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Just a few thoughts

-From being in pubs past 10pm I’d say social distancing at pubs has been a lot worse past 10.30. It’s not just young people, it’s when people go past the 4th/5th pint. I love going to the pubs but the daftest behaviour I’ve seen is later on in the day, never between 6-9.

-People need to consider staff who in some places are just fed up by 10pm in my opinion. Long shift, masks/visas, table service etc. Yeah it’s a job and all that, but it takes it toll when it’s seen as a short term fix to hopefully keep you in that job.

-It’s getting cold now, I don’t think the interest to stay on a seat outside past 10pm is appealing which will lead to too many inside. 

-My general opinion on the governments plan is that they want more people going to the pub more often but be measured in their drinking. Go in the afternoon/early evening, have a couple, walk home, wash your hands, eat your tea and relax. No point over doing it because there is a worldwide pandemic going on. I still think the close by 10pm rule fits in with how ideally they want it to work. Pubs that have gone above and beyond in terms of fitting in with the new rules will be ok, it’s the ones that didn’t comply as well and that will be bothered by this.

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1 hour ago, David said:

Think this is a clear targeting of the younger people at weekends, 10pm during the week isn’t going to be that noticeable, it’s when the weekend kicks in and those that would usually be out until 1 or 2am.

Tbh it’s been coming for a while, surprised it’s taken this long really, especially with the scenes down Soho the first night restrictions were lifted 

As a young person, they're naive. We'll just throw parties. They'll ruin it for us at bars, all that will do it make pubs lose money and supermarkets gain it as we'll buy booze from there.

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Just now, Andicis said:

As a young person, they're naive. We'll just throw parties. They'll ruin it for us at bars, all that will do it make pubs lose money and supermarkets gain it as we'll buy booze from there.

Especially now Uni’s are back open with student halls, not a chance they will think let’s go to bed early on a Saturday night. 

They should have perhaps started with this curfew at the start when they lifted the restrictions, as well as wearing masks, but here we are.

So many decisions that don’t make sense is what’s going to see a kick back on anything they try and introduce now. 

It’s been handled badly, no getting away from that. Fear we’re heading for another full on lockdown which will hit harder now the weather is starting to turn against us and the early dark nights.

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4 minutes ago, David said:

Especially now Uni’s are back open with student halls, not a chance they will think let’s go to bed early on a Saturday night. 

They should have perhaps started with this curfew at the start when they lifted the restrictions, as well as wearing masks, but here we are.

So many decisions that don’t make sense is what’s going to see a kick back on anything they try and introduce now. 

It’s been handled badly, no getting away from that. Fear we’re heading for another full on lockdown which will hit harder now the weather is starting to turn against us and the early dark nights.

It's freshers week, my younger brother is just going to uni for the first time. No way is he going to go to bed at 10pm, nor should he. It's a rite of passage to get very drunk and have a nice time on your first few weeks of uni. Particularly after the year we've had. None of us know what we can or can't do, other than joking about what happens if we have more than 6 around, and knowing if we have a cough to self isolate. Other than that, not a clue what the rules are. It's all ridiculous.

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9 hours ago, Uptherams said:

All of this conspiracy theory nonsense crops up all the time as a pathetic argument.

If you don't believe exactly what is being broadcast, then you're basically one of these loons burning down 5g masts. That's the implication. Absolutely ridiculous.

To top it off, there was a YouGov poll and they asked the people of the UK how many people they think had died of Covid and something like a quarter of respondents said 5 million people. 

And we are worried people aren't taking this seriously enough??

The problem isn't 5g mast arsons, it's the establishment and you useful idiot's. 


Heard somewhere that about a quarter of the UK have been exposed to Qanon conspiracy theories. Mate there are a heck of a lot of people that do not think Covid is real.

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Pure propaganda yesterday, 50k a day plucked out of the air as a guess. Compared to France and Spain yet didn’t even follow their curve. Awful was to advise the leaders of our Country.



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6 hours ago, Andicis said:

It's freshers week, my younger brother is just going to uni for the first time. No way is he going to go to bed at 10pm, nor should he. It's a rite of passage to get very drunk and have a nice time on your first few weeks of uni. Particularly after the year we've had. None of us know what we can or can't do, other than joking about what happens if we have more than 6 around, and knowing if we have a cough to self isolate. Other than that, not a clue what the rules are. It's all ridiculous.

Sorry, that is rubbish...it's a rite of passage to get very drunk and have a nice time on your first few years of uni! Well it was when it was free anyway.

