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What if Charlie George had not dislocated his shoulder

Alan Ramage 4 EVA

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4 minutes ago, Alan Ramage 4 EVA said:

Just to compliment the "What if McClaren had not been sacked "post.

Would we have won the double ?

The European cup ?.

Would the success have continued ?

Would we be in the top six of clubs in UK ?.

What if ?

Ex players and management from that era always say we were "flying " until Charlie got injured !

I was a bit young at the time but hadn't we got a plan B? 

Surely a good team can deal with one injury. 

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Can still picture Dennis bloody Smith clattering him in front of the B stand on a Wednesday night. Borne the grudge ever since. 

However great the rest of the team we lost a lot without Charlie that we never really rediscovered until thrashing Ipswich in the last match of the season. The double was definitely on. We were playing so well and Manure were definitely beatable - if Nish's goal had stood.... oh don't get me started. 

But the rest  who knows? As Angry says it would be very unDerby like to maintain a sustained period of brilliance. 


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what brilliant days, when just walking in the baseball ground made the  hairs on the back of yer neck stand on end. Fantastic players ,even the commentators were brilliant. I still say that loss at Hillsboro was the start of the end. Charlie out injured and Gorden Hill having a purple patch and then along came the doc ..enough said.

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Charlie George's shoulder is my biggest What if moment


but I have one for second place too


If Heysel had not have happened we would have been in UEFA in the 1990/91 season and in my parellel universe we knock out Florist and exact revenge on Juventus in the Final

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With Charlie George in the side, Derby could have declared UDI and gone on to win the World Cup, the guy had such great vision, he knew where everyone was on the pitch and could lay a ball into their path with ease. Really rated the guy (Charlie George really rated the guy as well :-)  ). 

Now when he was playing for Arsenal and ran the length of the Popside flicking two fingers at the crowd, I wasn't quite so keen on him. 

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1 hour ago, Angry Ram said:

I've just come thinking about those times. Us old goats were spoilt witnessing those years.

Yep ,late teens early twenties fantastic times I was the right age at the right time .Me and my mate sometimes used to go in a jacket and trousers [posh I know for the Popside] and go clubing afterwards .

Pubs were packed the night clubs were packed although  the beer was crap that's one thing that's better nowdays.Now where's that time machine 

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