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Henri Lansbury - Signed for Aston Villa

DcFc Dyycheee

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3 hours ago, KBB said:

Jesus wept there's some drama queens on this thread.

The Waambulance has been on standby most of the evening.

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2 hours ago, irobinson said:

All gone quiet  - I reckon he's ours - done on the quiet, Mel sorted it - £3.5m - in before noon tomoz  - playing Saturday with  de de de Sat in the middle




No chance, if that happens I will quite literally eat my woolly derby scarf

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11 hours ago, irobinson said:

All gone quiet  - I reckon he's ours - done on the quiet, Mel sorted it - £3.5m - in before noon tomoz  - playing Saturday with  de de de Sat in the middle

IF this turns out to be true I will de-activate my twitter account...

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Our bid will have been an initial bid to establish the price. If we had gone in at 4 million, they would have rejected that on the assumption that we would still come back with more. IF Villa have bid 3 million, they will have done so on the basis that it is a bit more than our 2.5. I'm not even sure Villa have bid or if anyone else has bid. Its pretty obvious that Forest want to try to get an auction going. Never mind the bookies they are an absolute irrelevance at the moment. Rush, with Mel's money behind him, will be monitoring the situation, talking to Lansbury's agent, talking to Forest and feeling out how much higher he needs to go. I am sure we can go a lot higher if we need to, but the aim of the exercise of course is to pay as little as possible.  Cat and Mouse.    

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7 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

This is an even bigger incentive than @David saying he'd do a strip-tease...


I mean streak... He said streak... Not strip-tease...


People would pay good money to see my body if they knew I was open to offers, you don't think I would throw a freebie out there if I wasn't confident we won't sign Lansbury do you?

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