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Is Keogh getting paid


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10 minutes ago, SKRam said:

Apologies David, I’d had a few, as I mentioned hopefully in mitigation, he was adamant it was he. I kept it civil rather than tempt fate by suggesting he’d got some silly photo off the net 

In fairness to your mate, he may well have genuinely believed it.  A fair few on here were mentioning it early doors... in tones that were not exactly disbelieving... until a few of the cleverer ones stepped in!

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3 minutes ago, philmycocu said:

Bit of a tangent, but I love that Leeds actually really do hate us now because of last season's shenanigans, it's not one-way anymore! 

Definitely added spice back into the fixture. Being a young’un I never really felt the rivalry, but it’s there now.

If I can pay them one compliment it’s they are a passionate bunch when it comes to their club.

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3 hours ago, Ramtastic ones said:

Everything to do with us supporters. Our ticket revenue, merchandising purchases match purchases and TV contracts pay his wages. What isn't anything to with us is how much that is.

He's the captain and should have led by example. 

Please tell me the employment terms of all the other players then.  I totally agree he failed as a captain and senior player but please don’t be ridiculous and claim you are owed this info from the club

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6 hours ago, Derbyram1983 said:

Think we need an answer to this as fans. I personally don’t think he should be after injuring himself as he is as much to blame as the drivers. One of the bigger earners at the club with nearly 2 years left on his deal. Can we find out the answer to this? 

For a very long time now, all the power and leverage in the game is with the players, not the clubs. Players have raped and killed and still managed to get back into pro football. Safe to assume that our binge drinking trio will not need to worry where the price of their next pint is coming from. 

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5 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Anyway... now we know that photo ain't Keogh, and I haven't seen it as I don't tweet or inst my gram, what's the chances of someone posting it on here?  
I assume it won't now break any forum rules... and I do like a bit o' gore of a Friday evening!

Google doesn’t like gore. So much so that we also had to remove some images of Coneheads son Joel post op stitches. 

This image that is floating around is far far more graphic and even if it was Keogh I would have Google complaining again which I can do without.

Not a pleasant image. Imagine a knee open almost to the bone.

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1 minute ago, David said:

Google doesn’t like gore. So much so that we also had to remove some images of Coneheads son Joel post op stitches. 

This image that is floating around is far far more graphic and even if it was Keogh I would have Google complaining again which I can do without.

Not a pleasant image. Imagine a knee open almost to the bone.

Yes... Yes... Tell me more!  I love it when you talk dirty!


Yeah... OK... Joking aside, I see where you're coming from, and understand it's highly unlikely to be suitable for family viewing.  I doubt I'll bother searching for it of course... and certainly won't be signing up to tweety any time soon...  but one can't help feeling one is missing out, sometimes!  ??

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1 minute ago, Mucker1884 said:

Yes... Yes... Tell me more!  I love it when you talk dirty!


Yeah... OK... Joking aside, I see where you're coming from, and understand it's highly unlikely to be suitable for family viewing.  I doubt I'll bother searching for it of course... and certainly won't be signing up to tweety any time soon...  but one can't help feeling one is missing out, sometimes!  ??

I will PM it you now so you don’t feel like you’re missing out. 

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4 hours ago, Ramtastic ones said:

Everything to do with us supporters. Our ticket revenue, merchandising purchases match purchases and TV contracts pay his wages. What isn't anything to with us is how much that is.

He's the captain and should have led by example. 

Just out of interest, why do you feel the need to know?

What difference will it make to your life?

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17 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just out of interest, why do you feel the need to know?

What difference will it make to your life?

I don't want my hard earned money spent in such a wasteful way. It may only be a tiny proportion of what he gets, but I'd sooner it went on someone who was actually playing, or available to play, or given to charity. 

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4 minutes ago, Ramtastic ones said:

I don't want my hard earned money spent in such a wasteful way. It may only be a tiny proportion of what he gets, but I'd sooner it went on someone who was actually playing, or available to play, or given to charity. 

I think there maybe a ninety per cent chance you are one of my customers along the line and no I am not going tell you what I earn when I pull a sickie!

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3 minutes ago, Ramtastic ones said:

I don't want my hard earned money spent in such a wasteful way. It may only be a tiny proportion of what he gets, but I'd sooner it went on someone who was actually playing, or available to play, or given to charity. 

