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19 minutes ago, TomBustler1884 said:

Had my flu jab yesterday. Had it for the first time last year and, for the first time in years didn't get a seasonal cold at all. £12 seems a fair price for being cold and flu free

But surely the flu jab protects you from flu and not the common cold? The fact you didn't get a cold surely has to be unrelated and just pure luck?



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12 hours ago, Eddie said:

It certainly doesn't stop cases rising on its own - that requires people to cooperate fully with the 'rules', as distasteful as they might be.

If everyone had followed them as religiously as I had - and am still doing - then we would have been in the same situation as New Zealand are now.

However, they don't - so it now boils down to a choice between killing off the economy and either killing off a proportion or totally isolating 15% of the population from the rest. I suppose it has always boiled down to that.

Trying to stay out of this debate, but I can see why you used to call yourself 'old one eye'.

I am all for following the guidelines, and have throughout the lockdown, but to to think everyone can follow the regulations as religiously as you is utter nonsense.  You are financially secure it seems, having led your life as you wanted to without too many lifestyle constraints on work or play, such that you can now sit at home secure in your bubble, with enough capital/home security and pension income that you can keep yourself stocked up on Belgium beer. Yeah, it is a hardship you cant do much more, but hopefully that time will come soon with the help of a vaccine.

However, there are a huge number of people out there who simply cannot lockdown for huge periods of time. People who need to work, to put food on the table for their kids, pay the rent or mortgage, and keep many kinds of wolf from the door.  Youngsters who want to be educated and enjoy what future prosperity might bring.

Many of these people might be serving you as you quaff on you La Chouffe Blonde D'ardenne and Tripel Karmeliet. You know the workers in the supermarket hub who make sure your weekly groceries arrive, the workers in the local Tescos you visit on a Wednesday for your essentials, the workers in the operating centres who make sure you continue to get TV and electric/gas service provision, the workers in the Chemists who make sure your prescriptions are ready on time, and the doctors/nurses who are there for when you need them. Oh, and those workers out in the fields who make sure enough bloody barley, wheat and oats is harvested to keep beer production and quality at the levels you desire.

Overall I say you are not too badly off all things considered, so please open that other eye at some time so you can properly consider the circumstances of others less fortunate than yourself.

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14 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

We seriously need the facepalm emoji back ?



We also need a ? one. For a lot of posts (including 95% of my posts).....cue the what do you mean 95% surely you mean 50% don’t be so self cricital ?

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

However, there are a huge number of people out there who simply cannot lockdown for huge periods of time. People who need to work, to put food on the table for their kids, pay the rent or mortgage, and keep many kinds of wolf from the door.  Youngsters who want to be educated and enjoy what future prosperity might bring.

All true, but I suspect that Eddie is referring more to the subset of people who are none of these things, they are merely just selfish entitled babies who don't want to have to follow rules that don't benefit them directly. We've had 4 decades of ruthless selfishness bred into society since Thatcherism I'm afraid



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2 hours ago, Andicis said:

In another country. With a different situation. Like you're stating a fact, I'm also stating a fact. It hasn't worked, and it'll continue to not work. 

You mean a country where the general population aren't selfish idiots?

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23 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

All true, but I suspect that Eddie is referring more to the subset of people who are none of these things, they are merely just selfish entitled babies who don't want to have to follow rules that don't benefit them directly. We've had 4 decades of ruthless selfishness bred into society since Thatcherism I'm afraid

Edging into politics there Steveyboy. Be careful. Maybe, I am doing Eddie a little disservice, and you absolutely right about about the mindless subset, but anyone who still thinks that a complete lockdown NZ style here in the UK is the solution is only looking out for themselves in my view.

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

Trying to stay out of this debate, but I can see why you used to call yourself 'old one eye'.

I am all for following the guidelines, and have throughout the lockdown, but to to think everyone can follow the regulations as religiously as you is utter nonsense.  You are financially secure it seems, having led your life as you wanted to without too many lifestyle constraints on work or play, such that you can now sit at home secure in your bubble, with enough capital/home security and pension income that you can keep yourself stocked up on Belgium beer. Yeah, it is a hardship you cant do much more, but hopefully that time will come soon with the help of a vaccine.

However, there are a huge number of people out there who simply cannot lockdown for huge periods of time. People who need to work, to put food on the table for their kids, pay the rent or mortgage, and keep many kinds of wolf from the door.  Youngsters who want to be educated and enjoy what future prosperity might bring.

Many of these people might be serving you as you quaff on you La Chouffe Blonde D'ardenne and Tripel Karmeliet. You know the workers in the supermarket hub who make sure your weekly groceries arrive, the workers in the local Tescos you visit on a Wednesday for your essentials, the workers in the operating centres who make sure you continue to get TV and electric/gas service provision, the workers in the Chemists who make sure your prescriptions are ready on time, and the doctors/nurses who are there for when you need them. Oh, and those workers out in the fields who make sure enough bloody barley, wheat and oats is harvested to keep beer production and quality at the levels you desire.

Overall I say you are not too badly off all things considered, so please open that other eye at some time so you can properly consider the circumstances of others less fortunate than yourself.