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6 hours ago, Andicis said:

As a young person, they're naive. We'll just throw parties. They'll ruin it for us at bars, all that will do it make pubs lose money and supermarkets gain it as we'll buy booze from there.

This is the perfect time to learn some self control. If I could go back and change any part of my time at Uni, it's the level of drinking (especially during freshers!). You'll feel healthier and fresher, your performance will improve, so too will your bank balance, and various other benefits. Oh, and you won't make a fool of yourself.

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6 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Pure propaganda yesterday, 50k a day plucked out of the air as a guess. Compared to France and Spain yet didn’t even follow their curve. Awful was to advise the leaders of our Country.



This is completely confusing me. Why are people intent on seeing something I just can't see?

What's the end game? Why are they doing this?

Who benefits?

OK. So if it's Bill Gates engineering a virus that will allow him to inject us with nanotechnology to track us, why go to all that bother? Why not track us from the phone we all carry?

If it's to usher in the New World Order, why are the Old World Order so keen to hand over control to whoever is going to be in charge?

If it's a scam, or it's planned, when did the governments of every nation in the world start working together? They either are all lying to us, or are working together to some end game which I still don't understand.

If masks don't work, why are we being told to wear them? Is this a conspiracy of the mask sellers? Who benefits?

I've also heard that wearing masks makes us subservient and easy to control. Really? How? How does that work? What's the mechanism?

The government has spent billions. Why? The Tories aren't famous for spending huge amounts of money. To what end are they blowing billions of pounds?

Is not the simplest answer normally the right one, that there's a virus that's killing people going around, and in order to protect the vulnerable, we're having to make some changes and adapt? 

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33 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Pure propaganda yesterday, 50k a day plucked out of the air as a guess. Compared to France and Spain yet didn’t even follow their curve. Awful was to advise the leaders of our Country.



Not quite plucked out of thin air, probably just based on daily cases doubling every seven days: 3000 week 1, 6000 week 2, 12000 week 3, 24000 week 4 then 48000 by week 5. He also did emphasise that it wasn’t a prediction, just an indication of what could happen if we did nothing. 

So, I wouldn’t describe it as propaganda. Probably more of a scare tactic to try to change the habits of the idiots (it probably won’t work) and a valid pre-curser to more restrictions.

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46 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Why do you think they are giving this advice that you know to be bad?

Yes absolutely, it’s going to lead to further restrictions that are not needed, leading to further destruction to peoples lives economically and socially. 

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47 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

This is completely confusing me. Why are people intent on seeing something I just can't see?

What's the end game? Why are they doing this?

Who benefits?

OK. So if it's Bill Gates engineering a virus that will allow him to inject us with nanotechnology to track us, why go to all that bother? Why not track us from the phone we all carry?

If it's to usher in the New World Order, why are the Old World Order so keen to hand over control to whoever is going to be in charge?

If it's a scam, or it's planned, when did the governments of every nation in the world start working together? They either are all lying to us, or are working together to some end game which I still don't understand.

If masks don't work, why are we being told to wear them? Is this a conspiracy of the mask sellers? Who benefits?

I've also heard that wearing masks makes us subservient and easy to control. Really? How? How does that work? What's the mechanism?

The government has spent billions. Why? The Tories aren't famous for spending huge amounts of money. To what end are they blowing billions of pounds?

Is not the simplest answer normally the right one, that there's a virus that's killing people going around, and in order to protect the vulnerable, we're having to make some changes and adapt? 

It’s not a scam it’s now a hoax just a complete over reaction. Yes I agree protect them vulnerable, absolutely. Just don’t kill the rest of us doing it, that’s what we are doing. You don’t think these over the top restrictions will kill the life’s of people that Covid won’t ? ......the average age of a death due to Covid in the UK is 82, I think we know where we need to protect and put in measures. 

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45 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

It’s not a scam it’s now a hoax just a complete over reaction. Yes I agree protect them vulnerable, absolutely. Just don’t kill the rest of us doing it, that’s what we are doing. You don’t think these over the top restrictions will kill the life’s of people that Covid won’t ? ......the average age of a death due to Covid in the UK is 82, I think we know where we need to protect and put in measures. 

So no young person ever went to see their grand parent ever.you never mention long term effects of covid. What about the mental health of people that lose loved ones?  

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In this country it's because the conservatives are spineless cowards. The moment they began taking criticism for their initial response (or lack of) they ramped up the restrictions. They have no policy, they just muddle through and try follow the path of least resistance. The tail is wagging the dog. They are well aware that many of their core voters are nimby boomers who would like nothing more than to see young people locked up after 10pm.

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