Your money buys you a ticket to watch a football match - nothing more. It is then up to Derby County as to what they do with that money - of no business of anyone else.

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I do think that it raises an interesting principle.

For example, if you get injured playing a Sunday League match, and miss work on Monday, should you get paid sick leave?

What about if you did a 20-mile walk for charity, and sprained your ankle?

Should the following lung cancer victims get sick pay: a heavy smoker; a non-smoker; and a non-smoker who chooses to live with a heavy smoker?

How about someone who uses badly maintained equipment at work, and chops their arm off?

How about someone who deliberately breaks company policy, messes around with some machinery, and chops their arm off? Maybe not? 

Just based on these examples, it seems to me that most people tend to get sick pay, irrespective of their degree of negligence.

But, I'm not so sure about workplace accidents?

I wonder if football players make contractual agreements about alcohol?

A breach of contract is another matter! 

My employer tries to impose a few restrictions on my personal life - and I face disciplinary procedures, and the sack, if I bring my company into disrepute during my own time. 

But, if drink-driving isn't considered disreputable, then I shouldn't think drink-passengering is considered disreputable. 

Phew - that's a long way of saying - I think Keogh will be well looked after ... until his sick-pay runs out. I don't think a person gets paid if they're not available for work... however long or short their contract?


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22 minutes ago, Ramtastic ones said:

I don't want my hard earned money spent in such a wasteful way. It may only be a tiny proportion of what he gets, but I'd sooner it went on someone who was actually playing, or available to play, or given to charity. 

Well when spending your hard earned on the club in the future maybe you should use notes and coins with special markings on and then write to the club and ask them to ensure that your money does not make up part of Keoghs wages?

Failing that just give your money direct to charity then you wont need to worry about what DCFC are spending it on.

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Of course Keogh will get paid, what a bizarre argument.

He was attending a works do, during which alcohol was likely to be consumed, hence the club laying on transport afterwards.

I'd imagine it would be a very hard argument to win legally that he should exercise better judgement, while simultaneously laying on transport home in case players judgement and ability to drive is impaired due to alcohol!



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3 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Of course Keogh will get paid, what a bizarre argument.

He was attending a works do, during which alcohol was likely to be consumed, hence the club laying on transport afterwards.

I'd imagine it would be a very hard argument to win legally that he should exercise better judgement, while simultaneously laying on transport home in case players judgement and ability to drive is impaired due to alcohol!



Most people don't get paid for long term absenteeism from work. 

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1 minute ago, The Orange Pimpernel said:

Most people don't get paid for long term absenteeism from work. 

Appreciate that, but Keogh's employers have sanctioned and paid for the day out presumably.

They've laid on a meal and a few drinks possibly, realised this would put their  employees in the position where they may be over the limit to drive legally, and have arranged transport accordingly.

Having done that, it would be a strange argument if the club were to say that employees should have shown better judgement, when the laying on of transport previous to the events shows the club didn't see that as the case.

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13 minutes ago, reverendo de duivel said:

Of course Keogh will get paid, what a bizarre argument.

He was attending a works do, during which alcohol was likely to be consumed, hence the club laying on transport afterwards.

I'd imagine it would be a very hard argument to win legally that he should exercise better judgement, while simultaneously laying on transport home in case players judgement and ability to drive is impaired due to alcohol!



Complety correct. The legal point would be v hard to justify not paying him. He got in a car, when (allegedly) drunk with a driver who we know has since failed a breath test. If Dcfc suspended him (without pay) , as an 'employee' , they would have to show he has more or less commited gross misconduct. If you look at this as a reasonable employer,  most likely me and you wouldn't get done at work for this - but we would as the driver.

If someone who worked for me ( a few do)  in this circumstance I'd be upset about it, but paying wages would depend on the contract of employment. At my place it's only 8 days.

As a footballer they will get much better contracts with more favourable terms. That said I do wonder if there are clauses that if the 'sickness' is due to your own neglect, then payment might be restricted. Who knows though?

My own view is I am disappointed if we pay him £100k or whatever x 15 months, eg. £1.5m  when he made a very bad decision.

The moral view is an entirely different matter, whether we think he should be paid or not.

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