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8 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Heard on Radio Derby yesterday a few people ringing in saying they had requested a test and had been told to go to Oldham, Telford-bloke turned up and it was closed and Inverness!!.  Did we not have a local testing place near the showcase.  Wheres it gone. Surely that should be a basic for every city.

They should have cancelled that white elephant called hs2 and put the money into ensuring people don't die during a health crisis.

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1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Heard on Radio Derby yesterday a few people ringing in saying they had requested a test and had been told to go to Oldham, Telford-bloke turned up and it was closed and Inverness!!.  Did we not have a local testing place near the showcase.  Wheres it gone. Surely that should be a basic for every city.

Watch pmqs from this week starmer asked that same question in regards to testing.

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3 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Its all about opinions only in this thread, those posting are only posting their opinion and it doesnt mean its right. And I think we will never be able to prove whos opinions are right because we cant go back and do it again a different way.

Ultimately the opinions of people like Chris Whitty and Jonathon Van-Tam are the ones that matter, these are the people who are 'mostly' driving policy. So anyone can jump up and down and shout about we should be doing it this way or that way, and they are perfectly entitled to do so.

I personally would rather trust in the likes of the two people I have mentioned in the above  paragraph rather than anyone posting on an internet forum when it comes to matters like this, pretty sure if anyone who posts here (including me) was truly qualified to say if policy was right or wrong then we wouldnt be posting on a football forum about it, we would be getting paid the big bucks to do the jobs Whitty and Van-Tam are doing.

That said its very easy to understand the frustrations of some who do want to relax things up a bit more. We know full well for most people the risk is low, lets face it i doubt many people catch Flu but never have symptoms like they can with Covid.

For me if policy was that we relax things more but ask the elderly and vulnerable to take a back seat and not do the things that others are allowed, i would be supportive of that, and i say thats as someone who had to shield. But for that to work, those allowed to have the freedom would have to be respectful of those that cant and accept that perhaps those hugs and close contact with those in the at risk group will have to wait.

i cannot really disagree only to say you are putting trust in people who do not even believe covid-19 exists.I believe that is probably why we can not go back to any sense of normality. You have seen the hysterics from anti vaxxers and non mask wearers who are actually making things worse in regards to going back to normal.

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1 hour ago, TimRam said:

They should have cancelled that white elephant called hs2 and put the money into ensuring people don't die during a health crisis.

it will be another m6 toll road,  a little bit quicker, expensive and hardly used.

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1 minute ago, djfred84 said:

i cannot really disagree only to say you are putting trust in people who do not even believe covid-19 exists.I believe that is probably why we can not go back to any sense of normality. You have seen the hysterics from anti vaxxers and non mask wearers who are actually making things worse in regards to going back to normal.

I don't think anyone in here has suggested it doesn't exist. 

The hysteria from the likes if icke and Piers Corbyn are just attention seeking. If it wasn't this it would be something else. They are better ignored really. 


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2 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

Heard on Radio Derby yesterday a few people ringing in saying they had requested a test and had been told to go to Oldham, Telford-bloke turned up and it was closed and Inverness!!.  Did we not have a local testing place near the showcase.  Wheres it gone. Surely that should be a basic for every city.

There is a test centre walking distance from my house (not that you can walk to them of course). I don’t know what bookings are like there but I do know there was a bit of gridlock on the main road nearby on Wednesday.

I don’t have any symptoms but I am having the test on Monday (delivered to my home by courier - I think he/she waits whilst I do it) as part of a pre-op for Thursday. Think I’m dreading the test more than the operation.

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5 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Yes please. There would be a massive reduction in our food wastage if people were educated like there where back in my grandmas day.

Have a production date maybe instead of a use/best before date. So much good food must be wasted because its gone past a date, eggs, cheese and milk all for example are usually good well beyond their use by dates.

Thats when you get food poisoning.

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43 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Thats when you get food poisoning.

not really,  your can easily get food poisoning from in date foods if not cooked properly 

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4 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

Cheese and milk not a good idea to keep past sell by date.

some cheeses like cheddar you can eat weeks or months after,  just check for mould. 

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17 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

There is a test centre walking distance from my house (not that you can walk to them of course). I don’t know what bookings are like there but I do know there was a bit of gridlock on the main road nearby on Wednesday.

