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Has it been a good or bad start to the season.


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1 minute ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I'd have said average before reading that, not great new dawn of hope but not call the Samaritans time either.

Its going to take a while for them to become good at being what rowett wants them to be, but in the mean time they're doing just about enough.


I agree but one of the worries is that we have beaten possibly the worst teams in the League by the odd goal but it is early days though. 

Mel Morris thinks the Club is in the best position for a while and in some aspects I agree but others not as I think the first team has been stronger or do you disagree mate. 

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Possibly average at best - we have created chances in games but lost the pts [Sheff Utd a good example].

I am more concerned with the actual performances this season, swapping players around different formations always smells of desperation.

GR doesnt help himself with talk of top two - I thought it would heve been much better to say something like....I said at the end of last season we need to cut down the squad numbers and bring in some players that will fit my plans and look to have stability and build this season for a promotion push next season.

Possibly then fans expectations would not be so high.

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8 minutes ago, toddy said:

Possibly average at best - we have created chances in games but lost the pts [Sheff Utd a god example].

I am more concerned with the actual performances this season, swapping players around different formations always smells of desperation.

GR doesnt help himself with talk of top two - I thought it would heve been much better to say something like....I said at the end of last season we need to cut down the squad numbers and bring in some players that will fit my plans and look to have stability and build this season for a promotion push next season.

Possibly then fans expectations would not be so high.

I don't know why he has said Top 2 because it's building expectations too high and why did he say the team would be unrecognisable  this season to the team at the end of last season because it clearly won't be. 

I am all for being optimistic but only if it's realistic and as I've said before Derby  fans think their team can do better every season as do other teams fans. 

Bringing Huddlestone in and thinking he is the answer to everything is hard to fathom and I don't think Davies has made us much tighter at the back either. 

Wisdom is better than Christie defensively but not going forward. 

The loss of Ince and Hughes is hard to take. 

Tom Lawrence booked twice already looks a good signing I hope. 

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50 minutes ago, curtains said:

I'd say very average so far. 

Derby Evening Telegraph article makes good reading 


So we finished 3rd in 13-14 after a worse start than this - And finished 6th in 15-16 with a worse start than this

Any other season we don't really care about if our expectations are making the playoffs

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Just now, cheron85 said:

So we finished 3rd in 13-14 after a worse start than this - And finished 6th in 15-16 with a worse start than this

Any other season we don't really care about if our expectations are making the playoffs

Yes the playoffs would be good and I hope we can do it .

What fills you with the optimism that we can do it ! 

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Poor to average.  The performances have not been convincing and the team spirit (togetherness) seems to be lacking somewhat.

Hopefully, things will get better, but unless we bring in another quality player I will be quite disappointed.  The transfer window business so far has been OK, but we still lack one, possibly two players to make us tick this season.  I remember we were quite average in 1968 until we signed Willie Carlin and he was the missing cog that we needed to go on to storm the league that year.

That cog needs to be found, but sadly I am not optimistic enough to believe we will find the missing cog this season.  

I hope GR proves me wrong over the next two days.

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2 minutes ago, curtains said:

Yes the playoffs would be good and I hope we can do it .

What fills you with the optimism that we can do it ! 

This league is a basket case - Always has been - And seems to be getting ever more so

We have a good squad - One that should be capable of being a top 6 side at least - Just need Mr Rowett to get them playing like it

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It's been ok, but there isn't exactly much to look into. Against the teams who started well we struggled against, the teams who haven't started well we have been ok. Nothings won yet and teams that start well tend to drop off.

Nothing to worry about just yet for me

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2 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

This league is a basket case - Always has been - And seems to be getting ever more so

We have a good squad - One that should be capable of being a top 6 side at least - Just need Mr Rowett to get them playing like it

Good post but I see the likes of Wolves and Fulham overtaking us and then you have Villa and Cardiff unknown quantities and Sheffield Wednesday etc so Top 6 will be hard .

Like you say Rowett needs to find the answer. 

