was signalled in the directors' report-doesn't mean this was the final figure,but that quoted the previous year coincided with the final figure)

We know that there were no parachute payments and we had lower gates than the previous set of accounts. It does not stretch credibility too far to imagine that merchandising and sponsorsip revenue also took a hit. I also think (but could be wrong) that we paid a fair few players to go away during that year. I think (but could easily be wrong again) that the tv money didn't go up and we had no appreciable cup run. The only positives that I think of were an increase in solidarity payments and the reduced wage bill.

Obviuosly I'm not silly enough to challenge Ramblur on this and will happily yield to the better accountant, but it's hard to see anything other than a big trading trading loss.

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Well, everyone is saying they are **** before they've seen them, so it could be a new signing!

Not me,I think they may be a bit better than some predict.Although the chute payment disappears,I reckon some contract buyouts will too to part compensate-then it's down to the extent of cost cutting.

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Not me,I think they may be a bit better than some predict.Although the chute payment disappears,I reckon some contract buyouts will too to part compensate-then it's down to the extent of cost cutting.

You're such a blind faither when it comes to GSE accounts 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

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We know that there were no parachute payments and we had lower gates than the previous set of accounts. It does not stretch credibility too far to imagine that merchandising and sponsorsip revenue also took a hit. I also think (but could be wrong) that we paid a fair few players to go away during that year. I think (but could easily be wrong again) that the tv money didn't go up and we had no appreciable cup run. The only positives that I think of were an increase in solidarity payments and the reduced wage bill.

Obviuosly I'm not silly enough to challenge Ramblur on this and will happily yield to the better accountant, but it's hard to see anything other than a big trading trading loss.

Nothing to do with accountancy,Cornwall -no accountant could possibly predict the figure without inside info.Wasn't that the year of the departures of Barnes,Priovic and Zadkovich ? Wouldn't have thought there was a great deal there,compared to other years.Don't forget the headline loss will include paper transactions,so I think your £8m injection may be a tad overcooked.

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