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The Politics Thread 2020


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28 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

It's utterly remarkable how many people I have seen say on Twitter something like 'yeh, but if Corbyn had been PM it would have been much worse'

If there was an Olympics of stupidity those people would all be vying for gold.

It's like saying 'if I'd bought my lottery ticket 10 minutes later, it would have been a winner'

Impossible to say your wrong, but stupid af to think you're right.

It would have been worse. Even if had done exactly that same as this government, he would have been crucified by now. Johnson is getting a tough time from Tory papers like the Sunday Times, but the wrath that would be reigning down on Labour would have been like nothing else. 

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

What were the recommendations arising from this?

The report was never made public.


A senior official told the Telegraph that the information was not released because it could “terrify people”.

The test revealed to ministers, including then health secretary Jeremy Hunt, that the health service would have a shortage of protective equipment, critical care beds and morgue capacity in such an outbreak.

The government’s planning for a potential pandemic never changed, despite the test revealing that the NHS was not prepared to handle a major outbreak such as Covid-19.

So basically they stuck their heads in the sand and hoped for the best - normal for Tories really.

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40 minutes ago, Eddie said:

The report was never made public.

So basically they stuck their heads in the sand and hoped for the best - normal for Tories really.

Are you're referring to Exercise Cygnus Eddie? The report detailed the findings as to the readiness of the UK to respond to a pandemic like Coronavirus. It was put together after Cuygnus which was basically a three-day simulation involving government and public health bodies conducted in 2016.

There's been an interesting development on this if so. After a FOI request for the report to be made public was denied, a group of doctors have sought to overturn the decision. From the article:

If the government fails to disclose the findings of Exercise Cygnus without adequate reason, Qureshi’s lawyers will seek an urgent judicial review challenging the decision and seeking publication.


Qureshi argues that there is exceptionally strong public interest in publication of the report, given that its lessons and recommendations are “directly relevant” to the procedures developed to combat Covid-19.

“There is no persuasive argument for secrecy when managing a healthcare crisis,” Qureshi said. “Successful science and healthcare depend on transparency, peer review, collaboration and engagement with the public.

Full article here...


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7 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Not sure of the details but did they not already have the infrastructure in place following the SARS virus?

As a nation we have had track and tracing at the forefront since the start. We have over 3000 people T&Ting and our latest total was 6746 cases. Last I heard there were around 30 of these cases that haven't been able to be traced. Our top health officials have attributed T&Ting as the main way to keep on top of things. We do have full time T&T departments that track flu and any other outbreaks that were ramped up to handle Covid. I'd be very surprised if most countries don't have similar departments that could have been used from the start. I have read that Germany's officials were on the front foot from late December when their intel picked up unusual numbers of flu cases arising in Hubei Provence.    

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3 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Are you're referring to Exercise Cygnus Eddie? The report detailed the findings as to the readiness of the UK to respond to a pandemic like Coronavirus. It was put together after Cuygnus which was basically a three-day simulation involving government and public health bodies conducted in 2016.

There's been an interesting development on this if so. After a FOI request for the report to be made public was denied, a group of doctors have sought to overturn the decision. From the article:

If the government fails to disclose the findings of Exercise Cygnus without adequate reason, Qureshi’s lawyers will seek an urgent judicial review challenging the decision and seeking publication.


Qureshi argues that there is exceptionally strong public interest in publication of the report, given that its lessons and recommendations are “directly relevant” to the procedures developed to combat Covid-19.

“There is no persuasive argument for secrecy when managing a healthcare crisis,” Qureshi said. “Successful science and healthcare depend on transparency, peer review, collaboration and engagement with the public.

Full article here...


Will this report be released before the one about Russian interference into uk elections? Or the one about Johnson giving public funds to his 'friend' whilst mayor of London? Or the one about how so much money was spent on the ill-fated garden bridge, also when he was mayor?

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53 minutes ago, Stagtime said:

As a nation we have had track and tracing at the forefront since the start. We have over 3000 people T&Ting and our latest total was 6746 cases. Last I heard there were around 30 of these cases that haven't been able to be traced. Our top health officials have attributed T&Ting as the main way to keep on top of things. We do have full time T&T departments that track flu and any other outbreaks that were ramped up to handle Covid. I'd be very surprised if most countries don't have similar departments that could have been used from the start. I have read that Germany's officials were on the front foot from late December when their intel picked up unusual numbers of flu cases arising in Hubei Provence.    

Big deal. We had singing happy birthday when washing hands. It was very important after shaking hands with people with Coronavirus at hospital. Especially if your latest partner was pregnant.

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6 hours ago, i-Ram said:

What’s the difference between Jeremy Corbyn and a lottery ticket? With the latter at least you have a small chance of winning.

the daily show boom GIF

Yet if you ask him how many children he has you have a big chance of getting an answer?

