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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I just read this. XLS format caused the errors? 

Jesus wept. 

In terms of technolgy XLS might predate Jesus.

This being said If they had used XLS from what i gather they would have been alright instead they used CSV (comma seaparated values) and this technology was around when dinausors roam this earth. Bring back the abacus.



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5 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

In terms of technolgy XLS might predate Jesus.

This being said If they had used XLS from what i gather they would have been alright instead they used CSV (comma seaparated values) and this technology was around when dinausors roam this earth. Bring back the abacus.



It's sort of error a new employee might make in their first job, 2 months in. We've spent 12 billion on this right? Probably turn out to be a child of Tory mp/backer on work experience who did it. They aren't even using a database?!

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26 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Hang on - so Trump reckons he's leaving the hospital already? I mean...if that's the case, he didn't really have covid at all did he?

Or alternatively the Dexamethasone they've been giving him has messed up his mind so bad that he's delirious



Or maybe the message is that the virus doesn't effect real tough guys, and the nation needs to man up?

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9 hours ago, Uptherams said:

As much as I think the likes of Google (Alphabet) need to be broken up soon because it's bad for the market and innovation having such mega corporations...

They offered their assistance. We would have had better tracking, modelling, etc. 

Instead the government blew £12bn on this track and trace already. All of this nonesense with Dido and Excel. I just can't stop laughing. It doesn't matter if it's the Conservatives or Labour. The public sector is full of incompetence and they waste money. They don't know how to spend it. 

It's the same with the NHS. Just keep piling in money. It doesn't solve anything. You encourage innovation in the private sector. 

It happens in many sectors and industries. FinTech for example are doing things the banks never could or would have. To the point where in less than 10 years time, the most valuable financial sector companies won't be the likes of NatWest and Santander, but some company that doesn't even exist yet and will have about 20 employees for their first year or two. 

This is why I've always supported a basic income. People are better at spending money than government. 

Just more and more Covid incompetence by the day. 

12 billion is what has been spent on test and trace? 

That includes all the testing to date? (Over 20 million tests)

It also includes all the costs for the app and running of the contact tracing? 

Just wanted to clarify exactly what your quoted 12 billion includes?

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

Hang on - so Trump reckons he's leaving the hospital already? I mean...if that's the case, he didn't really have covid at all did he?

Or alternatively the Dexamethasone they've been giving him has messed up his mind so bad that he's delirious



I'd suspect it's more than on steroids he'll feel better for the next few days. He's getting the best care, he should live, but there's no way he's been given all these medications if they were lying about his condition. The next 48 hours will be telling. 

Also, his twitter has been pretty unhinged. If nothing else, that should be entertaining for the time being. 

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

Hang on - so Trump reckons he's leaving the hospital already? I mean...if that's the case, he didn't really have covid at all did he?

Or alternatively the Dexamethasone they've been giving him has messed up his mind so bad that he's delirious



He looked as high as a kite, tapping the handrail, flailing his arm about in a circle.

So much for 20 years younger. I suspect that we won't see much of him over the next few days.

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Daily admissions continues to rise. Again, it seems it really was a blip, unfortunately:


Again, looking at the log plot is more important, as it shows if it's maintaining an exponential trend:


So there does appear to be down drop off an exponential trend since the end of August, but not much. Let's hope this changes in the next 14 days, given the newer restrictions. 

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Greasing palms isn't cheap.

Yes I can imagine that when every country in the world wants to buy exactly the same thing at exactly the same time, the price will rocket. Undoubtedly we have paid over the odds for certain products / services, show me a government that hasn’t.

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1 minute ago, jimmyp said:

Yes I can imagine that when every country in the world wants to buy exactly the same thing at exactly the same time, the price will rocket. Undoubtedly we have paid over the odds for certain products / services, show me a government that hasn’t.

I'm talking about the utter joke where friends of friends generate start-ups with no experience of manufacturing PPE, then suddenly bag huge government contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds - contracts that were never put out to tender.

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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I'm talking about the utter joke where friends of friends generate start-ups with no experience of manufacturing PPE, then suddenly bag huge government contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds - contracts that were never put out to tender.

Ok, I was talking about the 12 billion spent on test and trace. Not the budget for PPE.

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27 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

Ok, I was talking about the 12 billion spent on test and trace. Not the budget for PPE.

So why, in the post I quoted, were you only referencing the procurement of PPE? 

Strawmen don't construct themselves.

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9 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So why, in the post I quoted, were you only referencing the procurement of PPE? 

Strawmen don't construct themselves.

I wasn’t referencing the procurement of PPE, I was referencing the cost of test and trace.


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6 hours ago, Eddie said:

I'm talking about the utter joke where friends of friends generate start-ups with no experience of manufacturing PPE, then suddenly bag huge government contracts worth hundreds of millions of pounds - contracts that were never put out to tender.

Can you imagine the drama you would have made if they had taken the time to put those contracts out to tender.. Melt down or what.. Still you do have an all seeing eye and an uncanny ability to change history.. 


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8 hours ago, jimmyp said:

12 billion is what has been spent on test and trace? 

That includes all the testing to date? (Over 20 million tests)

It also includes all the costs for the app and running of the contact tracing? 

Just wanted to clarify exactly what your quoted 12 billion includes?

Oh right, I wrongly assumed that the 12 billion covered all of the testing, tracing, reporting, uploading an excel file into access etc.

Someone is making a fortune out of this pandemic.

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42 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

Can you imagine the drama you would have made if they had taken the time to put those contracts out to tender.. Melt down or what.. Still you do have an all seeing eye and an uncanny ability to change history.. 


They could have put a quick call out to companies who procure medical equipment and gear, and made a decision based on what the companies could quickly acquire.

They seemed to have phone some mates who had no background in medical procurement and just given them millions to try and sort it out.

I'm not sure that old Etonians and toffs are the best sort of people for this line of work.

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