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The Politics Thread 2019


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8 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Have we?

I see people talking about controlled immigration but can't recall anyone saying close the borders and stop all immigration.  If we've been saying it REPEATEDLY it should be very easy to quote a few examples.

Continuing to put words in other peoples mouths or throwing around sly accusations of racism or fascism is getting very boring.

You would think even they would get bored of it after 3 years and realise that we are big enough to brush off the silly slurs...appears not though.

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40 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

"We give 350 million a week to the EU. Why not use this money so we can reduce the unfair tax burden on the wealthiest 1%, and also the richest companies who already hardly pay any tax relative to their gigantic profits."

They'd have needed a longer bus.

Maybe they should privatise the rail network so they could write it on the side of trains?

Just wondering how scrapping a planned cut in corporation tax helps the richest companies?

Do you have figures on what companies pay in relation to their profits?

Of course they could always increase the rates to 26% and drive investment away from the country?

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5 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Have we?

I see people talking about controlled immigration but can't recall anyone saying close the borders and stop all immigration.  If we've been saying it REPEATEDLY it should be very easy to quote a few examples.

Continuing to put words in other peoples mouths or throwing around sly accusations of racism or fascism is getting very boring.

Yep. Controlled immigration is a sin and somehow translates as no immigration.

 Whilst there placing these cloaked accusations, the continuing laughing emojis and comments about crappy trade deals with crappy countries don't feel that PC. Some would say these comments could be viewed as rather dismissive of these nations and rather colonial .

I also note it has been mentioned a few times that it's ok to pay a fortune to prop up the economy of some of the new EU nations and help them function better . If we had a trade deal with some of these smaller economies outside the EU surely we would do the same wouldn't we- pull up working conditions as part of any trade deal.  It appears there sweatshops we could help eradicate over time by giving them a decent trade deal aren't as important and only fit for the purpose of taking the piss. 

It may also stop some poor bugger getting in a refrigerated van to get here as the standard of living in there own country may improve. I'll wait for the laughing emoji.


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1 minute ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:


Yep. Controlled immigration is a sin and somehow translates as no immigration.

 Whilst there placing these cloaked accusations, the continuing laughing emojis and comments about crappy trade deals with crappy countries don't feel that PC. Some would say these comments could be viewed as rather dismissive of these nations and rather colonial .

I also note it has been mentioned a few times that it's ok to pay a fortune to prop up the economy of some of the new EU nations and help them function better . If we had a trade deal with some of these smaller economies outside the EU surely we would do the same wouldn't we- pull up working conditions as part of any trade deal.  It appears there sweatshops we could help eradicate over time by giving them a decent trade deal aren't as important and only fit for the purpose of taking the piss. 

It may also stop some poor bugger getting in a refrigerated van to get here as the standard of living in there own country may improve. I'll wait for the laughing emoji.


Glad I'm not the only one that has noticed it. 

I've said for a while that it is impossible to even debate our point of view because the conversation leads to the debate usually ending with the bus, racism or some other childish slur.

I've yet to have one sensible debate regarding controlled immigration, or be told what is wrong with it.

I too await a laughing emoji.

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9 hours ago, Norman said:

Seeing as though any Withdrawal Agreement had a 2 year trade negotiation period, I think it is you who didn't know what they were voting for, and still don't. 

Nope, knew exactly what I was voting for.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Glad I'm not the only one that has noticed it. 

I've said for a while that it is impossible to even debate our point of view because the conversation leads to the debate usually ending with the bus, racism or some other childish slur.

I've yet to have one sensible debate regarding controlled immigration, or be told what is wrong with it.

I too await a laughing emoji.

Its impossible to debate politics on the internet. Ive spoke to mates today in the pub and none of us have fell out even though some of them are going to vote Tory. They are obviously completely wrong and deluded but we will still be drinking together next saturday v QPR.

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6 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

Its impossible to debate politics on the internet. Ive spoke to mates today in the pub and none of us have fell out even though some of them are going to vote Tory. They are obviously completely wrong and deluded but we will still be drinking together next saturday v QPR.