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8 hours ago, RamNut said:

Does it grind your gears? Oh that’s a pity. I expect if Jeremy Corbyn had set that target and the missed by a mile, you’d be equally supportive. It doesn’t matter that essential workers have been exposed to risk. All that matters is that some numpty set an ambitious target. You’ve got your priorities right,?

You’re back. Better than your last attempt of two words. Been building up to this one have ya?
Already answered the Corbyn point. Of course it matters if people are exposed to risk but point me to a country anywhere on this green earth where they are not? 

So what now then? What do you want to happen to Hancock if they miss the 100,000? What would RamNut do that is so perfect? 
Let’s hear the wisdom. 

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2 hours ago, Stagtime said:

As a nation we have had track and tracing at the forefront since the start. We have over 3000 people T&Ting and our latest total was 6746 cases. Last I heard there were around 30 of these cases that haven't been able to be traced. Our top health officials have attributed T&Ting as the main way to keep on top of things. We do have full time T&T departments that track flu and any other outbreaks that were ramped up to handle Covid. I'd be very surprised if most countries don't have similar departments that could have been used from the start. I have read that Germany's officials were on the front foot from late December when their intel picked up unusual numbers of flu cases arising in Hubei Provence.    

That approach offers no solution. Other than hope for a vacination

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20 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

You’re back. Better than your last attempt of two words. Been building up to this one have ya?
Already answered the Corbyn point. Of course it matters if people are exposed to risk but point me to a country anywhere on this green earth where they are not? 

So what now then? What do you want to happen to Hancock if they miss the 100,000? What would RamNut do that is so perfect? 
Let’s hear the wisdom. 

I would like him to explain why it hasnt been achieved given that other European countries are far ahead of us in testing.

I would like him to explain why we have the 3rd highest death toll in the world despite a relatively small population in global terms, island borders & plenty of notice before the virus hit these shores.

I would like him to explain why the borders were not closed to specific countries/at all to stop the import of the virus & why they are still open.

You said the other day Hancock shouldnt be castigated for stating & then failing to hit an 'ambitious target' of 100k daily tests 6 weeks into lockdown. The French are aiming for 700k & Germany had tested over 2m by beginning of last week


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4 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

I would like him to explain why it hasnt been achieved given that other European countries are far ahead of us in testing.

I would like him to explain why we have the 3rd highest death toll in the world despite a relatively small population in global terms, island borders & plenty of notice before the virus hit these shores.

I would like him to explain why the borders were not closed to specific countries/at all to stop the import of the virus & why they are still open.

You said the other day Hancock shouldnt be castigated for stating & then failing to hit an 'ambitious target' of 100k daily tests 6 weeks into lockdown. The French are aiming for 700k & Germany had tested over 2m by beginning of last week


Herd immunity is looking more like the action we have taken. Death vs economy. Facts vs emotion. Difficult. 

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28 minutes ago, Norman said:

Herd immunity is looking more like the action we have taken. Death vs economy. Facts vs emotion. Difficult. 

I agree. Despite Hancock publicly stating that wasnt ever our tactic. In which case, he's lied.


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39 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

I would like him to explain why it hasnt been achieved given that other European countries are far ahead of us in testing.

I would like him to explain why we have the 3rd highest death toll in the world despite a relatively small population in global terms, island borders & plenty of notice before the virus hit these shores.

I would like him to explain why the borders were not closed to specific countries/at all to stop the import of the virus & why they are still open.

You said the other day Hancock shouldnt be castigated for stating & then failing to hit an 'ambitious target' of 100k daily tests 6 weeks into lockdown. The French are aiming for 700k & Germany had tested over 2m by beginning of last week


I’ve got no problem with those questions being asked only how they are asked. They will make mistakes, every government is making mistakes.


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4 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

I agree. Despite Hancock publicly stating that wasnt ever our tactic. In which case, he's lied.


Lie or an article from a time when we had 21 deaths. A lot has happened since then. Plans will have changed. Different advisors will now be taking more of a role than back then etc etc etc. 

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2 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

I agree. Despite Hancock publicly stating that wasnt ever our tactic. In which case, he's lied.


We need openness and honesty and a culture that enables that. Everyone is treading on egg shells and frightened to do or say anything that will come back to haunt them. This is not just about Coronavirus but politics in general. I actually believe that between the parties, they have made big strides on this but the press are still playing it wrong. 

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

That approach offers no solution. Other than hope for a vacination

Never a solution mate, it’s a case of keeping things under as much control as possible. We start winding back restrictions from midnight tomorrow so it’s just steps in the process till a vaccination is available.

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