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I wonder how many essential workers in London don't have gardens? It's just that using them as an example, if we expect them to to risk their lives travelling on packed tubes to and from their places of employment, can we really be surprised if they take the view that an hour in the park is not that heinous a crime? It might also explain why the police are somewhat loathed to issue fines willy-nilly.

Perhaps we might also want to consider that while politicians and government advisors are still flouting lockdown guidelines, they are also giving idiots an excuse to flout the rules as well as creating a rod for the backs of our police officers. Monkey see, monkey do...

I also think that if these restrictions are too rigidly enforced, we risk widespread civil disobedience of a far darker type as I think a lot of folk are fed up and in our major cities, things could get very ugly, very quickly if police are seen or even perceived to be being over-zealous. It could happen even if they are not.

All this aside, I'm afraid that there are also a surprisingly large number of dheads who simply don't care which is why I'm starting to feel that the only way we can get back to normalcy is to develop, test and roll out a vaccine as soon as possible, so mentally I'm preparing myself for a very long haul with only the odd short window of relaxed restrictions before we overstep and find ourselves back under strict lockdown. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst would be my advice.

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5 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

I think your final paragraph is over dramatising things a tad. You must be referring to those that have told to self isolate when you talk about “confined to a room for a minimum of 23 hours” not the majority of us that have just been told to stay at home or shield. The majority of us can move around own own houses and gardens (if we’re  lucky enough to have one) and even get out for essential shopping, going to work or exercise (unless we’re in the shielded group). Also, it’s not as if the “house arrest” for those self isolating is long term.

I can imagine self isolation, whilst it may only be for two weeks, must be very difficult but, unless you want to risk infecting those you live with, it’s difficult to imagine any alternative.

There will be plenty of people living in one bedroom flats, without gardens, who do not work.

Following the rules would mean they are confined to their room for 23 hours a day with the exception when they can go out to get food.

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If you've been following the rules it should feel like house arrest, as you should be leaving the confines of your property once per day, twice on the day you need shopping/medication as a maximum. I know most people probably aren't obeying that to the letter as they're 'using common sense' when they break those rules and I can't blame them too much, we're not designed to be locked away.

I'm personally hoping the announcement makes a few more allowances for visiting family/friends/partners at a social distance - couldn't really care about many other measures being unlocked at the moment. That would help my mental state enormously. Hope a few more shops open up too I guess.

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The media is really beginning to annoy me.

Ever since Boris made the mistake of announcing his speech would be tonight it's been wall to wall speculation of what he "will", "may" or "possibly" say.

Sky have said they will have a "special" programme an hour before, where this will be fruitlessly discussed. Then Boris will pronounce for maybe 10 minutes, then Sky will pick over the bones of whet he said. Obviously pretty much the same for all broadcasters.

In some ways I hope Boris say's " Hello, hope you are keeping safe, No change for 3 weeks, Good night all!"

I'm also pretty fed up with the popinjays in Wales and particularly Scotland, desperate to get in early and try to look statesmanlike ahead of Downing street briefings. Not working really, considering the stats for Scotland are not looking good right now 

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36 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

It is going to be interesting to see what happens when we come out the other side with regards to how we work.

I have no idea what percentage of people are office based in the UK but it has to be a significant amount of the population.

Prior to Coronavirus the business I work for we would all commute, for me 20 miles 45 min trip each way, to sit at a desk and do a job that its been proven can be done from home.

I have always had the ability to work at home but the business never encouraged it, mostly down to trust issues with staff i believe, it was more for one offs, emergencies such as snow etc.

Millions must also be in similar positions, how much traveling into cities, london etc is done for someone to then sit at a desk, or spend 5 hours traveling for a 1 hour meeting and so on.

While I think there has to be a place for the social interaction with your colleagues could this mean a massive change in our attitudes towards how we work, less people on the daily commute equals less cars on the road, less pollution, more time for employees to potentially create a better work life balance, happier employees equals increased productivity and so on.

