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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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6 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Please list (not you @maxjam!)

As I said , I don’t keep spreadsheets , also I’m not at uni doing a masters where everything has to be referenced and I think some on here really need to understand that , the real world does not work like uni ??‍♂️,

the government have been very clear from the start that they have targeted anything THEY call covid misinformation  , that’s censorship my friend 

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Further to masks , would it be ok to just wear a visor if the issue is droplets from coughing and sneezing as some keep saying

given this virus is airborne we are told , where does the expelled air from I’ll fitting face covering go ? Or is the virus filtered out by paper and cloth? 
would seem that social distancing was required with masks ??‍♂️

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7 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Please list (not you @maxjam!)

Out of interest why is it not ok for maxjam to put a list up IF he feels that what I’ve said is valid , thought this was a forum and that’s how it worked , seems ok when there’s a pile on of posters on me throwing opinions , this study , that study , this reading of stats , that reading of stats if I dare to question the covid is everything line ?

is this just another attempt at haughty school bullying , I think so

i not into making list but it would be easy to do


Edited by Archied
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13 hours ago, maxjam said:

Tens of thousands have marched, multiple weekends.  BBC and Sky manage an article apiece about 10-12 arrests.

so do you think that there is some sort of conspiracy/cover-up to not report on these things, or is it that these media companies don't see anything newsworthy enough? Again - it's classic confirmation bias that when people feel passionately about a subject being protested, they feel it must be a conspiracy if such protests don't get the coverage that they think it deserves. Whereas really it's just not that important to most people. "Tens of thousands" is not very many people in the scheme of things

Meanwhile - I assume you're up in arms about this too?




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11 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

Out of interest, if you’ve stopped watching news programmes, where do you get the information to form your opinions? Not newspapers, Bob down the pub or the internet I hope. ?

Internet...the font of all information whether true or false, It's what's in my cranium that decides who and what is believable ?

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4 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

so do you think that there is some sort of conspiracy/cover-up to not report on these things, or is it that these media companies don't see anything newsworthy enough? Again - it's classic confirmation bias that when people feel passionately about a subject being protested, they feel it must be a conspiracy if such protests don't get the coverage that they think it deserves. Whereas really it's just not that important to most people. "Tens of thousands" is not very many people in the scheme of things

The thread was talking about BBC Bias, with some saying it was imagined. 

I posted links that showed the BBC had recieved approx 500k complaints last year (on top of the 400k the year before) but that was brushed off, mocking the links rather than acknowledging the amount of complaints the BBC had recieved. 

I also pointed out that with places like the BBC the bias is not only in what the broadcast (actual communists wanting more covid lockdowns) but also in what they don't report - numerous well attended anti-passport/lockdown rallies.

If tens of thousands marching through London protesting restrictions numerous times is only newsworthy when a dozen or so get arrested then maybe the recent YouGov poll you posted on this forum about people wanting more restrictions was correct.  Alternatively, the Good Morning Britain poll the next day had thousands more take part and showed the complete opposite, by a huge margin.

There is the news they want us to hear and the news that is actually out there.

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11 minutes ago, maxjam said:

If tens of thousands marching through London protesting restrictions numerous times is only newsworthy when a dozen or so get arrested then maybe the recent YouGov poll you posted on this forum about people wanting more restrictions was correct.  Alternatively, the Good Morning Britain poll the next day had thousands more take part and showed the complete opposite, by a huge margin.

There is the news they want us to hear and the news that is actually out there.

Was there that many? Where did you read that?

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22 minutes ago, maxjam said:

There is the news they want us to hear and the news that is actually out there.

so you think it's a conspiracy/cover-up. That's all you had to say

I'm far more pragmatic about it. If it's something that I have no special interest in (like anti-vax protesters) then I'm not bothered if it doesn't get reported. It's not news to me, it's just something that happened

Same as in 2014 - tens of thousands of Derby fans marched down Wembley Way because they believed Derby were the best team in the league. Didn't make it news for the tens of millions of people who weren't in the least bit interested

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4 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Twitter, youtube. 

