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FL alluded to it in his post match interview. Not only is the now very encouraging do we not need to appreciate what he’s doing\planning for the future. We all know that Mount, Tomori & Wilson are only here for the short term but I think we need to see beyond this and understand what he is planning for the future. Holmes for Mount, Evans for THud, Bennett coming on etc etc. January will be interesting as we need back up for Wilson plus a mobile CDM. While I think we all know FL will not be here for the long term he appears to have the best interests of DCFC at heart and is building for the future. COYR  ?

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Interesting thread. I think we should be already planning for life after Lampard too by looking at potential replacements because he isn’t going to be here forever. Lampard’s putting the foundations in place much like Nigel Clough did. What a waste of time and money it would be if we went back to a more defensive manager when Lampard leaves whenever that may be. 

Also, we won’t want to be in a position where we are rushing into appointing a manager without having regard to style like we did with Rowett and Pearson. We need to having a close eye on young managers who play good football like Nathan Jones at Luton. The planning for the future is just as important as the present.

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Don't think anyone can predict the long term. Holmes is a great little player and I can see him taking over from Bryson eventually. 

But if we go up there's nothing to say we could get Tomori/Mount and Wilson back. I can't see Wilson getting in the Liverpool team with how well they're playing and the squad they've got. Tomori could probably be tempted on a perm, unlikely to get in the Chelsea squad. 

Mount is in a similar spot to Abraham, great player who could no doubt play their part for Chelsea, but again he's got 4/5 midfielders ahead of him (including Loftus-Cheek etc). 

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3 minutes ago, gazram80 said:


I didn't know that?

Why won't he be here long term?

Would love it if he was but, if he’s going to be as successful a manager as I think he is, do you really think he’ll be at DCFC for years to come??? 

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5 minutes ago, RamLad1884 said:

Don't think anyone can predict the long term. Holmes is a great little player and I can see him taking over from Bryson eventually. 

But if we go up there's nothing to say we could get Tomori/Mount and Wilson back. I can't see Wilson getting in the Liverpool team with how well they're playing and the squad they've got. Tomori could probably be tempted on a perm, unlikely to get in the Chelsea squad. 

Mount is in a similar spot to Abraham, great player who could no doubt play their part for Chelsea, but again he's got 4/5 midfielders ahead of him (including Loftus-Cheek etc). 

Agree with all this .... my point being that despite appearing destined for greater things I think our manager is doing the right thing by our club and should be applauded for it. He may move on either sooner or later but I would like to think he is trying to leave us in a much better shape than he found us, which is much to his credit. 

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I think that Frank's time here will depend almost solely on the ambition of the club. If his managerial career takes the same path as his playing career he will be very special indeed and will manage a league challenging team, and probably his country. The question is when will that title challenging club come along? Would a ManU or Tottenham come in for him before he has really proved himself? If he can get us promoted and the board here backs him 100% why wouldn't he stay? He's obviously very ambitious but that doesn't mean he'll be looking already for that next step of the managerial ladder (?). I think that only Chelsea would pry him away before finishing the job here IF he has that 100% backing. Although Mel is a very rich man, I don't know if he could do that on his own? Then again, I've thought along similar lines with almost all of our managers and Frank could end up like every single one of them, walking out on us at the first opportunity or really a pile of poo who just wasn't good enough in the end. Time will tell. Hopefully I'll be around to see it, and I'll at least enjoy the ride whilst I'm on it.

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I see it as Lampard is very aware of building a reputation and standing aas a manager.

So I don't think he'd snakey his way for the first greener grass he laid eyes on, I'd be pretty sure he wants top flight sooner than later. He clearly believes he's up to managing iin the top flight, but knew he'd likely hhave to prove himself iin the championship.

If we get promotion wwith him at the helm this season or next he'll probably stay on in the top flight. If we don't get up but a non-basket case PL job is offered he may take it.

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He’s been here 3-4 months. Its a long season he’ll have ups and downs. 

If we go up & he keeps us up he’ll be here 3-4 years minimum. Why leave your newly promoted team for a low prem team? Thats probably in a mess. None if the big boys will be in for him after a year. 

Anyway Jody Morris might fancy a go at being number one when / if Frank moves on. We shouldnt be worried just yet, i think he’ll stay to get us promoted this year & stay up a couple of years 

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Frank has been there and done it at the very top level. He’s not greedy and he likes a challenge. 

I can see him and his team taking this club to the top in quite a short space of time and you never know, making this club challenge for Europe. Now for Frank, that would be an achievement, taking Man U or another top 4 Prem club to winning a title wouldn’t be much of an achievement. 

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13 hours ago, Gisby said:

Would love it if he was but, if he’s going to be as successful a manager as I think he is, do you really think he’ll be at DCFC for years to come??? 

Why would making us a top 6 prem team not be as great a challenge and reward for him as doing it with someone else?

It's happened before, hasn't it. Do you not thing he and Jody would aspire to that?

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More than any other of our recent managers except probably Nigel Clough, Lampard seems to have genuine integrity and I 'hope' this means he'll see the job through. I actually believe him when he says he 'gets' this club rather than the hollow BS that came from Rowett describing Derby as his dream job.

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1 hour ago, Lambchop said:

Why would making us a top 6 prem team not be as great a challenge and reward for him as doing it with someone else?

It's happened before, hasn't it. Do you not thing he and Jody would aspire to that?

I’m sure Frank & Jody are well up for the challenge, just as much as I’m sure he means it when he says he ‘gets this club’. As his first club in football management we will now always have a special place in his heart & unlike his predecessor I think his integrity is unquestionable. Just that I tend to be a ‘glass half empty’ sort of guy and whilst I’m as excited as the next fan as to where this journey will take us I believe FL & Jody are on a path to the top  and they’ll ultimately be gracing the home dugout of much more iconic grounds than PP, of course that doesn’t mean that, just like the rest of us, I’m not hoping that this isn’t later rather than sooner!!

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