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15 minutes ago, maxjam said:

People gathering in large numbers not wearing masks is not just limited to one political party.

In fact, looking at the papers this morning there is a very anti-political theme running through most of them.

There is an anti-political/anti-establishment/anti-expert theme running through the country.

It started with the reaction to MPs expenses, the financial crisis and then moved onto Brexit. 51.8% of the country voting against the majority of politicians views and the majority of experts views. Social media became the main source of news.

Now we have a large element of society not following rules and guidelines because they know better/its all a conspiracy theory/pure selfishness.

A healthy disregard for authority but sadly we now have a unhealthy disregard. 

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I'm just waiting to be told that living in Nottingham from Wednesday I won't be able to meet any other households that I know in my pub but I will be allowed to carry on going to work and mingling with scores of random transient agency workers who change on a daily basis. 

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

They're supposed to be, but for some on here, messages have to be brought down to the lowest common denominator.

We are in the age of slogans, preferably of three words or less.

Bit of an excuse really to be offensive to people with differing views on this whole situation, there are people dying because of restrictions, there are people who’s mental health is on the floor because of this, there are people who’s whole lives and livelihoods are being destroyed , yourself and the old are far from the only consideration 

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10 minutes ago, Archied said:

Bit of an excuse really to be offensive to people with differing views on this whole situation, there are people dying because of restrictions, there are people who’s mental health is on the floor because of this, there are people who’s whole lives and livelihoods are being destroyed , yourself and the old are far from the only consideration 

I don't need an excuse to be offensive to people. Haven't you learned that by now?


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3 hours ago, alexxxxx said:

Not quite sure how one is relevant to the other. 

Young people having a laugh walking home and old vulnerable people actively deciding to move seats together. 

Looks 'lawless' but timestamp is only a few minutes after the pubs shut and that road (Rye Lane) is closed to traffic. 

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

The VP of the USA is irresponsibly allowing loads of older, and more vulnerable people to be really close together so he can campaign to them. (I assume you think this a good idea then @Uptherams?)

Then some young kids are messing about in the street after the pubs shut.

I would have thought the likes of @Uptherams and @maxjam would have celebrated people in the UK bravely defying the authorities, whilst also been concerned that older people in the US are putting themselves at risk. I'm sure they have argued for these types of people to be shielded so the kids can have a normal life.


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Couple of interesting points in this worrying article...

"It was becoming clear that Covid-19 was a disease of poverty and vulnerability, Prof Mckee said, adding that years of austerity had taken their toll on the UK’s ability to absorb shocks in comparison with Nordic countries.

“If we don’t provide [people] with the support that they need, we won’t get the degree of isolation that is required,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons why we’re doing much worse than the Nordic countries."


"Whereas in Germany, Korea and elsewhere, what they’re doing is backward tracing, which is you identify a case, and then you go back until you find the source, and then you act on that. If we were able to identify where the sources of infection were we can act against them. We need intelligent responses, which we don’t have."


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26 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

The VP of the USA is irresponsibly allowing loads of older, and more vulnerable people to be really close together so he can campaign to them. (I assume you think this a good idea then @Uptherams?)

Then some young kids are messing about in the street after the pubs shut.

I would have thought the likes of @Uptherams and @maxjam would have celebrated people in the UK bravely defying the authorities, whilst also been concerned that older people in the US are putting themselves at risk. I'm sure they have argued for these types of people to be shielded so the kids can have a normal life.


It's getting boring. 

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26 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

"It was becoming clear that Covid-19 was a disease of poverty and vulnerability, Prof Mckee said, adding that years of austerity had taken their toll on the UK’s ability to absorb shocks in comparison with Nordic countries.

“If we don’t provide [people] with the support that they need, we won’t get the degree of isolation that is required,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons why we’re doing much worse than the Nordic countries.

We spent on the NHS £129B in 2018/19 and expected at least to spend  £140B in 2019/20. We are employing 1.6 million people and spending ~7% of GDP on the NHS. You really think austerity is the reason, or is it we have used different and incorrect tactics against COVID compared to the Nordic’s? I’d vote for the latter.

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26 minutes ago, sage said:

We will need a 2 week national lockdown in a week or two to give ourselves a reset and get the numbers down and buy us time to work out some of the problems.



Think it was being talked about a few weeks back adding a week onto the half term holidays, can see this happening the way things are shaping up. 

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15 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

We spent on the NHS £129B in 2018/19 and expected at least to spend  £140B in 2019/20. We are employing 1.6 million people and spending ~7% of GDP on the NHS. You really think austerity is the reason, or is it we have used different and incorrect tactics against COVID compared to the Nordic’s? I’d vote for the latter.

I don't think the quote is about the NHS, more that people's finances are stretched to breaking point and there is little state support available to help, hence people can't miss work.

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50 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Couple of interesting points in this worrying article...

"It was becoming clear that Covid-19 was a disease of poverty and vulnerability, Prof Mckee said, adding that years of austerity had taken their toll on the UK’s ability to absorb shocks in comparison with Nordic countries.

“If we don’t provide [people] with the support that they need, we won’t get the degree of isolation that is required,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons why we’re doing much worse than the Nordic countries."


"Whereas in Germany, Korea and elsewhere, what they’re doing is backward tracing, which is you identify a case, and then you go back until you find the source, and then you act on that. If we were able to identify where the sources of infection were we can act against them. We need intelligent responses, which we don’t have."


I thought we had identified that most of the cases were starting in pubs? I cant think of any other reason why people would be advocating them being closed.

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4 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I don't think the quote is about the NHS, more that people's finances are stretched to breaking point and there is little state support available to help, hence people can't miss work.

I’d agree with the that 

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