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7 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Smart arse does not equal using language that mocks women of a different religion, which will be then be used to mock them on the street by people who also think political correctness has gone mad. You can't even point and laugh at people who look different any more. World's gone mad.

You either surround yourself with racists, or you have a very strange view of working class people.

And that opinion comes from multiple posts you've made.

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

You either surround yourself with racists, or you have a very strange view of working class people.

And that opinion comes from multiple posts you've made.

Or, you fail to see that which is all around us.

Or it's a bit of both.

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1 hour ago, Norman said:

You either surround yourself with racists, or you have a very strange view of working class people'.

And that opinion comes from multiple posts you've made.

Nice work, trying to claim what I said had anything to do with "working class people".

You seem to be suggesting that the letterbox comment was aimed at "working class people". I thought it was aimed at white racist people. Why do you think they are the same group?

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On 15/04/2020 at 14:43, Archied said:


now in the spirit of giving you the benefit of doubt that you are being genuine rather than just being a bit of a ,,,,,,,,ive taken two minutes to google something as I’m not really one to copy and paste or note every page I might happen on when looking round the net in case I have to sit an exam , there appears to be loads out there google it and make your own mind up ,,or not if that’s more your thing,

personally switch off if 5g is claimed to be the cause of or hidden behind corona virus but that headline grabbing claim prompted a bit of looking at the5 g argument 

Hope that’s ok with you ghosty 

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15 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Said more research is required into whether BAME are or not.

I did raise the subject the other day and noted that in the Normanton area of Derby there seems to be very little social distancing going on, and I have seen this mentioned by a few different sources now.

So is that your research? You've seen some dog-whistle racist posts on Facebook? Therefore if it turns out that the BAME community is being disproportinately affected  -it's all their own fault for not social-distancing enough? Why is that? Have they got lower IQs and can't understand the messaging?






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4 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Of course everyone in the Conservative party is not racist. Rabb and Patel, for example, just think Britain is full of idle people.

Any examples of where Raab and Patel have said that Britain is full of idle please?

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1 hour ago, SchtivePesley said:

So is that your research? You've seen some dog-whistle racist posts on Facebook? Therefore if it turns out that the BAME community is being disproportinately affected  -it's all their own fault for not social-distancing enough? Why is that? Have they got lower IQs and can't understand the messaging?



No, I cant do any research I'm afraid, not sure it would count as necessary travel. Have you done research to prove that it is just 'dog whistle racist posts' and not just an actual fact?

Really not sure why it is racist looking for reasons why BAME are disproportionately affected by this virus? I would have thought looking for causes and a way of reducing it would be a good thing?

I hope scientists are not looking at reasons why older people and men are disproportionately affected too the ageist and sexist gits!

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32 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

No, I cant do any research I'm afraid, not sure it would count as necessary travel. Have you done research to prove that it is just 'dog whistle racist posts' and not just an actual fact?

Really not sure why it is racist looking for reasons why BAME are disproportionately affected by this virus? I would have thought looking for causes and a way of reducing it would be a good thing?

I assume that you are deliberately skirting the point, but you are correct it's not racist to look for reasons whay BAME peope are disproportionately affected by this virus. It may well be a genetic issue. I'm sure I actually saw some medical research evidence that backed this up.

But you are talking about people posting anecdotal evidence of poor social distancing in "the Normanton area of Derby" and equating that to BAME people - as if they are the same thing. Don't you think you ought to be a bit better than amplifying that sort of crap?

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

I assume that you are deliberately skirting the point, but you are correct it's not racist to look for reasons whay BAME peope are disproportionately affected by this virus. It may well be a genetic issue. I'm sure I actually saw some medical research evidence that backed this up.

But you are talking about people posting anecdotal evidence of poor social distancing in "the Normanton area of Derby" and equating that to BAME people - as if they are the same thing. Don't you think you ought to be a bit better than amplifying that sort of crap?

Pissing nora! Are you really that much of a snowflake? 

If you ever drive down Normanton Road a very very large majority of the people down there will be BAME.

The same if I was driving though certain areas of Derbyshire, I would say large majorities of the inhabitants were white.

That's not a racist comment or crap, it's just a fact. I feel really really sorry for you if them sort of statements offend you.

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3 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

So is that your research? You've seen some dog-whistle racist posts on Facebook? Therefore if it turns out that the BAME community is being disproportinately affected  -it's all their own fault for not social-distancing enough? Why is that? Have they got lower IQs and can't understand the messaging?

I really must have a word with my racist Kurdish next door neighbour! He came back from shopping down Normanton road the other day and said he couldn't believe how busy it was. He went into PAK foods and said nobody controlled how many went into the shop and people didn't bother with social distancing. It was just like a normal day according to him.

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57 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Pissing nora! Are you really that much of a snowflake? 

I feel really really sorry for you if them sort of statements offend you.

I'm not offended by it - I just don't see why I shouldnt  call it out for what it is.

It looks like you're the one having an aneurysm over me questioning it ? Good job you're not a snowflake too eh?

1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

If you ever drive down Normanton Road a very very large majority of the people down there will be BAME

Maybe - but not ALL of the people. And not ALL of them will be observing poor social distancing. Do you get it yet?

1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

The same if I was driving though certain areas of Derbyshire, I would say large majorities of the inhabitants were white.

That's not a racist comment

...but it would be if I said it, right? It'd be reverse racism and an example of how hypocritical the libtard left is...blah de blah de blah

In that case be grateful for your freedom to say what you like.



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4 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

I'm not offended by it - I just don't see why I shouldnt  call it out for what it is.

It looks like you're the one having an aneurysm over me questioning it ? Good job you're not a snowflake too eh?

Maybe - but not ALL of the people. And not ALL of them will be observing poor social distancing. Do you get it yet?

...but it would be if I said it, right? It'd be reverse racism and an example of how hypocritical the libtard left is...blah de blah de blah

In that case be grateful for your freedom to say what you like.

You're not calling out anything. You're trying to create racism where it doesnt exist...as usual.

Absolutely nowhere have I said that ALL people in Normanton are BAME and ALL of them are not practising social distancing.

Do I have to qualify every statement discussing humans by saying I am not applying it to all humans?

No it would not be racism for you to point out that a lot of areas have a larger number of white inhabitants, that would be you pointing out a fact. If you said something discriminatory about that area based on the fact it had white people living there then it would be racism. I honestly cant believe you need that explaining to you.

Anyway, I will retract my original question about why BAME MIGHT be disproportionately affected by this as it's clear it's nothing scientific or medical, its purely down to racism.

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