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The Politics Thread 2020


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4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

"I see Tommy Robinson has been arrested and charged again for apprehending a man who allegedly sexually assaulted his daughter in Center Parcs.

It appears all of the media accidentally forgot to report why he apprehended the 'victim'."

'victim' in quotes. Who is the real victim? Inference is it's Tommeh. 

Is it? Oh.

Still not worked out how to spell Tommy yet?

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It appears that something positive could at last be coming from brexit. A bill is presently going through Parliament to give the nation an extra public holiday to mark brexit. Strangely it's proposed to hold the holiday on the nearest Friday to the 23rd of June and not on the 31st of January. When Big Ben didn't bong to signal the end of our EU membership or as brexiteers put it, the day we regained our sovereignty and the ability to wave a passport coloured blue.

It will be nice if we do end up getting an extra public holiday. I've always thought we lagged behind most other European countries when it came to public holidays.

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6 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

@G STAR RAM - another post defending Tommeh and his violent reaction. 

Do I need to continue? 

I defend it aswell and think most fathers would react the same in his position. I posted earlier saying how I think the perv got off lightly and I would have stamped on his head if it had been my daughter that he groped.

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Sith Happens

This might be a stupid question but how do we know that TR didn't just feel like lamping the fella and no sexual assault took place? 

Or do we in the 21st century get the pitchforks out just because. 

If the fella did then yeah fair enough id lamp him if i saw it take place, but how do we know it happened? 

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6 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

This might be a stupid question but how do we know that TR didn't just feel like lamping the fella and no sexual assault took place? 

Or do we in the 21st century get the pitchforks out just because. 

If the fella did then yeah fair enough id lamp him if i saw it take place, but how do we know it happened? 

Well his 8 year old girl said it on camera and also to the police.

Guess that will have been TR making her do it though as a PR stunt to fund his drug habit.

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There is so much unknown about this Tommy Robinson incident that I think it should be parked ATM, as he's not an elected politician anorl.

It is certainly newsworthy and deserves discussion, here or elsewhere, but it's not really political talk.

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Sith Happens
8 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Well his 8 year old girl said it on camera and also to the police.

Guess that will have been TR making her do it though as a PR stunt to fund his drug habit.

I haven't seen that. 

I don't know what was said.

Im not trying to defend him but i would still hope in a civilised society we would investigate and charge accordingly based on ALL the facts.

So is it right TR is arrested,  probably as its likely there are witnesses to his alleged crime, is it right the other guy hadnt been? Probably until their is evidence that the offence did actually happen.

If the evidence does demonstrate an offence has taken place then its quite right to arrest him and throw the book at him if found guilty. 

Surely regardless of who has made the allegation that evidence must be sought-after?



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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

I haven't seen that. 

I don't know what was said.

Im not trying to defend him but i would still hope in a civilised society we would investigate and charge accordingly based on ALL the facts.

So is it right TR is arrested,  probably as its likely there are witnesses to his alleged crime, is it right the other guy hadnt been? Probably until their is evidence that the offence did actually happen.

If the evidence does demonstrate an offence has taken place then its quite right to arrest him and throw the book at him if found guilty. 

Surely regardless of who has made the allegation that evidence must be sought-after?

So the video has his daughter saying what 'allegedly' happened.

In the shallow area of the pool at Center Parcs and has her bottom groped.

Reports incident to her parents.

TR accosts the guy, who admits grabbing her bottom but says it was an accident.

Transpires that the guy is in the swimming pool with 2 other men, with no wives or kids. Normal for Center Parcs or not I dont know.

TR tries to stop guy from leaving, leading to a scuffle in which the guy gets a bloody nose.

Police turn up and arrest TR only.

If TR has assaulted the guy of course this is correct and he deserves his punishment but I 100% condone what he did if he feels he had enough evidence that it happened. But he should also be punished for taking the law into his own hands.

For the police not to arrest the other guy just shows what their agenda is.

