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Official: Will Hughes joins Watford


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22 minutes ago, Ninos said:

Watford fans seem to be enjoying this deal: a couple comments from their forum:

"Sign him for £5mil and wipe off the rest of the money they owe us for Vydra and Anya. If they are still upset, put in a 5-10% sell on clause. If we sell him for £30mil one day at least they get £1.5-£3mil, that's a lot for tinpot club like them."

"Derby are our Bitches, sell them the dross and buy the family jewels at Del Boy prices."

Unfortunately they appear to be correct, they will probably stay up this year again as well because Huddersfield and Brighton will be odds on to come down with Watford Bournmouth Burnley and Crystal Palace playing the game of who can get 10 wins in a season to stay up game ( the premiership is very boring actually) 

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4 minutes ago, PodgeyRam said:

Yeah, and think what he could do with Will Hughes. He needs a quick start in the league. A Pearsonesque starting line fall will see him out of a job by September. 

You really believe that? I mean, really believe It?

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4 minutes ago, PodgeyRam said:

Yeah, and think what he could do with Will Hughes. He needs a quick start in the league. A Pearsonesque starting line fall will see him out of a job by September. 

I'm in the acceptance stage - Powered through denial, anger, bargaining and depression yesterday

Actually quite amazing to see by the variety of posts where on the scale everyone else is

I fear for you that you may still be at denial? Do you want to talk about it? :(

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6 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

Bradley Johnson had to play a role hes never played before because nobody else in the squad was strong enough to play it. Early season when Hughes played central midfield in a 2 he was absolutely dreadful and proved he struggles with that. Hughes can only play in a 3 man midfield and in that it has to be in the advanced roles. Its no big loss as some people are making out.

A few things, Johnson has definitely played that role before see leeds away in the 15/16 season. And the problem wasn't Johnson's familiarity with the role, it was being able to reliably pass to a teammate.

Also regarding Hughes playing in a 442, everybody was poor during that time period because Pearson was playing a system that made zero tactical sense. I'd wager if you paired Hughes with somebody defensive minded in a team that played football he'd do well as one of a two in midfield.

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11 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

What makes it sting even more for me is really wasn't that long ago were we would beat them home and away, comfortably. 

Unfortunately we aren't a big club anymore, we are a second division side and have only spent one season in Prem in about 15 years? We have a good fan base and stadium but our team has been mediocre for a long time. 

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2 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

Also regarding Hughes playing in a 442, everybody was poor during that time period because Pearson was playing a system that made zero tactical sense. I'd wager if you paired Hughes with somebody defensive minded in a team that played football he'd do well as one of a two in midfield.

This. Pearson was basically playing 5-1-4, with Bryson dropping into the back, and 4 out and out attackers. Hughes was literally stood in the middle of the pitch on his own, with no one to pass to.  No one would have played well in that system, especially a player whose game is all about passing.  When Hughes played in a balanced 442 under Clough, he was fine.

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6 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

You really believe that? I mean, really believe It?

I do believe it. Pearson had the majority of fans asking him to go by September and I see no reason to see why a similar start by Rowett would be different. 

Getting rid of fan favourites tends to lower the amount of goodwill fans will give you. 

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Just now, rynny said:

I was going on you putting Guy and not guy :p

I did realise that Callum was part of my pun .

Seriously though Hughes will be a loss no doubt about it. 

I like Will Hughes and I will be sorry if he goes to Watford. 

What can I say.


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7 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

I'm in the acceptance stage - Powered through denial, anger, bargaining and depression yesterday

Actually quite amazing to see by the variety of posts where on the scale everyone else is

I fear for you that you may still be at denial? Do you want to talk about it? :(

I'm not in denial - I've accepted Hughes is going. 

I'm still in anger/depression. Never was one for the bargaining stage.

I'll be fine duck. Thanks for the offer though. :thumbsup:

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13 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

If the figure is £8 million I'm still unhappy with it. People moan that Hughes doesn't score enough, but we paid £8 million to Watford for a bloody striker who scored 3 the season before and who wouldn't have made their bench. 

There isn't a massive queue waiting to sign Ince either, but it doesn't mean we should just sell him to Huddersfield because they're the first team to come in for him. It's not even July yet, the window hasn't officially opened and Hughes is currently at a tournament that could massively boost his value if he gets a game or 2 and performs well in them.

How on earth does Hughes play a major role in the balance of the team being wrong? What a silly thing to say. He doesn't choose who to sign and who starts matches. Surely the balance of the team being all wrong is down to Mel appointing 5 or 6 different managers in the space of a few years, all who want to play their own way and all who want to bring in their own players.

Okay, intonation on an internet forum is not always easy, but you misunderstand. Will Hughes was a regular member of a squad that has not looked balanced for a long time, who is historically to blame for that is irrelevant, we're in the here and now. To the substantive point - How valuable Will is to Derby is largely based on how GR plans to use him and how important he is in that role. How valuable he is externally depends on, well, how much someone wants to pay for him. I think it's pretty obvious that Derby fans see that value higher than prospective purchasers.

I'm disappointed as well, that's perfectly understandable, just that in some that disappointment manifests itself in toy throwing of the highest order, that disappoints me far more.

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Just now, duncanjwitham said:

This. Pearson was basically playing 5-1-4, with Bryson dropping into the back, and 4 out and out attackers. Hughes was literally stood in the middle of the pitch on his own, with no one to pass to.  No one would have played well in that system, especially a player whose game is all about passing.  When Hughes played in a balanced 442 under Clough, he was fine.

Completely agree  (I'd give you a like but I'm all out haha). I've seen several people say player x can't play in formation y when it often has far more to do with the style of play and getting the right balance of players around them. 

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Just now, curtains said:

I did realise that Callum was part of my pun .

Seriously though Hughes will be a loss no doubt about it. 

I like Will Hughes and I will be sorry if he goes to Watford. 

What can I say.


Fair enough, trying to make jokes out of a situation that I am uneasy with.

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9 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

I'm in the acceptance stage - Powered through denial, anger, bargaining and depression yesterday

Actually quite amazing to see by the variety of posts where on the scale everyone else is

I fear for you that you may still be at denial? Do you want to talk about it? :(

Said you would feel better soon.

Have this as my wallpaper to remind me of how bad it could be :) 


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3 minutes ago, admira said:

Why are we making so much fuss about William Hughes anyway? He wasn't that great for us (one for our older readers).


Billy scored a lovely near post header for us - I can remember - against Sunderland I think - what 1978?

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Also quite amazing that he is happy going to such a small club as Watford? Once they get relegated again they will be nailed on to drop back to League one in a season or two.


He will have to get used to regularly playing before 10-15,000 fans..

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