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Herbie Kane - Gone to Huddersfield

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20 hours ago, jono said:

I am aware of it 🍻 and I bet when set up it works and is clever. Yet, while I am not REALLY a technophobe, sometimes, when I stand back, I honestly think we have “overapped” many simple tasks for the benefit of others and it is beginning to grate. 

Let’s say I want a simple document from my bank, for a tax return. Something that is universally required .. Can’t it just be sent by an email to me, by a massive corporation with an IT and customer services department ?
Nope ! I have to have the ap, I then have to then search for it in my documents and statements, then, when it isn’t there I need to message them. Then they say that they aren’t the team that deal with that and I should ring a dedicated team; which then takes more time (after entering my account number or talking to a bot (that has no intelligence, artificial or otherwise ) listening and wading through their suggestions and menus that want me to use their website or study FAQ’s. Then if you finally manage to talk to someone, they need to identify you, then they tell you that the documents won’t be produced for another 10 days and that I should keep checking on the ap. Flipping send me a mail ! 🤣 rant over 🤪

I feel your pain! We've all been there. Fear not, Stocard works and is not clever. It merely captures the barcode (or QR code) which you then flash at the till. When you open the app, you get pictures of all the cards you've scanned. Hit the one you want and up pops the barcode. Simples

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1 hour ago, Phoenix said:

I feel your pain! We've all been there. Fear not, Stocard works and is not clever. It merely captures the barcode (or QR code) which you then flash at the till. When you open the app, you get pictures of all the cards you've scanned. Hit the one you want and up pops the barcode. Simples



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2 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

I thought it was the name given to the form masters method of corporal punishment at your boarding school 😉

No, our form master was Roger Baggery.

His methods were cruel but effective.

That’s why I stand so upright.

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Posted (edited)

Good signing for Huddersfield. I would've thought he fancied a crack at the Championship, assuming there were offers, but playing for one of the top sides in League One on decent money is no shame for a player of his ability. 

Edited by Ambitious
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