Of course the above is just one side of the story but the one that the media conveniently forgot to mention and instead just reported as if TR had beaten up some completely random innocent guy.

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Sith Happens
16 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

So the video has his daughter saying what 'allegedly' happened.

In the shallow area of the pool at Center Parcs and has her bottom groped.

Reports incident to her parents.

TR accosts the guy, who admits grabbing her bottom but says it was an accident.

Transpires that the guy is in the swimming pool with 2 other men, with no wives or kids. Normal for Center Parcs or not I dont know.

TR tries to stop guy from leaving, leading to a scuffle in which the guy gets a bloody nose.

Police turn up and arrest TR only.

If TR has assaulted the guy of course this is correct and he deserves his punishment but I 100% condone what he did if he feels he had enough evidence that it happened. But he should also be punished for taking the law into his own hands.

For the police not to arrest the other guy just shows what their agenda is.

Of course the above is just one side of the story but the one that the media conveniently forgot to mention and instead just reported as if TR had beaten up some completely random innocent guy.

Personally i dont think the media should be able to report and name anyone until proven guilty. Too many people have had lives wrecked through false allegation. 

Im not getting into a TR debate,  my point is simply i would expect the police to seek evidence other than that of an irate father and upset girl before arresting someone. 

Once again I would say if he's done it then throw everything at him, but lets evidence that before we do.


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1 hour ago, 1of4 said:

It appears that something positive could at last be coming from brexit. A bill is presently going through Parliament to give the nation an extra public holiday to mark brexit. Strangely it's proposed to hold the holiday on the nearest Friday to the 23rd of June and not on the 31st of January. When Big Ben didn't bong to signal the end of our EU membership or as brexiteers put it, the day we regained our sovereignty and the ability to wave a passport coloured blue.

It will be nice if we do end up getting an extra public holiday. I've always thought we lagged behind most other European countries when it came to public holidays.

tumbleweed GIF

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

So the video has his daughter saying what 'allegedly' happened.

In the shallow area of the pool at Center Parcs and has her bottom groped.

Reports incident to her parents.

TR accosts the guy, who (he says) admits grabbing her bottom but says it was an accident.

Transpires that the guy is in the swimming pool with 2 other men, with no wives or kids. Normal for Center Parcs or not I dont know.(Again according to Tommy, would seem to go against Centre Parcs policy of no same sex groups, but plenty of examples are online of people who've gone against those rules with no recrimination.)


TR tries to stop guy from leaving, leading to a scuffle in which the guy gets a bloody nose.(Again, only one person's word for this).

Police turn up and arrest TR only.

If TR has assaulted the guy of course this is correct and he deserves his punishment but I 100% condone what he did if he feels he had enough evidence that it happened. But he should also be punished for taking the law into his own hands.

For the police not to arrest the other guy just shows what their agenda is.(Would you be happy to be arrested on the uncorroborated testimony of a child and her angry father?)

Of course the above is just one side of the story but the one that the media conveniently forgot to mention and instead just reported as if TR had beaten up some completely random innocent guy.



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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Is it? Oh.

Still not worked out how to spell Tommy yet?

To me, it looks like using the working class British accent for the word 'Tommy' is just his way of saying what his support base is.

White, working class men. 

Used to be Labour's supporters base. 

The irony. 

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This thread is ridiculous, by the way, as anything involving the genuine and central political themes of our times is off limits. Understandable, and sadly in keeping with the rest of society. When politics is narrowed to a thin spectrum of what is 'acceptable' in a PC world, then all manner of normal people become 'extremists'. Ho hum.

Just watched Andrew Neil interview Keir Starmer; nice hair, a good line in sincerity and able to hold his own up to a point with the finest political interviewer of our time. Quite whether he's a sub-Corbynite lefty or the genuine heir to Blair I'm none the wiser. One thing I do know for sure. No way on this earth is he ever going to become PM against Boris, short of Boris getting caught banging a ladyboy while snorting lines off an illegal immigrant, all on parliamentary expenses. I'm pretty sure it's happened, it's just whether the tape comes out.

