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Matej Vydra - Signed for Burnley

Bris Vegas

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2 minutes ago, McLovin said:

Bad news if true. Permanent incomings most likely depend on Vydra leaving.

Good news.

we don't actually need more players.

We just need to shift some of the dross.



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1 hour ago, RamNut said:

undisclosed player sold for undisclosed fee to an undisclosed club?


is that whats happened to chris martin??

No, undisclosed loan !

1 hour ago, Topram said:

Leeds United are readying a move for Aston Villa striker Jonathan Kodjia as an alternative to top target Matej Vydra. #lufc #AVFC #dcfc

So forward who scored 21 goals or forward who scored one goal - hmm 

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Vydra to leeds always looked a bit daft. How can leeds afford him, and why would he want to go there anyway? 

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13 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Good news.

we don't actually need more players.

We just need to shift some of the dross.



Shifting out the dross is far easier said than done, though. 1. who would want 'dross'? 2. Why would the dross want to move when they are almost certainly going to be on more money here than they are going to be able to get elsewhere? 3. We are not going to get a significant transfer fee for any of them, so that means minimal reinvestment in terms of transfer fees for other players. To put it simply, the sale of vydra is essential if we want to bring in players for transfer fees, plus his wages are most likely on the high side also, so selling would be beneficial in the plan to 'lower the wage bill', something I've seen you are so adamantly for in other threads.

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11 minutes ago, LB_DCFC said:

Shifting out the dross is far easier said than done, though. 1. who would want 'dross'? 2. Why would the dross want to move when they are almost certainly going to be on more money here than they are going to be able to get elsewhere? 3. We are not going to get a significant transfer fee for any of them, so that means minimal reinvestment in terms of transfer fees for other players. To put it simply, the sale of vydra is essential if we want to bring in players for transfer fees, plus his wages are most likely on the high side also, so selling would be beneficial in the plan to 'lower the wage bill', something I've seen you are so adamantly for in other threads.

Alchemy changes things. A sow's purse can be changed into a pig's ear but you often get a bit of crackling!!! ???

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45 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Good news.

we don't actually need more players.

We just need to shift some of the dross.



So we failed last year because the dross that wasn’t playing was dragging us down? If we just get rid of them, we’ll be 10 points clear by Christmas! Nice one. 

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27 minutes ago, McLovin said:

If Lampard wants to play high energy attacking football then we certainly do need more players

The training camp will tell Frank a lot about this squad. I don’t know why everybody is panicking, we’ll see some movement soon.

owen Bradley said Bennett impressed him, Bryson hopefully stays, Anya looked good at Fulham I thought, Elsnik etc will be trying to impress.

pretty soon certain players will know they’re not wanted and we’ll see some activity.

i’m not Panicking, after all footballs coming home...

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9 minutes ago, Seth's left foot said:

pretty soon certain players will know they’re not wanted and we’ll see some activity.

i’m not Panicking, after all footballs coming home...

You're joking, right? Whether they know that they're wanted or not they're not going to go anywhere unless they get the same pay. I can't believe there are other clubs out there dumb enough and who financially can also afford to be able to do that.  They'll be here until their contracts run down or we pay it off. 

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There's a lot of very odd stuff in this thread about Vydra. He's a far better player than people seem to realise. When he's played regularly he's scored goals everywhere he's been in this division. And scoring goals is the main point of the game!

People seem to be convinced that he can only play in the way that Rowett used him. Watford used a number of tactics and Vydra suited most of them. He certain;y played the #10 role behind Deeney, but Watford played with a more attacking style, so Vydra saw more of the ball. For Watford he got far more assists. Under Rowett he often had to go it alone as he had no one to pass to. Vydra also played as part of a front two and on the right of a three. He's actually a very versatile striker. What he isn't is a target man or lone striker.

If we sell him, we need to remember that he's one of the very best players in the league. Sell him for a huge fee if we can, but we'd be far better off retaining his services if we can't get a huge fee. We can't leave ourselves in a position where we have scored 11 goals by Christmas and Leeds are laughing all the way to the Premier League with Matej earning another golden boot.



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3 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

There's a lot of very odd stuff in this thread about Vydra. He's a far better player than people seem to realise. When he's played regularly he's scored goals everywhere he's been in this division. And scoring goals is the main point of the game!

People seem to be convinced that he can only play in the way that Rowett used him. Watford used a number of tactics and Vydra suited most of them. He certain;y played the #10 role behind Deeney, but Watford played with a more attacking style, so Vydra saw more of the ball. For Watford he got far more assists. Under Rowett he often had to go it alone as he had no one to pass to. Vydra also played as part of a front two and on the right of a three. He's actually a very versatile striker. What he isn't is a target man or lone striker.

If we sell him, we need to remember that he's one of the very best players in the league. Sell him for a huge fee if we can, but we'd be far better off retaining his services if we can't get a huge fee. We can't leave ourselves in a position where we have scored 11 goals by Christmas and Leeds are laughing all the way to the Premier League with Matej earning another golden boot.



Before signing for us he spent the season on loan at Reading and scored 3 goals in 31 appearances? And he played regularly for us in the 16/17 season and scored 5 goals in 33 games. 

