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Freedom of Speech


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The problem I have with all these new pronouns and genders are, at what point are we just indulging peoples fantasies when as the adult in the room we should be saying 'no, you need help!'  Who decides what the limits are?  And if there are no limits we end up with this...

Neopronouns often try to emulate standard pronouns like e/em/eirs/emself emulating he/them/theirs/themself.

Why not use non standard forms? Like jop/jep/jup/joop.

Bob was mad after jop stubbed jep toe on jep bed that jop just built for joop.

Or using examples from the above just go nuts with it shark/flower/wolf/paint etc.

Bob was mad after shark stubbed flower toe on flower bed that wolf just built for paint.


By the way, mine are 'awesome' and 'heroic' and I insist upon them being used.

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4 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

The teacher definitely needs some compassion over such a pointless hill to die on. Whilst believing their stand to be part of some instruction from God, they are actually making Christianity just appear intolerant and bigoted. Like they've missed the central message of Christianity, although they are not the first!

Who gets to decide what is pointless?

for me someone fighting to force EVERYONE to accept they’re chosen pronouns or force EVERYONE to see them as they see themselves is just as much a pointless hill to die on and only brings conflict and unhappiness ,

as stated before , why can’t people live as the choose and be happy with themselves , why the need to force others to see them as they see themselves 

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Of course the culture warriors come up withy confected daft examples from the darkest corners of the internet and try to pretend that this is how it is everywhere. "duh huh huh i identify as a penguin huh huh" - therefore every person with gender dysphoria becomes a joke to them. 

Again - we repeat - respecting someone's pronouns does not hurt you. Nor do you have to share your opinions on the matter. You can be a better person. You just have to choose that path

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Its got nothing to do with being a culture warrior.

I just did a quick google search, 'how many genders are there?'  There were a number of stories dating back several months/years stating there are 46, 63, 76 etc.  The Telegraph article I previously posted in this thread states that the BBC now teach there are 160 and the number is growing.

Its not about highlighting the loonies, its more about who decides who are and who aren't loonies - and then being told we have to indulge them in their fantasies.  

As far as I'm concerned you can call yourself whatever pronoun you want and believe you are whatever gender you are, I honestly don't care.  What I object to is being forced to indulge in something that I consider to be requiring help and being compelled to use the pronouns you have decided to give yourself.

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Who gets to decide what is pointless?

for me someone fighting to force EVERYONE to accept they’re chosen pronouns or force EVERYONE to see them as they see themselves is just as much a pointless hill to die on and only brings conflict and unhappiness ,

as stated before , why can’t people live as the choose and be happy with themselves , why the need to force others to see them as they see themselves 

Feel sorry for the teachers, HR etc one misplaced word could upset anyone at anytime


Edited by cstand
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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Of course the culture warriors come up withy confected daft examples from the darkest corners of the internet and try to pretend that this is how it is everywhere. "duh huh huh i identify as a penguin huh huh" - therefore every person with gender dysphoria becomes a joke to them. 

Again - we repeat - respecting someone's pronouns does not hurt you. Nor do you have to share your opinions on the matter. You can be a better person. You just have to choose that path

No ,,, it’s not about anyone choosing that path it’s about everybody being FORCED to go along with something even if they object to it , when did it become wrong for anyone to share they’re opinions on an issue that affects them ?

Stive believes something is right so everyone else has to shut up and do what they are told ,, jeez what a world we are moving into 

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1 minute ago, Archied said:

Stive believes something is right so everyone else has to shut up and do what they are told

Absolutely not - I respect your freedom of speech, I'm not telling you to "shut up and do as you are told"

I just happen to think you're wrong, and I judge you accordingly. There's a big difference


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Invented pronouns aren't valid pronouns to me. Also, if 'gender-fluid' people want to change their preferred pronouns on a regular basis, that's fine, but I ain't playing - nothing strikes me as attention-seeking as much as that does.

There must be a concern about why gender identity has become a major issue with the young in particular, but that's such a deep rabbit-hole I don't want to go there on here. Suffice to say, I know two families with teenage/young adult kids who are transitioning and I know it's been a big struggle for both families to come to terms with, so I keep my opinions firmly to myself with regard to their situations.

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22 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Absolutely not - I respect your freedom of speech, I'm not telling you to "shut up and do as you are told"

I just happen to think you're wrong, and I judge you accordingly. There's a big difference


Nope as always you have gone somewhere else , I’ve made it plain that I have no problem with calling someone by a chosen pronoun, My choice ,, choice being the operative word


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25 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Absolutely not - I respect your freedom of speech, I'm not telling you to "shut up and do as you are told"

I just happen to think you're wrong, and I judge you accordingly. There's a big difference


That’s ok , I judge you on your comments on two young women 

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

I’ve made it plain that I have no problem with calling someone by a chosen pronoun

hmm - well what you actually said sounded begrudging rather than "plainly no problem". You said:


I would probably go along with the request to call someone they if they wanted that

But it's fine because I think you get it. For the vast majority of people in this situation, their pronoun is preferred - it's not mandatory. It's just nice to be nice isn't it? 

And it's only when people deliberately get it wrong that it becomes a form of abuse. I'm genuinely pleased that's not your attitude

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

hmm - well what you actually said sounded begrudging rather than "plainly no problem". You said:

But it's fine because I think you get it. For the vast majority of people in this situation, their pronoun is preferred - it's not mandatory. It's just nice to be nice isn't it? 

And it's only when people deliberately get it wrong that it becomes a form of abuse. I'm genuinely pleased that's not your attitude

Ahhhh I see , not only do as your told but be happy to do as your told?,

as with everything else this pronoun thing has been hijacked by the extremists and ideologist s who under the banner of defenders of the rights (easy street hero’s ) make things worse rather than better ,divide rather than bring people together , I say easy street hero’s because they have a vision of themselves as the kind of hero s of yesterday who fought for rights at great cost to themselves , brave people not the plastics we have today,

I would never call a trans woman him , or visa versa as that’s just downright hurtful and I don’t need anybody to tell me that , as for the other how many pronouns I don’t even pretend to understand where that’s all going but I do know for sure we are confusing the hell out of our children and storing up a whole heap of problems for the future

now you judge away on me until your hearts content , it matters not as I don’t need to force anybody to see me as I see myself 

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3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

Go on then - how many times have you personally been forced to address someone by a pronoun that you didn't like?

Is it zero? I bet it's zero

I bloody hope its zero, I work from home if my missus starts wanting me to use a pronoun I'm off ?

Where my sister works they have monthly 'inclusivity' meetings now and she says the room is always deathly quiet as no one engages with what they are being told and its made everyones work life much more miserable.  Her husband works in a University and says the stuff thats happening there is shocking - talking of which my eldest lad has just started his second year at Uni, fortunately hes now out of the halls of residence as he emailed me the other day, starting this year the University has added mandatory pronouns to be displayed on doors of student dorms ?

Again, I'm all for live and let live - which also applies to those that don't wish to engage with the current thing or feel compelled to say things they don't believe.  People have been sacked for not using pronouns even though they have used a persons (new) name instead - more than good enough compromise imho.


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