I feel the two issues I mention are linked. So long as the mainstream is so far removed from the lived experience of UK citizens, mainstream candidates are never going to appeal, Keir Starmer? Banal. Nah. Next.

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6 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

I had a friend a few years ago who was undocumented alien from Israel.

What that means is he lived in the US legally (kind of), but because he was brought by his parents and then his visa ran out he couldn’t get a social security number.

Without a SSN # in the US you can’t get a drivers license, open a bank account, apply for any jobs where you’re on the payroll, or do much of anything. You’re in limbo.

As such, he dove into learning internet marketing which is how I came to meet up some time around 2008 I guess.

He’d comment on my blog regularly and that morphed into him guest posing and we became friends often chatting for an hour or more about self development and/or marketing.

When he wasn’t building websites to earn affiliate money he was volunteering and raising money for kids charities that particularly focussed on cancer.

Everybody in Brooklyn knew him as he and he built a large social media following too. He was even featured (albeit with a lot of other people) on the front cover of Time Magazine because of his work in helping to fight for the rights of undocumented aliens.

He was probably one of the nicest most caring people I have ever met, nothing was ever too much trouble.

One day I called him and got voicemail and told him to give me a call.

He never did.

I tried a couple of weeks later and then in all honesty I forgot about it until maybe 4 or 5 weeks after I’d last heard from him.

Then late one Saturday night I got a facebook message from a mutual friend just saying, ‘have you heard about Roy Naim?’

I thought he was dead, but it was worse in many respects.

To cut a long story short Roy is now doing 15 years for buying kiddie porn and sexual exploiting a young boy who had cancer.

I’m not sure what the legal definition of ‘exploiting’ is but apparently he never touched the kid. Not that that really matters because you can do a lot of damage without touching.

When I got that message I felt sick to the stomach.

I was a friend on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and he was all over my main website.

I went through a slashing and burning phrase, but then stopped.

The reality is I had no clue, and neither did anybody else.

On reflection it looked blindingly obvious with all the time he spent with kids and his constant yo-yoing of weight, which can often be a sign of some underlying issue.

It came out that he had been sexually abused himself as a kid by an uncle.

As another poster said in this thread, that is frequently the case.

In other words, it’s learned behavior.

Nobody wants to be aroused by kids, why on earth would they?

Do they need locking up? 

Yes of course they do if they act on their impulses.

But if that kids gets over his cancer and he goes on to replicate the pattern he learned from Roy, does he not deserve compassion?

It’s not always learnt behaviour 

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4 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

What do you mean? What sort of person do you want in these roles? And please don't just say what you don't want - I'm just interested to hear when we bring Trumpisms like this over here what it actually translates as - outside of empty rhetoric.

Wasn’t corbyn and labour accused of driving some workers to contemplating suicide over anti Semitic handling?

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10 minutes ago, Archied said:

It’s not always learnt behaviour 

I think it's highly likely in his case, which if you follow what I was saying, is what I said.

I didn't say it's always learned behavior, but the odds of somebody being abused then abusing themselves sky rocket.

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At what point does a person no longer deserve the protection and fair treatment of the law and our police ? 
if was in Robinson’s shoes in this incident the least I would expect is that both parties in this whole incident be arrested whilst investigated or neither but both asked to give statements regarding the whole thing , 

no matter how much some on here are incapable of seeing beyond the name Robinson and anybody who is is accused of defending him so by definition/ implication being a supporter of his views ,if you lose sight of that basic right then society is buggered and you are acting in exactly the same manner as Robinson is portrayed as and kidding yourself it’s ok because your doing it under the banner of right and decency ,

an 8 year old child has made an allegation of sexual assault and it’s quickly degenerated into accusation of her father being a drug crazed coke Ed up narcissist?  Sorry boys but pot and kettle is very much in evidence ,

this is not defending Robinson but rather pointing out behaving just the same as you believe he does but under a banner of righteousness is indefensible too

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