I will try my best to debate it.

Obviously I try and stand my corner but if I'm obviously wrong I will hold my hand up.

However, whenever controlled immigration is mentioned there is never an attempt to debate it. As has been displayed over the last couple of days it is just met with 'racist' or 'closing the borders to everyone'. 

To me its unhelpful and being quite honest think it shows a lack of intelligence.

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Dropping this on in the politics thread as it is a county council scheme.


Hertfordshire County Council are going to have a fund of 50k as a trial to pay women to stop smoking during pregnancy. This is absolute lunacy.

Why should anyone need paying to quit smoking while carrying a child? What are young people doing starting smoking anyway these days?

The article says over 700 women continued smoking last year, how incredibly irresponsible and selfish that they choose to continue smoking anyway. It is well documented the dangers of smoking, especially during in pregnancy. Its people like this that put an unnecessary strain on the NHS as they increase the risk of their children suffering from conditions such as Asthma massively.

For me the question should be, not shall we reward women to stop smoking during pregnancy but more question the suitability of them to become parents if it requires financial reward in order to stop.


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23 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Dropping this on in the politics thread as it is a county council scheme.


Hertfordshire County Council are going to have a fund of 50k as a trial to pay women to stop smoking during pregnancy. This is absolute lunacy.

Why should anyone need paying to quit smoking while carrying a child? What are young people doing starting smoking anyway these days?

The article says over 700 women continued smoking last year, how incredibly irresponsible and selfish that they choose to continue smoking anyway. It is well documented the dangers of smoking, especially during in pregnancy. Its people like this that put an unnecessary strain on the NHS as they increase the risk of their children suffering from conditions such as Asthma massively.

For me the question should be, not shall we reward women to stop smoking during pregnancy but more question the suitability of them to become parents if it requires financial reward in order to stop.

Sums up what a soft touch this country has become. 

Paying people to stop smoking during pregnancy, words fail me.

These are the sort of people who are having kids, not for the want of having a nice family but for the riches it brings them from the state.

Just think of all of the fags and booze that child benefit and tax credits will  e buying!

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4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Sums up what a soft touch this country has become. 

Paying people to stop smoking during pregnancy, words fail me.

These are the sort of people who are having kids, not for the want of having a nice family but for the riches it brings them from the state.

Just think of all of the fags and booze that child benefit and tax credits will  e buying!

 To be fair i was thinking of nipping out today and deliberately injure someone in a way that they could be in and out of hospital for the rest of their lives, or even get their life cut short. But thinking about it, if i ring the council wonder if they will chuck me £500 as a reward for staying in and not doing so?

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9 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Maybe they should privatise the rail network so they could write it on the side of trains?

Just wondering how scrapping a planned cut in corporation tax helps the richest companies?

Do you have figures on what companies pay in relation to their profits?

Of course they could always increase the rates to 26% and drive investment away from the country?

My point was more aimed at the people who think the bus is irrelevant as it didn't actually include a signed promise written in blood.

The right wing neoliberals behind the bus would much rather introduce tax cuts and privatise the nhs than use any potential EU money on the nhs. But people wouldn't have gone for that, so best to lie.

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26 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Sums up what a soft touch this country has become. 

Paying people to stop smoking during pregnancy, words fail me.

These are the sort of people who are having kids, not for the want of having a nice family but for the riches it brings them from the state.

Just think of all of the fags and booze that child benefit and tax credits will  e buying!

Excellent idea.

if only they paid footballers not to drink, fatties not to eat, old folk not to fall over.

why didn’t we think of this before?

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25 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Sums up what a soft touch this country has become. 

Paying people to stop smoking during pregnancy, words fail me.

These are the sort of people who are having kids, not for the want of having a nice family but for the riches it brings them from the state.

Just think of all of the fags and booze that child benefit and tax credits will  e buying!

And the winner of the sanctimonious post of the year goes to....

You have no right and no understanding to make judgement on people's circumstances, you have no clue what is going on in their lives.  I suppose their city centre is awash with pregnant girls, chain smoking outside fast food outlets...