Perhaps you can even knock projects like HS2 on the head because the need is diminished.

Or will businesses just fall back into the old ways and look for people to flood back to the offices.

Appreciate it can't be done for everyone, you have to have an office presence, maybe it can be on a rota basis, and of course many people's jobs dont allow for it, but perhaps keep us off the road it makes it better for those who have to be on the road too.


If there is less traffic on the A50 in the morning - I’ll be happy ?

I think a lot of people will want the office banter/social aide when this is ‘over’ and I this expect levels to return to 80/90% of what they were before.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yeah agree but it's the rules I take issue with I guess.

Across the country I think on the whole we are seeing the treat people like adults and trust them with responsibility and they will behave accordingly.

The idiots will act like idiots whether there are rules in place or not and I dont think it's right to punish the rest of us for their actions. The police should be dealing with them.

If the rules are followed literally, some people could be confined to a room for a minimum of 23 hours a day and I am afraid that is akin to being under house arrest, even prisoners are not treated like that.

We don't need rules because most of us can act like adults. The idiots who can't behave like adults, can be dealt with by the police. If there's no rules how will the police deal with the idiots, if they haven't broken any rules?

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24 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

The media is really beginning to annoy me.

Ever since Boris made the mistake of announcing his speech would be tonight it's been wall to wall speculation of what he "will", "may" or "possibly" say.

Sky have said they will have a "special" programme an hour before, where this will be fruitlessly discussed. Then Boris will pronounce for maybe 10 minutes, then Sky will pick over the bones of whet he said. Obviously pretty much the same for all broadcasters.

In some ways I hope Boris say's " Hello, hope you are keeping safe, No change for 3 weeks, Good night all!"

I'm also pretty fed up with the popinjays in Wales and particularly Scotland, desperate to get in early and try to look statesmanlike ahead of Downing street briefings. Not working really, considering the stats for Scotland are not looking good right now 

The media have even convinced themselves that the Government are sending out mixed signals, all in response to their own headlines that they keep on making up, it's hilarious.

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3 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Stay alert folks. If you happen to see COVID-19 walking down the street whilst on your way to the shops please remember to alert the appropriate authorities. 

Be alert, Britain needs more lerts!

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3 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Stay alert folks. If you happen to see COVID-19 walking down the street whilst on your way to the shops please remember to alert the appropriate authorities. 

That's the problem with pre announcing this stuff without proper explanation ,everyone rightly takes the micky. Hopefully the leak is wrong or there is a clear and simple explanation.

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Surprised nobodies picked this up, on the radio yesterday the reason some care homes have been badly hit is patients have been send there from hospitals with Covid 19.

Now if true and it looks like it might be that is a rooster up of huge proportions.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

There will be plenty of people living in one bedroom flats, without gardens, who do not work.

Following the rules would mean they are confined to their room for 23 hours a day with the exception when they can go out to get food.

And exercise but I guess that's where the 23 hours comes from.

Fair point but I've no idea how many fall into the category of only living in one room with no kitchen, dining room, lounge etc.

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Just now, Tamworthram said:

And exercise. 

Yeah that's why I said 23 hours as they are allowed 1 hour exercise 

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15 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Stay alert folks. If you happen to see COVID-19 walking down the street whilst on your way to the shops please remember to alert the appropriate authorities. 

Keep your powder dry regarding mocking the new slogan until they've explained what they mean and what will sit behind it. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunity then. 

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Sith Happens
1 hour ago, rammieib said:

If there is less traffic on the A50 in the morning - I’ll be happy ?

I think a lot of people will want the office banter/social aide when this is ‘over’ and I this expect levels to return to 80/90% of what they were before.

I would be disappointed if its that many. I agree about the banter, but if there is a rota that can still happen, no need for 80/90% capacity at any one time.

Time will tell I guess.

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Sith Happens

I see that due to coronavirus the Dorset Knob-eating contest will now be streamed online. This is something I know little about, but i feel that googling it for more information could be somewhat dangerous.

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