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3 hours ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Nipped into my local corner shop after work, just to pick up weekend essentials.


Mate, that’s what our daily maximum quota is over here in these troubled times, 2 cartons per day. (48- 60 cans) 

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Erm... you first.  


British scientists have said they hope to have one million doses of a coronavirus vaccine ready to be deployed by September.

The team at Oxford University will start the first UK study of an experimental vaccine against COVID-19 next week.

But so great is the need, and so high their confidence that it will work, that they will start large-scale production before the trials are even complete.

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7 hours ago, maxjam said:

Erm... you first.  


British scientists have said they hope to have one million doses of a coronavirus vaccine ready to be deployed by September.

The team at Oxford University will start the first UK study of an experimental vaccine against COVID-19 next week.

But so great is the need, and so high their confidence that it will work, that they will start large-scale production before the trials are even complete.

Which begs the question...who takes a vaccine which isn't definitely going to work with no idea of the potential side effects... When the chances are for the vast majority that the virus itself is likely to be pretty harmless?

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7 hours ago, maxjam said:

Erm... you first.  


British scientists have said they hope to have one million doses of a coronavirus vaccine ready to be deployed by September.

The team at Oxford University will start the first UK study of an experimental vaccine against COVID-19 next week.

But so great is the need, and so high their confidence that it will work, that they will start large-scale production before the trials are even complete.

I was in a pub in oxford on feb 24 and overheard a senior scientist who was developing it talking about it at the bar. 

he was saying how long a vaccine would normally have to be tested for which from memory was 18 months - 2 years. He was saying that developing the vaccine was one thing, getting it approved for use was a whole other issue. 

that’s one of the reasons that I had faith that a vaccine would be the answer, and I posted that we would have to take a risk.

whether that happens ? His arm is just visible to the rhs.


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If I have this correct..the medical community advised that with social distancing we could 'restrict' deaths to around 20,000..which probably looks about right now. 

They changed policy saying if we let it continue unfettered and go for herd immunity we could expect 100,000 deaths. 

But even that worse case scenario still gives you 'only' a 1 in 600ish chance of fatality. 

Factor in that you are fit and under 60..so the chance are running into thousands to one, would you want to take a vaccine (or let your children take it) that could have all manner of side effects in the future? 


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would you want to take a vaccine that could have all manner of side effects in the future? 

Yes. Our generation had small pox vaccine, and then the jab - BCG vaccine - at school.

no difference

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Sith Happens
14 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

If I have this correct..the medical community advised that with social distancing we could 'restrict' deaths to around 20,000..which probably looks about right now. 

They changed policy saying if we let it continue unfettered and go for herd immunity we could expect 100,000 deaths. 

But even that worse case scenario still gives you 'only' a 1 in 600ish chance of fatality. 

Factor in that you are fit and under 60..so the chance are running into thousands to one, would you want to take a vaccine (or let your children take it) that could have all manner of side effects in the future? 


I suspect it will be aimed at those most vulnerable to start with, so if you are fit and healthy under 60 i can't see you being anywhere near the top of the list.

I guess then its upto the individuals concerned. Is there a risk with the annual flu jab? I suspect the majority of people don't have that either. Maybe thats why we still get on average 17000 deaths each year, although 2014 i think it was they seemed to think the number could be 50k.

I guess if you are 75/80 you might prefer the risk of something when you are 85/90 than not making 76/81.

I am vulnerable but 49 so I don't know, but if i have it and if i did of something related to it at 75 it could still be a win situation for me.

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12 hours ago, RamNut said:

Another made up rule.

Or maybe trying (not necessarily being successful) to clarify an existing rule - stay local or whatever they said. Unlike in some countries, France I think according to my brother who lives there, no specific distance from home has ever been mentioned so maybe this helps explain what is meant by staying local.

Sorry if I over-reacted. I just get frustrated at some folk who take every opportunity they can to have a go at the authorities (and big business come to think of it). Still, come the revolution when we’ll all be free from the shackles of the establishment and big business will be replaced by highly efficient and fare cooperatives life will be so much better.

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1 hour ago, Chester40 said:

Factor in that you are fit and under 60..so the chance are running into thousands to one, would you want to take a vaccine (or let your children take it) that could have all manner of side effects in the future? 

It's hardly likely to be all manner of side effects, because they must be using established technology if they have made such good progress in such a short time. The main side effect is an allergic reaction, which can be very nasty.


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33 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

A case of mistaken identity with the BBC? Surely not.


Wasn't he a Taxi driver who came to pick someone up from the BBC?, He did a great job, Probably better than the person who was to be interviewed?

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12 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

For the time being, I’ve decided to spend at least 1 hour Mon-Thu and at least 5 hours Fri-Sun out in the garden (limited by work hours). Gardening rather than just sitting out there - lots to do as the garden is pretty much unchanged since we moved in. I enjoy the physical part, but the best bit is when I’m sitting down for a short rest and the robins pay a visit and the bees are buzzing around me. Quite therapeutic!

This little fella has spent a considerable amount of time helping out.



I sincerely hope for it's own sake that it doesn't start bob-bob-bobbing along...



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5 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Looks like your fence needs painting. Good luck buying the paint.?

Not my pic.  Not my fence.


Having said that, I jet washed my gravel boards a fortnight ago... being a bit heavy handed, the bottom 2 inches of my wooden fence panels do now need re-coating!  Doh!

Luckily, I still have a tub of it in the shed... it's on my To-Do list!  

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Sith Happens
20 minutes ago, TramRam said:

Wasn't he a Taxi driver who came to pick someone up from the BBC?, He did a great job, Probably better than the person who was to be interviewed?

He had come for an interview for a job, he had the same first name as the guy who was supposed to be interviewed on TV, think the story is he said his name and they said are you've come for the interview or something like that and the next thing he's on TV.


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Sith Happens
5 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Looks like your fence needs painting. Good luck buying the paint.?

I was going to say his lawn looked a bit threadbare lol


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