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World Cup 2030 - 6 Countries


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The 2030 men's FIFA World Cup is set to be spread across six countries on three continents, world football's governing body has said.

In Europe, Spain and Portugal, will be the main co-hosts, along with Morocco in North Africa, as first revealed by Sky News.


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10 minutes ago, David said:

The 2030 men's FIFA World Cup is set to be spread across six countries on three continents, world football's governing body has said.

In Europe, Spain and Portugal, will be the main co-hosts, along with Morocco in North Africa, as first revealed by Sky News.


Football politics. I've got literally no interest in football other than Derby County. Megalomaniacs who run the sport and who run the clubs have ruined it.

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How does this effect footballs carbon footprint because I know football authorities love to virtue signal without ever actually doing their part to make a difference. 

Is it carbon neutral like the Qatar world cup was... lolz

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2034 will be in Asia and apparently Saudi have already expressed an interest - different head of FIFA but it seems that money still talks….

 In addition, they’re allowing the Russian U17 team back into competitions - guess the invasion of Ukraine must be over…..

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45 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

2034 will be in Asia and apparently Saudi have already expressed an interest - different head of FIFA but it seems that money still talks….

 In addition, they’re allowing the Russian U17 team back into competitions - guess the invasion of Ukraine must be over…..

The under 17s are too young to fight, so can play international football obviously.


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Do all 6 nations get automatic qualification? This is an extremely thinly veiled ploy to get Europe, South America, and Africa out of the bidding cycle for 2036. No prizes for guessing where that will be held and I can guarantee that tournament won't be "welcoming and uniting the world" by being spread across three continents.

I used to love the world cup and couldn't have even imagined how it could be ruined to such an extent that I lost all interest. With the 48 team free for all and nonsense like this FIFA have managed it.

Edited by Anon
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Seems a daft idea. It's not like a Belgium/Netherlands joint thing or Poland/Ukraine when they joint hosted the euros.

Still, I'm hoping Scotland find a way to overcome their unprecedented boycott of the world cup. I know there are many ethical dilemmas for Scotland about going to the world cup (like, they keep having England in it), but, for once, it'd be nice.

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On 05/10/2023 at 13:13, littleover ram said:

Anything to avoid giving it to England.

will be Saudi 2034, probably then USA again in 2038 as Europe ‘hosted’ it in 2030.

maybe England 2042. Hopefully we’ll be out of league one by then 

Why on earth would we want to host a 48 team world cup?

It'd be just like an enlarged PL with different coloured kits.

And I'm sure Suwella would be on the case....

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