The fact that I have managed my financial affairs well enough after having worked 49 years (and am still working now) to be able to live in relative security and comfort in my old age is neither here nor there, and frankly, you bringing it up as a bough to beat me with says more about how low you will stoop in order to try to humiliate somebody than it does about me.

My criticism is aimed at the 'couldn't care less' attitude of the minority of people who seemingly fail to realise that there is a global pandemic going on that has already killed more than a million people, but they somehow feel that they will be largely immune from its effects.



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15 minutes ago, Eddie said:

You mean a country where the general population aren't selfish idiots?

I hope you’ve included yourself in that general population of selfish folk. I posted a reply to you on that topic, you see me as selfish for my view and I see you as selfish for your view. It’s all about personal circumstances. I think you’ve blocked me as I don’t agree with you or ass kiss you like so many on here, so you wouldn’t have read it anyway. 

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31 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The fact that I have managed my financial affairs well enough after having worked 49 years (and am still working now) to be able to live in relative security and comfort in my old age is neither here nor there, and frankly, you bringing it up as a bough to beat me with says more about how low you will stoop in order to try to humiliate somebody than it does about me.

My criticism is aimed at the 'couldn't care less' attitude of the minority of people who seemingly fail to realise that there is a global pandemic going on that has already killed more than a million people, but they somehow feel that they will be largely immune from its effects.

Thanks for the reply Eddie. No problems with the second paragraph.  The first paragraph though I standby unashamedly.

I am delighted that you are in good shape financially, and have funds behind you to be secure in your dotage. I wish that for all on this forum. My post was not to humilate either. It was to reinforce the point that there are many like you who want to see policy driven for purely selfish aims. You see a draconian lockdown as being THE solution, so that you can again enjoy many of the freedoms you once enjoyed. The point I make is that those not so financially secure, or leaving school/university to embark on careers, need to have every opportunity to carry on, and it is for the Government to come up with, and enforce, a range of flexible policies and approaches that let them do so.  To not think that is in my opinion ..... sorry struggling to find the right word .... lets go with misguided, as well as selfish.

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50 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The fact that I have managed my financial affairs well enough after having worked 49 years (and am still working now) to be able to live in relative security and comfort in my old age is neither here nor there, and frankly, you bringing it up as a bough to beat me with says more about how low you will stoop in order to try to humiliate somebody than it does about me.

I don't mean to be rude but personal circumstances do effect everyone's outlook.  Kinda like the media calling everyone covidiots for sunbathing on a park during the lockdown with a massive block of flats in the background - that was some people's only access to an outdoor space.  An individuals personal circumstances will impact how well or not s/he is able to cope with a lockdown.


50 minutes ago, Eddie said:

My criticism is aimed at the 'couldn't care less' attitude of the minority of people who seemingly fail to realise that there is a global pandemic going on that has already killed more than a million people, but they somehow feel that they will be largely immune from its effects.

Agree that those partying in the streets etc should be more mindful but there are a lot of people that will be breaking rules out of necessity.  How many people worked all week living hand to mouth before covid are now doing so to pay their mortgage, feed themselves or their kids etc knowing that furlough is coming to an end and they will be taking another 20% hit in their wages next month assuming they don't get made redundant.

Its good to hear that you have managed your financial affairs well during your 49 years of working.  Some people, especially now won't be so lucky and they will be running up debts that they may never be able to pay back.

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

I guess thats both good and bad news?

The vast majority can carry on as if nothings happening, the rest have to live in fear of them.  Do we lockdown and make everyone miserable or do we just shield the vulnerable? 

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Just the 17k positive cases today.. 

Patients in hospital only going one way atm. 

Apart from full on closure until March I can't see how you'd arrest these changes. It's clear these local lockdowns achieve nothing what they were set out to achieve. 

Not sure there's the will amongst people for that. I know a lot of people who were very pro lockdown in March who now have covid fatigue.

I think people feel like they did what was asked from them and it's not really worked out so why damage their lives further. If the government want people to support another lockdown they need a proper timeline because the three weeks turned into 3 months plus further restrictions after. 




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12 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I guess thats both good and bad news?

The vast majority can carry on as if nothings happening, the rest have to live in fear of them.  Do we lockdown and make everyone miserable or do we just shield the vulnerable? 

I suppose that's what my "christ on a bike" was aimed at - we're damned if we do and damned if we don't

We're learning more and more about this new virus as time progresses. Maybe the biggest irony of all will be that we finally get a vaccine at the same time that we finally understand it and realise that we didn't even need a vaccine at all. We just needed to know how to manage the spread effectively

I guess it also proves that none of us can claim to know what the right thing to do is, because we don't understand the whole picture yet.

So why are we arguing?


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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

I suppose that's what my "christ on a bike" was aimed at - we're damned if we do and damned if we don't

Absolutely. Politicians gotta blame those deaths on someone though!


2 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

So why are we arguing?

I keep trying to stop lol


2 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:


Would love to - with all the guys in here tbh, no matter what anyone thinks we're all Rams fans.  At some point in the near future we should all meet up after a match and have a beer!

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