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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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A football one 

gamesmanship is kind of ok .. The nudge by a savvy defender versus the striker making sure the ref sees he was fouled. Even Franny Lee style rolling the extra yard to get the pen instead of a free kick. There is a give and take or do as you would be done by. Not pretty, not clever, I don't like it but it's part of competative sport I suppose and we can have a wry grin 

No what really really gets me is .. Ok you fell over theatrically, got the free kick but then you start clutching your face to get your opponent booked or sent off ... No no no ... There are lines that shouldn't be crossed .. Ever. 

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23 minutes ago, jono said:

A football one 

gamesmanship is kind of ok .. The nudge by a savvy defender versus the striker making sure the ref sees he was fouled. Even Franny Lee style rolling the extra yard to get the pen instead of a free kick. There is a give and take or do as you would be done by. Not pretty, not clever, I don't like it but it's part of competative sport I suppose and we can have a wry grin 

No what really really gets me is .. Ok you fell over theatrically, got the free kick but then you start clutching your face to get your opponent booked or sent off ... No no no ... There are lines that shouldn't be crossed .. Ever. 

In places like South America, cheating like you mention is just all part of the game. They don't see anything wrong with it. Sadly it has gradually spread throughout the world and even to grass roots footy in Britain.

I hate it but nothing will ever be done about it so on that basis i am all for Derby players doing whatever they can to get an advantage. Why should we suffer when its commonplace now?

Just another way in which the lack of morals and balls to try and uphold standards by the footballing powers that be have managed to change the face of the game in the British Isles, and for the worse.

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Just to add that I hate the hypocrisy amongst most footy fans with regards cheating. Timewasting is an example. Derby do it I'm sure when they are winning with time running out yet fans aren't screaming at their own players for cheating. Opponent does it and all hell breaks loose. Many more examples.

Cheating is part of the game now and every team does it. Sometimes you'll benefit and sometimes not. Can see your point though jono. IMO a player who goes down claiming he's been assaulted and clutching his face should be sent off. It is not only cheating but shows a lack of respect for another human being and if it were me being accused then I'd go for litigation immediately.

Just like if someone had accused me of a crime I hadn't done and been proved. I'd have the liar in court. Same in the football cheating incidents claiming they've been assaulted and its proven on replays they are making it up.

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51 minutes ago, jono said:

A football one 

gamesmanship is kind of ok .. The nudge by a savvy defender versus the striker making sure the ref sees he was fouled. Even Franny Lee style rolling the extra yard to get the pen instead of a free kick. There is a give and take or do as you would be done by. Not pretty, not clever, I don't like it but it's part of competative sport I suppose and we can have a wry grin 

No what really really gets me is .. Ok you fell over theatrically, got the free kick but then you start clutching your face to get your opponent booked or sent off ... No no no ... There are lines that shouldn't be crossed .. Ever. 

The short pulling has been ridiculous this season so far, and the ref decisions even more so.

I am all for video replay for big decisions, as in the time taken by all the mobbing the ref and histrionics it could have been referred to 'upstairs.'

I read somewhere that if George Best had been around now he would have been unstoppable - super skill, a hard bloke and then protected by the ref on top.

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26 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Just to add that I hate the hypocrisy amongst most footy fans with regards cheating. Timewasting is an example. Derby do it I'm sure when they are winning with time running out yet fans aren't screaming at their own players for cheating. Opponent does it and all hell breaks loose. Many more examples.

Cheating is part of the game now and every team does it. Sometimes you'll benefit and sometimes not. Can see your point though jono. IMO a player who goes down claiming he's been assaulted and clutching his face should be sent off. It is not only cheating but shows a lack of respect for another human being and if it were me being accused then I'd go for litigation immediately.

Just like if someone had accused me of a crime I hadn't done and been proved. I'd have the liar in court. Same in the football cheating incidents claiming they've been assaulted and its proven on replays they are making it up.

It is virtually impossible for refs .. I remember seeing a clip of Wright Phillips seemingly taking a huge theatrical dive but an analysis showed he was at full speed, a defender stepped in his path but pulled out at the last milli second. Sean had already taken avoiding action and fell at full tilt. There was no contact but it looked like he dived when in reality he fell over when running at 10 10ths .. Not cheating, just physics .. But those that do it knowingly really get my goat. Yes exaggerate to make sure the ref saw it .. Fair doos .. But doesn't matter what shirt you are wearing I loath cheating. Somewhere on my profile there's a Corinthian reference. That's me .. Fair play but how do you combat the cheats when everyone is at it to a greater or lesser extent. 

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34 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Cars that automatically turn off at lights and then the ignition fires up again seconds later. I don't own one but they must be bloody annoying. Pointless. Might save 0.08p in fuel over the course of a year but they're all brand new cars anyway. It's not like their owners are short of a few bob.;)

It's not about fuel saving. I work on this industry and it's all about pleasing the green brigade. Stop-start technology does nothing good for your wallet in real terms, but it pollutes less and gives the car manufacturer some credit and supposedly makes the car a bit cheaper to the first owner.

The next set of EU regulations alone could wipe out about 40 engine variants.

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36 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Cars that automatically turn off at lights and then the ignition fires up again seconds later. I don't own one but they must be bloody annoying. Pointless. Might save 0.08p in fuel over the course of a year but they're all brand new cars anyway. It's not like their owners are short of a few bob.;)

I've got one. Not annoying, barely noticeable. They reckon it saves between 3-10% in fuel consumption. Cheaper road tax. Also better for environment due to lower emissions 

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Bicycles are better for the environment. Cars running on fossil fuels no matter what they claim to offer in terms of emissions are not better for the environment in any sense whatsoever. They all pump out crap into the atmosphere. Some more than others granted. Fair enough about the cheaper road tax though and fuel consumption I underestimated so you're right on those counts.

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7 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Bicycles are better for the environment. Cars running on fossil fuels no matter what they claim to offer in terms of emissions are not better for the environment in any sense whatsoever. They all pump out crap into the atmosphere. Some more than others granted. Fair enough about the cheaper road tax though and fuel consumption I underestimated so you're right on those counts.

120 mile MINIMUM round trip daily, depending on assignment. Stick your chuffing cycle.

Those days of working locally are long gone.

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8 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Bicycles are better for the environment. Cars running on fossil fuels no matter what they claim to offer in terms of emissions are not better for the environment in any sense whatsoever. They all pump out crap into the atmosphere. Some more than others granted. Fair enough about the cheaper road tax though and fuel consumption I underestimated so you're right on those counts.

Not saying lower emissions cars are better for the environment than bikes, just saying cars with this technology are better than without. 

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