I don’t have any symptoms but I am having the test on Monday (delivered to my home by courier - I think he/she waits whilst I do it) as part of a pre-op for Thursday. Think I’m dreading the test more than the operation.

My boss just had a test for a pre-op and was dreading it.

Turned out the test guidelines had changed and it wasn't shoved anywhere near as far up their nose and down their throat as thought....or for as long.

So physical discomfort mainly alleviated.

Of course there's still the mental worry  for which I wish you all the best.

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23 hours ago, Paul71 said:

Yes please. There would be a massive reduction in our food wastage if people were educated like there where back in my grandmas day.

Have a production date maybe instead of a use/best before date. So much good food must be wasted because its gone past a date, eggs, cheese and milk all for example are usually good well beyond their use by dates.

There's a huge difference between BB date and Use By date - BB date is an advisory stating that the food may have a slightly tainted taste after this date whereas Use By is an actual food safety stipulation rather than a food quality standard saying that the food could not be safe to eat after this date.

Supermarkets can legally sell food beyond its BB date but not it's Use By date but many choose not to instead yellow stickering food close to it's BB date at a discount then binning the product if it's not been sold which is where the issue lies. Having a production date wouldn't be instructive as the commonal garden shopper wouldn't have a Scoobie about what the longevity of the product should realistically be - dried products can have many, many months wheres fresh dairy products days. 

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14 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

There's a huge difference between BB date and Use By date - BB date is an advisory stating that the food may have a slightly tainted taste after this date whereas Use By is an actual food safety stipulation rather than a food quality standard saying that the food could not be safe to eat after this date.

Supermarkets can legally sell food beyond its BB date but not it's Use By date but many choose not to instead yellow stickering food close to it's BB date at a discount then binning the product if it's not been sold which is where the issue lies. Having a production date wouldn't be instructive as the commonal garden shopper wouldn't have a Scoobie about what the longevity of the product should realistically be - dried products can have many, many months wheres fresh dairy products days. 

Yeah i get all the difference, althought tell my wife that, she willl out something days over its BB date....

Stuff is usable beyond its use by date in the home, but lots must go to waste as people throw in within seconds of it expiring. You are right the people dont know as we have a soceity that has to be spoon fed, lets face it when starbucks et al have to warn us that coffee might be hot then we really dont have much hope do we.

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2 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Yeah i get all the difference, althought tell my wife that, she willl out something days over its BB date....

Stuff is usable beyond its use by date in the home, but lots must go to waste as people throw in within seconds of it expiring. You are right the people dont know as we have a soceity that has to be spoon fed, lets face it when starbucks et al have to warn us that coffee might be hot then we really dont have much hope do we.

Agreed there is so much wriggle room with BB dates that's it's a scandal the supermarkets adhere to them rigidly - the manufacturers have added lots of padding onto their dates.

Food will not taste rancid when midnight strikes and the food is one minute beyond its best before date. As you've stated yourself I've consumed food a week beyond its BB date and has tasted perfectly fine.

The biggest scandal is people getting arrested for bin dipping in the supermarkets waste skips which is full of perfectly edible food which has been thrown away, as the food is on the supermarkets site it is still classified as their property so anyone removing it is guilty of theft even though the supermarkets should not be binning it at all.

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1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

Agreed there is so much wriggle room with BB dates that's it's a scandal the supermarkets adhere to them rigidly - the manufacturers have added lots of padding onto their dates.

Food will not taste rancid when midnight strikes and the food is one minute beyond its best before date. As you've stated yourself I've consumed food a week beyond its BB date and has tasted perfectly fine.

The biggest scandal is people getting arrested for bin dipping in the supermarkets waste skips which is full of perfectly edible food which has been thrown away, as the food is on the supermarkets site it is still classified as their property so anyone removing it is guilty of theft even though the supermarkets should not be binning it at all.

Totally agree, is it because they fear being sued if someone gets ill? I am sure there must be so much good that could happen with food that you cant sell because of dates.

I really do dread to think how much wastage following the panic buying earlier in the pandemic. Hope people realise all that dried pasta, beans etc they hoarded is going to tase just fine when its passed its BB date.

Im drinking my coffee now with milk that expired on friday, its fine, it smells ok, its not got 'floaty' bits. Although i am wondering where all this hair has come from thats spouted from the back of my hands ??

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