Smoking is an addiction, an addiction that a lot of people got very rich out of, and governments taxed it like crazy.  They knew in the 50's the damage smoking can do and did nothing, quite happy for the taxes to come rolling in.  Even when the Marlboro Men started dying in the 80's and the cause was directly attributed to smoking, governments around the world did nothing for the next 20 years.

Only when it came to the point of it costing more to treat, than the taxes it raised, the UK introduced a smoking ban and a weak anti smoking campaign.

Same goes for alcohol, gambling and drugs - both prescription and 'leisure'.

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28 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Excellent idea.

if only they paid footballers not to drink, fatties not to eat, old folk not to fall over.

why didn’t we think of this before?

Nah, not an advocate of telling how people how to live their lives.

I am an advocate of not taxing people to pay for other people's laziness and stupidity though.

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13 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

And the winner of the sanctimonious post of the year goes to....

You have no right and no understanding to make judgement on people's circumstances, you have no clue what is going on in their lives.  I suppose their city centre is awash with pregnant girls, chain smoking outside fast food outlets...

Smoking is an addiction, an addiction that a lot of people got very rich out of, and governments taxed it like crazy.  They knew in the 50's the damage smoking can do and did nothing, quite happy for the taxes to come rolling in.  Even when the Marlboro Men started dying in the 80's and the cause was directly attributed to smoking, governments around the world did nothing for the next 20 years.

Only when it came to the point of it costing more to treat, than the taxes it raised, the UK introduced a smoking ban and a weak anti smoking campaign.

Same goes for alcohol, gambling and drugs - both prescription and 'leisure'.

Any evidence of Thatchers illegal wars yet?

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11 hours ago, maxjam said:

Have we?

I see people talking about controlled immigration but can't recall anyone saying close the borders and stop all immigration.  If we've been saying it REPEATEDLY it should be very easy to quote a few examples.

Continuing to put words in other peoples mouths or throwing around sly accusations of racism or fascism is getting very boring.


10 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Glad I'm not the only one that has noticed it. 

I've said for a while that it is impossible to even debate our point of view because the conversation leads to the debate usually ending with the bus, racism or some other childish slur.

I've yet to have one sensible debate regarding controlled immigration, or be told what is wrong with it.

I too await a laughing emoji.


Got my obligatory laughing emoji for the above quote so I'm happy ?

I guess when you throw around baseless facts and insults a laughing emoji is enough to justify your actions.

At this point I believe that its either blatant trolling or being so wrapped up in their own ideological bubble that its pointless trying to have a conversation.

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8 minutes ago, maxjam said:



Got my obligatory laughing emoji for the above quote so I'm happy ?

I guess when you throw around baseless facts and insults a laughing emoji is enough to justify your actions.

At this point I believe that its either blatant trolling or being so wrapped up in their own ideological bubble that its pointless trying to have a conversation.

You only got one?

I got 2 last night.

Maybe me, you and Norman could set up a league table?

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25 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

And the winner of the sanctimonious post of the year goes to....

You have no right and no understanding to make judgement on people's circumstances, you have no clue what is going on in their lives.  I suppose their city centre is awash with pregnant girls, chain smoking outside fast food outlets...

Smoking is an addiction, an addiction that a lot of people got very rich out of, and governments taxed it like crazy.  They knew in the 50's the damage smoking can do and did nothing, quite happy for the taxes to come rolling in.  Even when the Marlboro Men started dying in the 80's and the cause was directly attributed to smoking, governments around the world did nothing for the next 20 years.

Only when it came to the point of it costing more to treat, than the taxes it raised, the UK introduced a smoking ban and a weak anti smoking campaign.

Same goes for alcohol, gambling and drugs - both prescription and 'leisure'.

Go on, I will actually respond to the post.

I was born in the 70s, all of my grandparents smoked, I don't. Or is what happened 30 years ago justification for what people do today? I will keep an eye out for you applying this principle when racism next comes up in debate.

Furthermore, I would suggest that if a woman's addiction to smoking is so bad that she would put it before the health of her own children that she should consider  not getting pregnant in the first place.

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