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37 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

Hit them for 6 literally and respect the rules else...

Meanwhile, hours earlier government acknowledge they could break international laws and top lawyer in government resigns as a result.

A great day to bury bad news, PR masterpiece.

Do as we say...

"One of the pieces of feedback we had including from the police was that we needed the rules to be super simple so that everybody knows what they are," said Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

Great thinking! They were presumably thinking that loads of badly written guidelines and ambiguous suggestions were enough, but after 6 months or so, they have finally realised that "super simple" might be a good strategy.

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8 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its officially insane now. I work in a factory of 800, and have worked straight through, no option to work from home, no furlough, no time off other than annual leave,  my wife recently went back to work in a school with 30+ in each class.

Yet I  cant take my 84 year old mum to visit her great grandkids in case we get fined for having more than 6 in the garden.

I could take her on holiday to Greece, meet up with all our extended family, mix with whoever we want to then fly back to the UK without any restrictions. But we cant go round me daughters for a family meal.

The government can go and feck themselves. Me and my family are done. We'll do what is best for us and our peace of mind and not listen to propaganda from whoever stands to profit from this pathetic scaremongering. We'll keep to 2 metres, wash our hands and be sensible but we will ignore the government instructions not to socialise.

The covid wards at my local hospitals are all stood down because despite spikes in positive tests, no one has any serious symptoms.

When Cummings took his infected family to Barnard Castle i knew it was all over, yet we carried on obeying the rules even though those who rule us were taking the pish.....well, its over now. The contradictions in government policy are absolutely ridiculous. Watching TV journalists trying to explain it with a straight face is now just farcical.



Just go to the pub/restaurant in groups of 6 and sit near each other. As long as you are paying for something, it's ok.

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I've been trying to work out what the rules were before and what they are going to be from Monday. Is this right...

What they are now:

2 households of any size can mix either indoors or outdoors. More than 2 households can only mix outdoors, but only up to a maximum of 6 people.

What they are going to be on Monday:

2 households can mix either indoors or outdoors, but only up to 6 people in total. Rules are unchanged for more than 2 households.

So basically, a change that really only really impacts 2 households gathering together. Not convinced that families with 3 kids are the big issue at the moment.

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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

I think it says where your bubble exceeds 6 people, the change doesn't effect you.

The bubble made sense to me when no one was seeing anyone. What does it mean now? If my parents are only seeing my household, does the bubble make sense if my kids are going to school and I'm going to work?

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11 minutes ago, rammieib said:

Ultimately the Government must be thinking this strategy may deter 10-20% of people from gathering and that will have some type of impact, otherwise, genuinely who is actually going to follow these rules?

That has to be it. There is a massive difference between people like me, you, @uttoxram75and probably most of us on here who can happily follow guidelines within reason in a sensible, precautious way and not have a problem - and then those who just genuinely DGAF and do what they like. They are the ones that will have caused the next spike if and when it comes.

But the handling of the messaging from govt is woeful (again)


Kind of feels like we could resurrect the Politics thread and we'd have nothing left to argue about - this lot are slowly being exposed for what they are.


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2 hours ago, GboroRam said:

I honestly don't think it's done because someone is profiting from it. I don't even think it's scaremongering.

I think it's a lack of leadership and ineptitude in the whole management of this disease.

Who's profiting from it? I honestly can't see it.

Not just financial profit is meant there. On the day the government admitted it had broken international law they suddenly throw a random curfew out, political gain is not beyond this bunch of charlatans.

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4 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

Not just financial profit is meant there. On the day the government admitted it had broken international law they suddenly throw a random curfew out, political gain is not beyond this bunch of charlatans.

Yes but the situation is serious and they had to announce it today so it can start on, erm, Monday. This is like that last big night out on the Friday before lockdown. One final weekend for everyone to get together and party like it's 2021.

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1 hour ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

Hit them for 6 literally and respect the rules else...

Meanwhile, hours earlier government acknowledge they could break international laws and top lawyer in government resigns as a result.

A great day to bury bad news, PR masterpiece.

Do as we say...

Which is it that they are trying to bury, the breaking of an international treaty or the handling of the coronavirus because they haven't done a very good job of hiding either.

Or are you saying that they are using the two situations to hide even worse news! If that's possible.

@GboroRam hit the nail on the head regarding the lack of leadership. Dominic Cummings has been totally inept in the organisation of the clowns under his control. 


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38 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I've been trying to work out what the rules were before and what they are going to be from Monday. Is this right...

What they are now:

2 households of any size can mix either indoors or outdoors. More than 2 households can only mix outdoors, but only up to a maximum of 6 people.

What they are going to be on Monday:

2 households can mix either indoors or outdoors, but only up to 6 people in total. Rules are unchanged for more than 2 households.

So basically, a change that really only really impacts 2 households gathering together. Not convinced that families with 3 kids are the big issue at the moment.

Outside gatherings were up to 30, weren't they?

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19 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Outside gatherings were up to 30, weren't they?

I thought that too originally, but on BBC report it says:

"At present, the guidance says two households of any size are allowed to meet indoors or outdoors, or up to six people from different households outdoors. Until now the police have had no powers to stop gatherings unless they exceeded 30."

Seems like the main change is the police can take action now for groups over 6. Hopefully they don't go after a family gathering of 7 people with 3 grandparents, 2 children and 3 kids.

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25 minutes ago, secretsquirrel said:

Im sure if the government can break the law in a '' limited and specific way'',when some people bend the rules it wont be an issue.

Of course if it's to safeguard your family we'll all understand and accept it, that's been agreed already.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Hopefully they don't go after a family gathering of 7 people with 3 grandparents, 2 children and 3 kids.

Luckily it doesn't come into force until Monday, otherwise we'd have to cancel my mother-in-laws 70th birthday weekend gathering

4 grandkids - all of them in the same school and all in the same year bubbles, but if it'd been next weekend we'd have been breaking some kind of law? Crazy

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59 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Luckily it doesn't come into force until Monday, otherwise we'd have to cancel my mother-in-laws 70th birthday weekend gathering

4 grandkids - all of them in the same school and all in the same year bubbles, but if it'd been next weekend we'd have been breaking some kind of law? Crazy

If people were capable of following the guidance on social distancing and hygiene, there wouldn't be any need for limits on gatherings.

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22 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Yes maybe it come across like that, I do truly believe that what we are doing to the country both socially and economically will cause far more damage (including deaths) than the Virus (especially the so called 2nd wave) 

Don't worry. I'm sure you won't here a single negative word about the years of austerity that will be required to pay for all this from the lockdown cheerleaders. I'm sure they'll remain as stoic as ever.

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