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4 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

There's a lot of very odd stuff in this thread about Vydra. He's a far better player than people seem to realise. When he's played regularly he's scored goals everywhere he's been in this division. And scoring goals is the main point of the game!

People seem to be convinced that he can only play in the way that Rowett used him. Watford used a number of tactics and Vydra suited most of them. He certain;y played the #10 role behind Deeney, but Watford played with a more attacking style, so Vydra saw more of the ball. For Watford he got far more assists. Under Rowett he often had to go it alone as he had no one to pass to. Vydra also played as part of a front two and on the right of a three. He's actually a very versatile striker. What he isn't is a target man or lone striker.

If we sell him, we need to remember that he's one of the very best players in the league. Sell him for a huge fee if we can, but we'd be far better off retaining his services if we can't get a huge fee. We can't leave ourselves in a position where we have scored 11 goals by Christmas and Leeds are laughing all the way to the Premier League with Matej earning another golden boot.



He will shine in a 3/5/2   If, as I suspect Frank plays that system. If the manager is stupid enough to play 2 DM’s even against poor opponents, he’s bound to be isolated and outnumbered by their defence.  It will cost us more than 11 million to replace his goals 

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3 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

Before signing for us he spent the season on loan at Reading and scored 3 goals in 31 appearances? And he played regularly for us in the 16/17 season and scored 5 goals in 33 games. 

5 goals in 20 starts for us in 16/17 mainly played as a Chris Martin style target man. 3 goals and 3 assists from 24 starts for Reading, which was his poorest season in this division. 

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Just now, CornwallRam said:

5 goals in 20 starts for us in 16/17 mainly played as a Chris Martin style target man. 3 goals and 3 assists from 24 starts for Reading, which was his poorest season in this division. 

So he's not scored goals everywhere he's been in this division then? ?

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Vydra is a lethal finisher. Just look at his goals. Probably suits a more counter attacking side than the possession based side that Lampard wants. Saying that I’d rather keep him. Depends on our financial position but if we keep selling players like Weiman and players like Martin, Bryson etc maybe we can keep him 

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1 hour ago, LB_DCFC said:

Shifting out the dross is far easier said than done, though. 1. who would want 'dross'? 2. Why would the dross want to move when they are almost certainly going to be on more money here than they are going to be able to get elsewhere? 3. We are not going to get a significant transfer fee for any of them, so that means minimal reinvestment in terms of transfer fees for other players. To put it simply, the sale of vydra is essential if we want to bring in players for transfer fees, plus his wages are most likely on the high side also, so selling would be beneficial in the plan to 'lower the wage bill', something I've seen you are so adamantly for in other threads.

We realistically can’t get rid of the dross but we can use players like Bennett and Elsnick with Bryson and Martin ( all sent out on loan last season )and play a much more enjoyable way and we have now moved on Bent shackell Baird and got a bit of money for wieman, the wage trend is downwards and we need to score goals and Vydra does just that  

46 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

Before signing for us he spent the season on loan at Reading and scored 3 goals in 31 appearances? And he played regularly for us in the 16/17 season and scored 5 goals in 33 games. 

He was at Reading at the same time as nick Blackman who shot from absolutely everywhere leaving Vydra without the ball whenever near the goal which sort of says it all 

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1 hour ago, CornwallRam said:

5 goals in 20 starts for us in 16/17 mainly played as a Chris Martin style target man. 3 goals and 3 assists from 24 starts for Reading, which was his poorest season in this division. 

Pretty sure he played on the left wing most of the time that season .... He was dross in that position 

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2 hours ago, LB_DCFC said:

Shifting out the dross is far easier said than done, though. 1. who would want 'dross'? 2. Why would the dross want to move when they are almost certainly going to be on more money here than they are going to be able to get elsewhere? 3. We are not going to get a significant transfer fee for any of them, so that means minimal reinvestment in terms of transfer fees for other players. To put it simply, the sale of vydra is essential if we want to bring in players for transfer fees, plus his wages are most likely on the high side also, so selling would be beneficial in the plan to 'lower the wage bill', something I've seen you are so adamantly for in other threads.

Four or five unwanted players are costing us a fortune in wages for no benefit. Cut your losses and get rid. 

I don't really trust us to do anything sensible with the money anyway. 

2 hours ago, McLovin said:

If Lampard wants to play high energy attacking football then we certainly do need more players

The last thing we need is one out and three in. The wage bill will continue to mushroom.

1 hour ago, cosmic said:

So we failed last year because the dross that wasn’t playing was dragging us down? If we just get rid of them, we’ll be 10 points clear by Christmas! Nice one. 

Excellent. The popular forum classic. Invent an argument to then shoot down. All very interesting but nothing to do with anything i said.


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Keep Vydra then. If we don’t get what we want for him keep him. 

Nigel cough brought us in some gems. That team made it to the playoff final or semi final 4 times. Let’s go again. 

We have cleared Bent, Baird, Bryson, Weimann, Russell and shackle. I’m sure Martin will be next.

lets grab a couple of bargains and have a go. That’s a mass amount off the wage bill I’m sure. 

Ince, Hughes and Hendrick brought money in. I know we brought players but it’s the wages that kill us surely. 

Let the kids mould in. 1 year of having a chill and go again.. 

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