Numerous rallies, all around the country.

Only worth mentioning when a dozen get arrested though apparently.


I think the reason they're not drawing more attention from the national media is they are relatively small protests. The Daily Mail said the Brighton rally saw "hundreds" of people. Stand Up X is talked about in i and they found their Twitter accounts have 20k to 30k followers max. They are nationally organising protests and getting fairly small turnouts, when you compare with some of the really large protest marches. I mean, think about the Stop the War protests - Wikipedia says one exceeded 750,000 people. These protests are very small in comparison.

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9 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

so you think it's a conspiracy/cover-up. That's all you had to say

I'm far more pragmatic about it. If it's something that I have no special interest in (like anti-vax protesters) then I'm not bothered if it doesn't get reported. It's not news to me, it's just something that happened

Same as in 2014 - tens of thousands of Derby fans marched down Wembley Way because they believed Derby were the best team in the league. Didn't make it news for the tens of millions of people who weren't in the least bit interested

So we're comparing numerous anti-lockdown marches to a playoff final?  FFS lol.  I think this discussion has run its course.

Conspiracy is a strong word.  I don't think there was a global cabal that decided to extract even more money and power from ordinary people but I do think that certain groups have profited from the pandemic and are happy to see it continue.

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4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think the reason they're not drawing more attention from the national media is they are relatively small protests. The Daily Mail said the Brighton rally saw "hundreds" of people. Stand Up X is talked about in i and they found their Twitter accounts have 20k to 30k followers max. They are nationally organising protests and getting fairly small turnouts, when you compare with some of the really large protest marches. I mean, think about the Stop the War protests - Wikipedia says one exceeded 750,000 people. These protests are very small in comparison.

Yep the less coverage/ exposure things get , the less people know about them , the less people attend,,

there may be many many people who would be up for attending/ joining in if they knew they were going on around the country ?‍♂️, then again there may not 



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1 minute ago, Archied said:

Yep the less coverage/ exposure things get , the less people know about them , the less people attend,,

there may be many many people who would be up for attending/ joining in if they knew they were going on around the country ?‍♂️, then again there may not 



There’s plenty of information out there - maybe people don’t want to attend?

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2 minutes ago, maxjam said:

So we're comparing numerous anti-lockdown marches to a playoff final?  FFS lol.  I think this discussion has run its course.

Conspiracy is a strong word.  I don't think there was a global cabal that decided to extract even more money and power from ordinary people but I do think that certain groups have profited from the pandemic and are happy to see it continue.

Come on , you know your not allowed to be sensible, you are either on board with the madness or you are full on conspiracy theorist ,

hence the anti lockdown protests labelled anti vax protests 

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1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

There’s plenty of information out there - maybe people don’t want to attend?

You may be right , but I’m sure any sensible person can see the difference between plenty of information out there you can search for ,,, and bombarded with information in our faces 24/7 

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8 minutes ago, maxjam said:

So we're comparing numerous anti-lockdown marches to a playoff final?  FFS lol. 

Of course not - i'm just saying that what one man considers newsworthy, another man has no interest in, and we're all subject to our own confirmation bias. As you keep proving repeatedly!

At least I admit to it, and don't try and kid myself (and everyone else) that I have somehow mastered the art of consuming a balanced news feed and therefore having the one true opinion ?

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2 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Of course not - i'm just saying that what one man considers newsworthy, another man has no interest in, and we're all subject to our own confirmation bias. As you keep proving repeatedly!


And if the person(s) at the BBC who decides what's newsworthy have a confirmation bias?

Which is the point being made. 

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13 minutes ago, Archied said:

You may be right , but I’m sure any sensible person can see the difference between plenty of information out there you can search for ,,, and bombarded with information in our faces 24/7 

There is a pandemic and anti-vaxxers are in a very small minority. The air-time has to be filled is the problem.

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