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Derby County were never good starters- me old Dad RIP always used to say - son we always usually lose our first four games - don't worrry about it


this was back in the hey day of the 70s - and I can't really remember anyone sticking a table in the paper - until end of September!!


Poor old Bilic at West Ham has appeared to lost his job already after 3 games!!! But we live in the day of the modern era of analysis!!!!


7 out of 15 ain't bad - we were poor against Wolves - and had a crap day at Brammall Lane


its what you do from now until Xmas is what we want to see.


progress with the team, formation and a plan coming together



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With the fixtures we've had, I'd say we've done the bare minimum of what was expected.  Things aren't at wrist slashing levels just yet, but you can imagine they will be if we don't get a few more wins by the end of September.  I can kind of see what GR is aiming for, but as per usual, it flies in the face of what the players seem capable of doing.  When he came in, a lot of Brum fans were saying how tactically astute he was, but we need to see stronger evidence of that.  The Wolves game in particular highlighted how slow we were to reacting to what the opposition was doing.

Selling Hughes, Ince & Christie made sense, despite undervaluing Hughes' fee.  But that was built of the assumption that we'd find a couple of quality replacements.  Fingers crossed Lawrence finds his feet after the international break, and we bring in someone else before the window closes, because the thought of having either Weimann or Russell as one of our providers makes me shudder.  People defend them, saying stuff like "well on his day he's great", but it's clear (especially in Russell's case) that they're 1 in 5 players, and we can't be covering for their dips in form if we're serious about the top six...

So far 5/10

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7 minutes ago, curtains said:

Good post but I see the likes of Wolves and Fulham overtaking us and then you have Villa and Cardiff unknown quantities and Sheffield Wednesday etc so Top 6 will be hard .

Like you say Rowett needs to find the answer. 

Cardiff are the basket case example this season - No-one would have predicted them pulling themselves together this season

I see Wolves and Boro being solid shouts - But even then I personally think we have a squad which player-for-player I'd take over almost any other side in the league - There aren't very many players left in the league I would say would be guaranteed starters in our side - Partly because what we need is cohesion, proper tactics and consistency more than anything else - Bringing in yet another talented individual is not what we need

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2 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

Cardiff are the basket case example this season - No-one would have predicted them pulling themselves together this season

I see Wolves and Boro being solid shouts - But even then I personally think we have a squad which player-for-player I'd take over almost any other side in the league - There aren't very many players left in the league I would say would be guaranteed starters in our side - Partly because what we need is cohesion, proper tactics and consistency more than anything else - Bringing in yet another talented individual is not what we need

Genuine question here mate. 

Why have we looked so impotent in the final 3rd this season ! 

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Been watching a lot of live games and highlights this season. Thing that strikes me is that we are way behind other teams in terms of desire, drive, work rate and determination. It's a mid table season for us, Gary can't change the squad how he wants. It's going to take time.

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2 minutes ago, curtains said:

Genuine question here mate. 

Why have we looked so impotent in the final 3rd this season ! 

Two issues for me

1) Rowett hasn't worked out how to play against 3 at the back properly - I fear he's a little too rigid in the way he wants to play - I know our Brian always used to advocate the attitude where you just play the game you planned to and just be better than the opposition - But I think in the modern game there are so many variations on formation which can all be different (is 4-3-3 really 4-1-2-2-1 or 4-3-2-1 or 4-1-4-1 or etc etc) depending on the players you pick and how you play

Which brings me on nicely to

2) I'm not convinced Rowett has worked out how to get the best out of these players still - And I worry a little that he doesn't maybe understand the players he has - For instance, he started off playing Huddlestone as a DM - He isn't - He's a deep lying midfield playmaker - The lad can barely tackle and he's not quick enough to cover the ground needed - That's why him next to Livermore worked for Hull - Livermore running round covering every blade snapping at people - Huddlestone floating around creating play

So for me - Those two things mean we're still fundamentally struggling with the same thing as last season - No-one is coordinating the way we play

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