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Anyone ever had hypnotherapy?


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I'm really really afraid of heights and have severe vertigo. I'm talking can't go in a glass sided stair well, lift, escalator. Can't look up at high buildings.

It stopped me going up to second floors in shopping areas because of this and it's getting embarrassing how bad it has started to impact on me.

Someone mentioned hypnotherapy and was wondering if anyone had any experience of this for anything like quiting smoking, weight loss, addictive traits.

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Yep, I tried it for quitting smoking, cost me 200 quid and it would have worked if I wasn't a nob.

He asked what was the worst thing I'd ever tasted. I told him the liver I was forced to eat at my junior school ( Reigate in Mackworth) some 30 years earlier. OK he said, if you ever had a cigarette, it will taste just like the liver you remember from school.

This worked for a couple of days, never had a cigarette but all the time I was wondering if it would indeed taste like liver if I had one. Cut a long story short, bought a packet of 10 and sparked one up, sure enough, the taste took me straight back to Mrs Kemp in the school canteen saying eat it while standing over me.

Threw it away but later thought it might be a one off, lit another next day, not so strong so I persevered and by the time I'd finished it, it tasted normal. 

Some might say normal is worse than the taste of liver and they are probably right but smoking is my gambling or drinking alcohol, neither of which I do now.

So, if you can afford it, I'd say have a go, just don't let curiosity kill the cat as it were. 

Good luck.

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I looked at it a few years ago, they were all quoting £380 a session and said it could take a number of sessions so never really followed it up.

Do you have to be a believer if you like, if you went in doubting it, it wouldn’t work?

Not sure I could go into it without any doubts, all sounds a bit weird to me, if it was that good why wouldn’t everyone do it for phobias and that.

Love to try it though

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5 hours ago, David said:

I looked at it a few years ago, they were all quoting £380 a session and said it could take a number of sessions so never really followed it up.

Do you have to be a believer if you like, if you went in doubting it, it wouldn’t work?

Not sure I could go into it without any doubts, all sounds a bit weird to me, if it was that good why wouldn’t everyone do it for phobias and that.

Love to try it though

If it cost £20 a session, then I reckon most people would...

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On ‎11‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 21:17, KBB said:

I'm really really afraid of heights and have severe vertigo. I'm talking can't go in a glass sided stair well, lift, escalator. Can't look up at high buildings.

It stopped me going up to second floors in shopping areas because of this and it's getting embarrassing how bad it has started to impact on me.

Someone mentioned hypnotherapy and was wondering if anyone had any experience of this for anything like quiting smoking, weight loss, addictive traits.

Hypnotherapy might help with the fear side, however go see your doc regarding the vertigo as it is a treatable condition.

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Is vertigo a condition or a human defence mechanism to remind us we shouldn’t be up there that shouldn’t be ignored.

Never quite understood the fascination of going up these great big fancy buildings and looking down through a glass floor at where you came from.

Don't go up there in the first place.

Isn’t helping the topic so I’ll stop. But I avoid these shopping centres as well, always menswear they stick upstairs, needs an escalator to get up with someone’s head a ft from me jacksy.

Shop online thanks.

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On 9/11/2017 at 21:17, KBB said:

I'm really really afraid of heights and have severe vertigo. I'm talking can't go in a glass sided stair well, lift, escalator. Can't look up at high buildings.

It stopped me going up to second floors in shopping areas because of this and it's getting embarrassing how bad it has started to impact on me.

Someone mentioned hypnotherapy and was wondering if anyone had any experience of this for anything like quiting smoking, weight loss, addictive traits.

Go skydiving. That should cure you in no time (worked for my mate). Or give you a heart attack. 

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I tried it once to try to stop smoking. It didn't work for me and I went about 4 or 5 times but there are some people who can be hypnotised really easily probably the ones you see acting like a dick on TV and others can't or should I say will not relax enough to let them be hypnotised. I couldn’t let myself go.

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Tried it for insomnia and didn't really do much for me, was very relaxing in itself though so I enjoyed it! Can't see Serotonin helping for heights either, I've had some mild success with it for insomnia with the positive side effect of lifting mood as well (perhaps placebo though if I'm honest).

I suffer with terrible vertigo too so you're not alone. I last went to GoApe to try and exercise some "mind over matter", climbed the first tree (perhaps no more than 12ft off ground) and my legs gave way. Straight back down after that. Time before that I tired to conquer it by walking over the Royal Gorge Bridge in Colorado City (google it if you don't know it, a tad ambitious I think!), I honestly nearly passed out. I have never sweated so much in my life, legs like jelly, head facing to the sky to avoid looking down, talking to myself...must've been a right scene for onlookers. I can't go anywhere near the barriers in shopping centres or the likes either. It really can be a nightmare. I am beginning to learn to live with it now though, exposure to the fear doesn't seem to help in my case!

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1 minute ago, SillyBilly said:

I suffer with terrible vertigo too so you're not alone. I last went to GoApe to try and exercise some "mind over matter", climbed the first tree (perhaps no more than 12ft off ground) and my legs gave way. Straight back down after that

I had the same walk of shame in front of a group of women, I looked a right fool. 

Didnt even get a harness on the first time, as we pulled into the car park I looked up and said f*** that, ended up as the camera man.

Missus was due to go the first time but had to work, thought I’d give it another crack. Completed the training course with ease and bolted at the first tree.

Ended up on the Sedgways instead, deer ran out 2ft in front of me as I was going full pelt down this path. Instructor behind me fell off as he s**** himself. Must have been the shock that kept me on it. 

Ended up with a certificate for both. Felt like a right John Terry.

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9 minutes ago, David said:

I had the same walk of shame in front of a group of women, I looked a right fool. 

Didnt even get a harness on the first time, as we pulled into the car park I looked up and said f*** that, ended up as the camera man.

Missus was due to go the first time but had to work, thought I’d give it another crack. Completed the training course with ease and bolted at the first tree.

Ended up on the Sedgways instead, deer ran out 2ft in front of me as I was going full pelt down this path. Instructor behind me fell off as he s**** himself. Must have been the shock that kept me on it. 

Ended up with a certificate for both. Felt like a right John Terry.

Sounds more like a Jonathan Hunt to me.

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12 hours ago, David said:

I looked at it a few years ago, they were all quoting £380 a session and said it could take a number of sessions so never really followed it up.


£380 a session? Three sessions?? 

You won't be able to afford to flippin smoke.

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