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And its an own goal, Pat Van Den Hauwe

Mick Harford

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My first post.. Hopefully one of many more to come. 

I always remember this commentary for GR saying "this isn't a football match, this is a farrago". 

Had to Google that last word as I'm not as educated as our esteemed GR. He got it spot on.. Unlike saying that Tommy finished 5 years ahead by the end. 

Can forgive him that. Can forgive  him most things. Never been one like him since. 

Interesting fact : I sold him a lottery ticket pre game many moons ago. More to be divulged soon on experience on selling lottery tickets, programs, breaking into the Ramtique and throwing away Steve Cross' boots in due course.

First post was a bit longer than intended. ?

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I am indifferent to any Forest, Leeds etc fan hating on here. However I can honestly say I hate Millwall with a vengance since seeing a behind the scenes tv documentary. Also footage like the example shown above (at 1.38 and 3.40). I actually met one of their "F Troop" and yep, he was as big a turd as I expected him to be.

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