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19 minutes ago, glyn1957 said:

If i was vydra i would tell the club to f@@k you after the way he has been treated by the manager and would tell my agent to start looking for a better set up than derby.



And I would tell him to shut his mouth and start earning his place in the team by virtue of actually playing well when he comes on. Tonight sounds like a step in the right direction.

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Just now, PistoldPete2 said:

How many goals did he score? 

Were you at the game tonight? I was. Vydra was fantastic. IMO, his best performance in a Derby shirt. He offered a lot when he came on. Strikers shouldn't be, and aren't just measured on goals. He should have had an assist, should Ince have finished his chance. 

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8 minutes ago, Andicis said:

Were you at the game tonight? I was. Vydra was fantastic. IMO, his best performance in a Derby shirt. He offered a lot when he came on. Strikers shouldn't be, and aren't just measured on goals. He should have had an assist, should Ince have finished his chance. 

^^ true story (I was there also and agree hence true story).

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2 hours ago, RamNut said:

So why doesn't schteve pick him?



(he has always looked decent imo - i don't get the negativity)

Because he can't play in a 433, and schteve refuses to play anything different, despite the fact it's clear that without Martin and Thorne a 4231 holds more balance

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5 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Because he can't play in a 433, and schteve refuses to play anything different, despite the fact it's clear that without Martin and Thorne a 4231 holds more balance

Steve has to do something. Surely a great coach can play more than one way.

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Well with 10-15 to go last night Vydra and Camara came on.... 4-4-2 with Ince and Nugent down the middle with Vydra and Camara on each wing. We look far more threatening and direct IMO. Granted we were chasing the game at that point, but proved we can play that way. To be fair we had Carson taking throw ins as well so was a bit of a mad last ten. Steve Mac surely has to play 2 up top - especially as home.... 4-3-3 has been found out and centre backs just mop up the loan striker when we play that way.

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To an extent, the pressure is off now. A mid table finish is assured. Now is the time to look to something different to the predictable 4-3-3 that hasn't gained success. Mac really needs to be playing Vydra and Nugent, to experiment with the system as well as evaluating individuals. 

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On 14/02/2017 at 18:29, EnigmaRam said:

Think he needs a run in the under 23 side as a wide forward on the left to try and get used to that position and hopefully get some goals to boost his confidence. Would also improve his fitness and if he doesn't look good there then there's not much hope in the formation we play 

Exactly this. I don't understand why our struggling wide forwards,  Vydra, Anya, Camara, Blackman (when fit) hasn't had a single game in the u23s to gain confidence a d practice the formation in a real game situation. 

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1 hour ago, Redcar said:

Well  4-3-3 has been found out and centre backs just mop up the loan striker when we play that way.

No, Fulham have mopped up the loan striker! (Nice typo.) ;)

I also thought Vydra played very well last night. Start him and Nugent on Saturday , Nugent ran his socks off and brings a lot extra to our play. Pity Butterfield wasn't in the team to take advantage of some of his lay offs. Bradley a bit rusty and Will wasn't at the races.

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8 hours ago, Redcar said:

Vydra looked good tonight as said. Even though Ince got put in the middle with Nugent. Vydra / Nugent front two for me with Ince on a wing with Camara on t'uther. Simple.


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Just now, DerbyRam! said:

Oh hang on so now everyone isn't hating on Vydra anymore?


I thought he was the worst buy ever for this club a week ago??....

He was.........but he's been overtaken by ten others.

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You can feel free to disagree with me on this but I would actually like to see a front line of



                     Vydra         Nugent/Martin

Weimann                                                      Ince


Weimann put in the work to go up and down and not give up. Vydra has the skill/the runs, Nugent/Martin drop deeper and link up the play. And well everyone here seems to love Ince, do I need to say more?

If anything can't be any worse than out what we've been experiencing lately :D. Russell could switch with Weimann/injuiry or form. New player to challenge Ince spot and a new young hungry striker on the bench to replace one of the front two if needed. Easy switch to a 4-3-3 and a good plan B.

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6 minutes ago, DerbyRam! said:

You can feel free to disagree with me on this but I would actually like to see a front line of



                     Vydra         Nugent/Martin

Weimann                                                      Ince


Weimann put in the work to go up and down and not give up. Vydra has the skill/the runs, Nugent/Martin drop deeper and link up the play. And well everyone here seems to love Ince, do I need to say more?

If anything can't be any worse than out what we've been experiencing lately :D. Russell could switch with Weimann/injuiry or form. New player to challenge Ince spot and a new young hungry striker on the bench to replace one of the front two if needed. Easy switch to a 4-3-3 and a good plan B.

That formation is just going to get completely and utterly overrun in midfield with the squad we have.  It's exactly what Pearson was trying to do, and it will have exactly the same results.  If we're going to play that way, we need to entirely replace the back 4 and midfield, to set them up to sit deep and soak up pressure and then hit teams on the break.  

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1 hour ago, tomsdubs said:

Formation change with 2 up top Saturday for me. Nugent coming deep with Vydra going in behind. Go for goals, every player that goes back when a forward direct early ball was possible to fined a grand.

Yep why not? Also gives Vydra a run of games to either prove his ability or confirm the lack of it. No brainer.

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