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21 minutes ago, RamNut said:

As far as I’m aware if someone lives with someone else who is ‘shielding’, they don’t self-isolate unless either or both  have symptoms. So ‘she’ would be going back to work. 

This isn't accurate. Is she an emergency worker? This is a hypothetical scenario. You're both assuming the government would force everyone back to work. Why would they do that? It makes zero sense. 

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Sith Happens
4 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

This isn't accurate. Is she an emergency worker? This is a hypothetical scenario. You're both assuming the government would force everyone back to work. Why would they do that? It makes zero sense. 

it is correct.  I'm not just making it up. my shielding information clearly states my wife can continue to work 

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6 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Ok, if someone who needs to shield  or self isolate what do they get paid if they can't work from home ? 

My wife isn't isolating and still has to go to work as the business has work to do. if she chooses not to work then she won't get paid and no current government scheme will pay her wages. 

just to add, being in touch with lots who have to shield they cannot get furlough nor anything other than ssp.

Because that is a lower figure than currently, by a considerable amount. 100% of wages by the government up to let's say £2,500 still. 

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Sith Happens
Just now, Uptherams said:

Because that is a lower figure than currently, by a considerable amount. 100% of wages by the government up to let's say £2,500 still. 

Ok, I think you are saying anyone forced to stay at home because they live with vulnerable people, once lockdown is removed   should get full pay paid for by the government. 

That's fine,  I wasn't even disagreeing with your original post, I was just saying if we do it its not just as simple as telling 1.5 million to stay at home, it probably becomes 5  million with family members.

but right now there is nothing to protect those forced to shield who haven't been furloughed by their employers 

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4 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Ok, I think you are saying anyone forced to stay at home because they live with vulnerable people, once lockdown is removed   should get full pay paid for by the government. 

That's fine,  I wasn't even disagreeing with your original post, I was just saying if we do it its not just as simple as telling 1.5 million to stay at home, it probably becomes 5  million with family members.

but right now there is nothing to protect those forced to shield who haven't been furloughed by their employers 

Sorry for my tone ? I've been working out whilst replying. Yeah the government should pay those wages indefinitely. Until either herd immunity has been successful or a vaccine has been implemented. Personally I would shoutdown anyone who would moan they have to go back to work while others can 'comfortably' sit at home on full pay up to say  £2,500 a month, just because they live with someone vulnerable. The whole purpose is for it to be both beneficial for those isolating and those who can now go back to work. Because the longer these current restrictions remain, the less likely people will have jobs in the coming months or years. 

People say the NHS is our greatest asset. The Armed forces our second, possibly. A greater role for them is water off a ducks back. 

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50 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

...The Armed forces our second, possibly. A greater role for them is water off a ducks back. 

I don't see why they aren't out on the streets now (and before), it might make some people realise this isn't a game. 

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11 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

I don't see why they aren't out on the streets now (and before), it might make some people realise this isn't a game. 

I don't think they need to be, do they? It's dangerous territory when they are deployed to keep the order when there is basically no disorder. Much rather they are used to help the NHS and offer their services to the vunerable, than stood on street corners with guns. 

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

This isn't accurate. Is she an emergency worker? This is a hypothetical scenario. You're both assuming the government would force everyone back to work. Why would they do that? It makes zero sense. 

I wasn’t assuming anything. I was just pointing out that shielding applies to the individual only. 

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5 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

Death toll up 888 today. It looks like it’s climbing again.

Unfortunately the numbers don't relate to the previous 24 hours, and never did. It's very hard to track numbers that aren't clear. It would make sense to track the infection rate, but until we get the tested number up, it's also hard to track. 

Bit of a mess, in my opinion. 

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16 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

I don't think they need to be, do they? It's dangerous territory when they are deployed to keep the order when there is basically no disorder. Much rather they are used to help the NHS and offer their services to the vunerable, than stood on street corners with guns. 

They could do both. Why is it dangerous territory, if they were thinking of a coup they'd do it anyway! ?

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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

Ok, I think you are saying anyone forced to stay at home because they live with vulnerable people, once lockdown is removed   should get full pay paid for by the government. 

That's fine,  I wasn't even disagreeing with your original post, I was just saying if we do it its not just as simple as telling 1.5 million to stay at home, it probably becomes 5  million with family members.

but right now there is nothing to protect those forced to shield who haven't been furloughed by their employers 

People at our place have been given Authorised Leave (non-payable) or can use up their holidays in this sort of situation. For example, one chap lives with elderly parents, both at risk. 

He was scared of giving the virus to them so asked for 12 weeks leave. A lot of people will not be able to afford to take this amount of time off without pay.

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8 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Unfortunately the numbers don't relate to the previous 24 hours, and never did. It's very hard to track numbers that aren't clear. It would make sense to track the infection rate, but until we get the tested number up, it's also hard to track. 

Bit of a mess, in my opinion. 

Oh I thought people were tracking it by the daily total but it doesn’t give you a clear picture because some of the numbers are going back weeks. 
A lot of companies have to report on things mainly in quarters or end of the year and they don’t put the numbers together over night so it can’t be easy getting numbers for the whole country.

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49 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Unfortunately the numbers don't relate to the previous 24 hours, and never did. It's very hard to track numbers that aren't clear. It would make sense to track the infection rate, but until we get the tested number up, it's also hard to track. 

Bit of a mess, in my opinion. 

They have said the number of people in hospital with the virus has dropped from 18000 to 17000 today I’m not sure if that is accurate.

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